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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. TBK's had good motives but lacked any substance by the looks of it. They certainly talked plenty and Kennedy doesn't appear to have made much difference to them.
  2. Craigy1881

    UEFA ban

    Yeah i noticed him bumping his gums about this yesterday although I thought he was just trying to get it confirmed. Something to do with UEFA still frowning upon a CVA minimising your debts.
  3. Appeal is next week Wednesday 16th May. let's hope it gets reduced. Panel Will be heard by Lord Carloway, Craig Cowan & Allan Cowan
  4. Remember the days we used to just talk about football matches, transfers, players crap form, team selections etc. I long for those days to come back soon, all this takeover will it won't it is bloody exhausting. I wake up in the mornings and check twitter straight for updates to see what has happened. Not good for our health I tell you.
  5. BBC saying he has agreed to sell them to a bidder and a deal needs to be done this weekend, straight from the scumbag whyte himself. Not read much more yet though.
  6. Whilst I agree with this surely you can't agree with his methods posted above? He must have known that a fair selection of people would abuse those contact details and not use them in a manner which he has suggested. I don't believe for one second that this had any factor in BM pulling out, I think that comment yesterday was a nice we jibe at those who have contested his take over methods vocally.
  7. Dunno man I wouldn't recommend wiping your arse with that paper, will be left red raw. Don't believe a second of anything I read in papers just now and I most certainly don't believe a word that comes out of the mouths of D&P's. I just hope that one day we wake up and we are on the road to recovery safe in the knowledge that Rangers Football Club has a future. I am so fed up with the BS stories and guessing games in the media. Draining the life out of me I think.
  8. bunch of clowns put in by craig whyte to sort this mess out. best thing that could have happened would have been a court appointed administrator regardless of how ruthless they may have been. Time is running out clowns, get your finger out and earn your bloody money.
  9. I have no problems with that and would think we would look to honour our footballing debts. I think you're right though they will have shat it big time.
  10. I agree with Brianb on that last point. I for one and hoping he is the real deal but with what we have had to put up with in the past 12 months nobody can blame any fans for showing concern especially when we have no idea why he is interested in Rangers. Been mentioned plenty by Frankie and others than there are still so many questions to be asked. I guess we just need to show a little faith but having had your fingers burnt previously that is not easy for some people.
  11. I don't believe he will be merging anything, I can't see anything but liquidation of the oldco personally. However by the time it gets around to doing this the newco will be well into the new season and I am sure the hope will be nobody will be to bothered when it does happen as rangers will be progressing nicely under the newco. Paul Clark said yesterday it will most likely still take months to sort out a deal with the creditors, this is a gradual step toward just ditching the oldco.
  12. I don't believe for a second that clown offered to pay them back £2 million a season. Never heard anything from HMRC to back up those claims. Rangers had no money to pay them back £2 million a year. Was blowing hot air as per usual while racking up another debt to HMRC but not handing over the PAYE.
  13. This needs to be the way forward, it might result in a weakened first team and relying more on youth but it's the way the club needs to operate going forward. I also don't buy this panic for lack of European football. Sure it would be beneficial but we should be at least cutting even without European football and any income received from this should be regarded as a bonus. Dangerous game to play if we are relying on this as a source of income. I will quite happily support the growth of home grown talent and boosting the squad with the odd experienced player to help steer the ship (Bocanegra) who doesn't break the bank. I do think we need to end the days of just signing any old jonny foreigner (Bedoya's, McKay's etc) when there is potentially a replacement in our youth squad. Paying wages to these players who are not contributing needs to stop.
  14. i don't trust any of them and won't until they show me something worth trusting them of. However he is the only one at the table so has my backing for now, time will tell for me.
  15. Worth a listen, covers off how they can sell the assets without Whyte's permission etc http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/17943429
  16. Remains to be seen if he can actually pull all this off. I pray to god it all works out.
  17. Some more information about Bill Miller and the SPL, interesting to see how that pans out. Seems strange though.
  18. I think just getting the creditors to agree to taking the money in the pot from just the one company while the assets are still there (Possibilty of extra cash). Whereas Bill is sticking all the rangers assets into his newco so the creditors can't get their hands on them. In turn saying to them, 11 million is all there is take it it's all you're getting. I could be wrong but that is my take on things, if someone could educate me different that would be good
  19. not really no, we can't afford to keep our squad together so staff cuts would be huge leaving us with not much to work with. We need some sort of action asap so we can see what we can keep staff wise.
  20. I like it, looks smart. Like how the tennent logo is small.
  21. This can only be good for us as fans as well. I mean for providing more clarity on the issues. I know it won't change the situation we find ourselves in but if there is anything questionable going on with regards to the sale of the club to Craig Whyte I want to know about it.
  22. Am I the only one confused by this, was it not only just Friday past that D&P's said that the Miller bid was the only one that could be accepted and now both bids fall short. What the hell is going on :-S
  23. Well I certainly hope you are right. We all could do with some decent news.
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