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Posts posted by Darthter

  1. 20 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    I agree. Appears a no brainer but we have so many similar players on the books already. 


    We also need to be recruiting more goal scoring midfielders. Our midfield often just doesn’t have goals in it. There will always be games when your strikers need bailed out by a long shot from midfield or a free kick specialist or a big man with a header. McGeoch didn’t score in 42 games last season. 

    Scoring goals ain't one our main problems - we DID score the most goals in the league last season!!!  The flip side being 6 teams conceded less goals than us - Ceptic conceding exactly 1/2 of what we did.

    We need to maintain the scoring record, but tighten up at the back considerably.  IF we do that, the league title could be possible.

  2. 35 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    SPFL Radar haven't made a graph on him but they've commented that they think what McGinn does is harder than what McGeoch does and McGinn makes McGeoch to look better. Have to say that's my impression of McGeoch, he does the basics well (keeping possession etc) but he's never stood out in the way that McGinn often does.

    For me, that has been one of our on-going issues....too often we have failed to do the basics.

    One of our best players over the years was Sasa Papac (IMHO)...never flamboyant or ever really stood out, but simply did his job well & kept it simple.

  3. 46 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    I'm hoping the pace picks up after today though don't want anything rushed.  But the reality is we have a crucial Europa league qualifying tie just 6 weeks from today.

    I can't really see mass changes for the next couple of weeks - depending on the amount of contact etc SG has had with the squad till now.

    The new manager will want to get an eyes-on view of the players in order to get a feel for their attitudes etc, before any wholesale changes.  I would think, the next few days will be getting to know the place, getting his stationary sorted for his desk & maybe speaking to coaching, analysis, Scouting staff, in order to build up a full picture of the current players.

  4. 22 minutes ago, pete said:
    Surely he is not looking for a pay off.:eek2:
    He should be giving us last years wages back.

    If other clubs are interested...they can pay up for him!!!

  5. 25 minutes ago, Dave M609 said:

    The thing I find odd about the last week is the silence from all the other clubs, its deafening, are they happy to continue with the status quo, are they to scared to speak up, who knows, I thought there might have been more calls for a review if after the info that has came out. If it was the other way about I'm sure everyone would be all over it.

    I think the main thing is that the other clubs are not the main focus of the SFA/SPFL.....we have been hit with various investigations & charges.  A number of recent issues raised should bring those things back into focus & highlight that their may indeed be an organised or concerted effort by those in charge to damage our club.


    Funny how the term "Sporting integrity" has slipped from many folks vocabularies.....

  6. I think now is the ideal time for these kind of actions from the club/board....


    There is A LOT of positive stuff about us in the media at the moment - our PR stock is riding pretty high due to SG starting.  Media outlets outwith Scotland are watching very closely what happens at Ibrox....so to start releasing statements like DK's recent ones, brings the whole situation to the attention of a much wider audience & therefore more focus on the SFA/SPFL etc.  The main focal points of these statements also know of the increased media focus & it then becomes more difficult to hide away from the story.


    Very good timing IMHO.....

  7. While, it is true that the Academy is producing decent players through it's ranks....the main question from the outside world is "How many 1st team players has it produced in recent years?".  The answer to which is "Not many".

    Ross McCrory is the only recent graduate that I can think of, that is a regular 1st team player.  Young players like David Bates have only spent a short period with the academy before moving into the 1st team.


    Across the city (which is used as the yard stick), they currently have both Tierney & McGregor as 1st team regulars, plus I believe another couple who have had a few appearances.


    Whilst there are mitigating factors, criticism of the Academy has been fairly regular over the years - much of it coming from our own support!!!


    To many folk, success is measured by the number of young players who progress through to be 1st team regulars.  Billy Gilmour could go on to be a massive talent, but the plaudits won't go to the RFC academy, but to the likes of Chelsea.

  8. One part that the article didn't really touch on is that while there are are few youths who have made it to the 1st team squad, there aren't many who are getting regular game time.  That aspect could be seen as a failing.

