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Everything posted by laudrup11

  1. Not nice to hear hopefully he'll make a full recovery for sake of him and his family.
  2. I voted for Allan McGregor, I just felt he came up withthe goods when it mattered most. Steven Naismith and Kenny Miller before his departure would have been right up there with him.
  3. I wouldn't want McFadden at Ibrox I have always thought he was decent player but very over-rated by the media here just don't think he would fit in with our team just now strikes me as a bit of a luxury player
  4. IMHO Weiss is a typical winger who blows hot and cold in saying that I would still sign him in a heartbeat as when he was on his game he was dynamite like at Fir Park when we won 4-1 i think and his quick thinking in LC Final for goal was immense I couldn't see any of our other players playing ball through that early
  5. no mate not sure where he is but think it might be Sheffield Wednesday think he only left in January window as well
  6. I've heard that we are trying to get Mark Reynolds I hope it is another rubbish rumour as I don't think he is anywhere near good enough for us
  7. agree with this and I would suspect more inept performances from Calum Murray and Craig Thomson when officiating our games in terms of our teams expectations I'd like to see us go for treble but would happily settle for 4 in a row just now and a couple of signings that will get fans excited
  8. The big mans main problem is with his inconsistency One week he is brilliant like at Rugby Park then can be non exisitant for next 3 or 4 games. Personally I would keep him but think it all depends on who Ally brings into play beside Jelavic if we get Goodwillie I can see Jelavic / Goodwillie front pairing.
  9. Glad Sasa has signed new deal but strongly believe we will land A left back alot of talk about Lee Wallace just now and have heard Paul Dixon from Utd being mentioned for left back position have heard that we are interested in Julien Faubert also but tbh haven't been overly impressed with him whilst he's been at West Ham
  10. IMHO we hit our best form of season when Davis rediscovered his. again though it's just my opinion but I feel in Steven Davis we have a player who loves being at the club and thrives on playing beside better players the turn around in our season for me was League Cup Final and the two main players since then out with McGregor have been Davis and Jelavic both have linked up superbly
  11. Hartson is another newspaper columnist who spouts utter drivel, to appease the great unwashed masses. I wonder if the Fat welshman will be touting his own arse for the job at the piggery if/when it becomes available again
  12. My sentiments exactly Mr Whyte make signing McGregor for life a priority and whilst your there give Davis a similar deal.
  13. Kilmarnock 0 Rangers 5 Jelavic (3) Lafferty, Healy I think we will score within first 10 mins and settle down and play as we have been recently.
  14. I'm going to say 4-0 to the Champions Jelavic (2) Davis, Naismith
  15. I think people realised this along time ago that it was a case of "the bhoy that cried wolf" scenario but have chose to ignore this as it hasn't suited their agenda's Which were clearly to blacken our clubs name..! Perhaps now that we have a new man in charge and hopefully a board that won't stand for this, we will see some reporters changing tact on way whole story is portrayed.
  16. Steve Davis was my MOTM on Saturday he is hitting top form at just right time for us. wee special mention to Alan McGregor as well he pulled another top save off when it was still 1-0 and from resulting throw out we went up park and scored second.
  17. If I were to ask that I'd get the blank expression that is normally found on his coupon now. so I guess you could say he Is mentally subnormal..!
  18. I'll hazard a guess that it won't be mentioned again much like the greek trannies knee to McGregors head and the baldy Swede's kick at Goodwillie the other week.
  19. This is what I meant by him becoming a Blinkered Moron..!! I asked him what he felt would happen to them without us. you are almost spot on with your guess. his answer was " we would be invited down to EPL to play because everyone knows the EPL chairman voted against having Rangers join not Celtic." as hard as that is to believe he does actually believe that to be the case..!
  20. couldn't agree more mate I have worked with this Guy now for best part of 3 years and to begin with he was reasonable minded and seen things for how they are. however he moved his seat at the Phiggery this year to GB section and since then there is just no talking to him, he takes everything the so called Guru says as Gospel. It really is funny but at same time alarming how an intelligent guy can be brainwashed so quickly into becoming a blinkered moron.
  21. I would take him back next season provided he accepted a reasonable wage and was prepared to be a good Squad player as I don't think he would be an automatic first pick
  22. Just Received this from a tim in work. for months he has been going on about some sort of CM Guru knowing everything and being spot on about Takeover and HMRC case. found it quite funny to see how evident their pain is. "The Guru - Let's get very clear here... Rangers FC will bear ALL of the tax case. Shareholders are not responsible for the liabilities of a limited company. So Whyte will not have to pay anything personally. So despite the soothing words issued by the Hun media, Whyte now has GBP18m at stake in Rangers... and stage 2 of the liquidation strategy will be to flip all of that GBP18m "investment" as debt on Rangers books (similar to the Glazers). So his "equity" (or the value of his shares will remain ridiculously low), but Rangers FC will owe Whyte and his backers GBP18m. They will make sure that they have security interests on that GBP18m debt (in fact- they have probably purchased the debt directly from Lloyds... so there can be no claims of having tried to hide assets from the tax man). MIH receives GBP1 (and FYI... Sir Davie will not see even a penny of that!) And Whyte (or a company he will have formed) will own the shares. (They have to offer the same price per share to every shareholder!) So, expect Whyte to sell as many players as possible this summer. The cash will leave Ibrox asap. (He will pay off his own and his backers initial investments). So when HMRC hit, the only sellable assets left will be Ibrox and Murray Park. (And even they are highly debatable and will take a long time to develop... years before money is made on them). If a new club forms and wants to have Ibrox back, he could sell for GBP10-20m... which would be a fraction of the cost of rebuilding. Of worst case, he redevelops the sites in a few years and pockets a few million profit from the whole deal. "
  23. I know he was linked in with Dave King bid a while back mate Just saying why has it taken him so long to come up with anything else, it just seems that he has seen that Craig Whyte is genuine ( in terms of buying club) and now decided to counter it
  24. I feel our best option at moment is to go with Craig Whytes proposal. By doing this Surely Rangers free of MIH and LBG would be a more attractive proposition to any other interested parties out there if there is any. A fresh start is what is needed throughout the club. changes to playing staff are required and certainly in the boardroom. I don't know too much about either Craig Whyte or Paul Murray but my opinion is if Paul Murray was a serious contender to takeover Rangers how could he have sat back and watch us get into this mess in first place. Why not come up with a consortium years back and buyout SDM
  25. Losing Edu and Papac along with Bougherra we could cope with if we had money to replace them but with all uncertainty surrounding takeover still I dread to think what will happen if the three of them go without a takeover. McCoist must be dreading the close season just now.! the people in charge of our great club need to get their fingers out and Give Ally a fair chance of making a go of it.
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