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Posts posted by laudrup11

  1. Voted for Brian Kennedy from the poll


    would need to know more on American interest to decide on them, Blue Knights I feel are doing it for all the right reasons but don't inspire me with confidence that they could take the club forward.

  2. I believe it means that he can't replace them with other adminiostroros but not sure that it means anything else.


    Cheers BD


    wasn't sure on exact implications of this

    just thought with taking that action and talk of seizing his shares this would go some way to ensuring a quick or a smoother sale of club

  3. Anger in the way the Club has been run to the brink of ruin, anger aimed at Whyte but equally David Murray who seems to get an easy time of it especially in the gutter press (not on this forum)


    Slightly Optimistic for Future, I feel we are nearing an end to all of this and one which will see us move on from this bleak time

  4. I'd like to see Fan involvement in process as well but think as DB says above we need to get out of this mess first and then hopefully get a representative on board


    McColl was linked with RST bid last year and think he'd be open to the idea and I also feel the Blue Knights would be open to it as well, any new owner needs to look at involving support as much as possible it's best way forward for our club imo.

  5. Would much rather see Jim McColl OBE gain control of club his bid I am led to believe went in last week to avoid redundancies and was told it wouldn't be considered until 16th.


    Blue knights are undoubtedly Rangers men but would they be able to take us forward long term ?

  6. Murray said: “From my point of view, as a bidder, I want the squad to stay intact. That’s my starting point.



    yesterday i was told 3 official bids had been made for the club despite the administrators insisting no offers where on table yet.


    has Paul Murray just confirmed he has bid for club with his statement

  7. Gary Withey has now left his post at Collyer and Bristow.!


    Hopefully due to the complaints received about him but no doubt will be a PR exercise and making them out to be doing all they can to assist administrators.

  8. I think the players and management will come to some sort of arrangement where they will be able to all stay with exception maybe being Kyle Bartley because of his loan agreement


    either by High earners such as Davis, McGregor,Naismith, Whittaker and co defering wages or taking a huge reduction.

    I just can't see how our squad would cope with more reductions we are already struggling as it is


    Well thats how I hope it pans out until we see a change in circumstances off the field

  9. Murray brought us to the edge Whyte gave us the shove, whether that shove was needed is another arguement.


    Agree with GA here


    SDM took us to the brink and Whyte has led us over edge but ultimately it might have been what we needed (Not ideal situation I know)

    time will tell on Craig Whytes roll in this sorry state of affairs but just now i feel SDM has to take the majority if not all of the blame for getting us into the mess we are in.

  10. Watch what happens with every guy who expresses an interest the Mhanky media will get tore in looking for any misdemeanour in their past to hang them with they don't want us sold they want us gone.


    This is the exact reason I feel the new owner of Rangers will go about his business quietly and only go public when deal is complete.

  11. Well that post has certainly put the frighteners on me, However.


    I'm not doubting the word of the OP from FF (who would not question anything that guy Whyte is capable of) but it's all coming together a little bit to neat for P Murray for me. Whyte was brought in to do the exact job he has done by D Murray, Whyte brief was to get rid of HMRC and all potential liabilities and debt, clear out the old regime, so no guilt by association to Whyte could be established post Administration, apart fro Bain whom i actually believe whyte had a personal dislike for. Take us then into administration and and come out the other side, restructured and debt free ready for new buyers. Low and behold look who is in the driving seat? i'm sorry i'm not buying into this P Murray the new and latest only show in town just yet.


    I agree with you on this mate


    no one knows who to trust as things are still unclear and too confusing to fully appreciate what Plans if any Whyte has.!


    Sccgers is a good poster on FF and puts up alot of good info but he himself has said Paul Murray has told him a few things and warned him of stuff all may be true but also possible that Paul Murray is trying to gain support on forums for his own agenda and possible bid to get club.

  12. Not suggesting we should sign him or anything like it


    Craig Beattie has been sounded out about short term deal


    I know Craig personally and work with his cousin who is in daily contact with him but I don't feel he would be the answer and hope nothing comes of it

  13. It's a bit unfair to judge Celik at this stage

    he has played at most 70 minuntes for us in his two appearances and hasn't played much in last few months


    I think it will take the boy time to settle in and adapt to our game whether he gets that time or not is another matter I just hope he doesn't end up frozen out like McKay or Bedoya

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