    It is counter-acted by the fact that they mention several very promising players who are coming through & could well be knocking on the 1st team door in the near future.


    I definitely think it's unfair to say that the academy is "failing"....under-performing in recent years is maybe more accurate....but you also have to factor in the the Managers player preferences - some are hell-bent on bringing youths into the 1st team, some prefer to buy players in.

  9. 1 minute ago, Unicorn said:

    I’ve heard dj defend us plenty of times on Clyde.


    I think some seem to expect him to shout down any and all criticism of Rangers no matter how justified it is.  Any less than that then he’s apparently in dereliction of duty and his exploits as a player forever tarnished.  


    I cant get my head around that at all.

    You have to remember that until recently, he wasn't an employee of the club....he is now.

    I have also heard, on occasion, when he has gone against the rest & spoken positively about us, but for the most part he assumes the "devils advocate" role.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Considering he's been doing just that for years, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    no doubt that he has...but being an Official Ambassador of the club now, should change that.  What good is an Ambassador, if they don't portray the club in the best light possible at every opportunity.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the Club approached DJ, specifically because of his slot on Clyde SSB.

  11. 13 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'm pretty sure Hummel will give junior teams very basic template strips, so I wouldn't be too concerned about that.


    The Hummel strips are usually quite plain with arrows down the sides or sleeves.  

    I'm pretty sure that teams like Auchinleck will not be "sponsored" by kit manufacturers.....They may not even get them directly from the manufacturer.  Looking at Google Images, it shows they have had a few different strip manufacturers in recent years - inc Puma.

  12. The whole situation in the media is making me laugh....

    Seen headlines like "Ranger incite allocation battle with Celtic"...."Ticket allocation debacle"....."Are Rangers right to cut Celtic allocation at Ibrox".  Along side discussion over the wider effect that it will have on Scottish football.


    All Rangers have done is put their fans 1st.....it's not as if it hasn't happened with other clubs....oh wait: http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/13201585.No_more_tickets_for_Aberdeen_as_Celtic_put_own_fans_first/

  13. On SSB, DJ tends to try & be the voice of reason, and an unbiased view.  However, being an official ambassador for the club changes that - he can no long be impartial in matters regarding Rangers.  I'd imagine it will be part of his Ambassadorial duties to represent the club, promote it's worth & speak out against uthruths ie. protect the clubs reputation - you simply can't do that by being impartial.

    They are not slow in looking to Mark Wilson in order to get a Ceptic view point on things....

  14. 10 hours ago, pete said:

    If he is using a platform to promote anti-Rangers messages then he should be called out whether he has mental issues or not. rangers are not the cause or remedy of his mental issues.

    Oh, I'm sure one of our fine mhedia representatives could find a link....;)

  15. 44 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    I never understood why England had a white, red and blue strip? It was obviously to pay homage to the Union Flag, which is not their flag.

    Quite simply...many English people are unable to differentiate between England & the UK.

    Google "England flag" & check the images....

  16. 18 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Did Rangers as a club officially endorse the No campaign? If so, I find that puzzling. And that would be the same if they endorsed the Yes vote.

    I believed certain individuals within the club offered their opinion....many take that as the steadfast view of the Club.  Others see it as an individuals view point.

  17. 5 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Why limit ourselves to south of the border? On top of that, the Union Flag means nothing to a lot of people in England

    I would say that to a helluva lot of people down south, the Union flag = England flag.  

    Here's a wee test - do a google search for "England flag", then click on Images....a very high return of Union flags.  Now do the same for "Scotland Flag"...virtually no Union flags.


    Best just leaving all flags off the shirt....

  18. [Tin hat on...]


    Why the Union flag...when Rangers are a Scottish club, in the Scottish league, playing under the Scottish Association....IF any flag should appear on our strip it should be a Scotland flag.  There is no UK football association to represent - We play abroad under a Scottish banner.


    Safest bet is no flag at all....The RFC crest is heavy enough for the players!!!


    [...think I'll keep the tin hat on for now...;) ]

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