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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. My sentiments exactly!!!! A consortium could run the club as poorly as any one man!!! The key is to have the right person @ the helm, along with the right folk in the Boardroom.
  2. Edu was also 22 when he signed...again not a youth!!! McGregor was 16 Little was 17 Perry was 16 Little & Perry can't be described as 1st team regulars (yet...).....so that leaves Greegs - 1 out of 11...definitely not 80%
  3. ...but it's a lot better than our percentage!!! How many players from the Rangers youth setup get a regular 1st team game???
  4. if he's worth £3000 million...would he REALLY miss £50m to buy the club, followed by £20-£30m per season????
  5. I don't think it fair not to offer then any tickets....a maximum of 5 should be enough methinks!!!
  6. They need to have a clear understanding of the current club situation.....that will depend on how Mr Whyte has left things. If they are having to track down multiple bank accounts & various missing millions, coupled with the alleged lack of co-operation from Whyte's lawyers, is it really any wonder they appear to be slow in announcing job cuts etc....
  7. Not 100% convinced about the other points, but this I do believe!!! I believe his plan was to come in, run the club into the ground, then either clear the debt through a phoenix club or get it reduced/under control via administration. This makes the club a lot more viable to potential buyers.
  8. The problem is that the 1st team don't rely on the youth scheme to support the squad. If there is a shortage of players, the tendency is to buy in - this comes from the management & the fans!!! Feyenoord have stopped this, and are now totally relying on whatever the youth scheme produces - if its mince, then the 1st team is mince. I would really like to see Rangers adopt this approach a lot more!!!
  9. not gonna pretend to completely understand all that...but pretty interesting reading none the less!!!!
  10. Read that in the DR this morning.... The key things is - invest in the youth & you will be rewarded!!!
  11. He certainly appeared in several of Willie Vass' training photos from today!!!!
  12. Could see Boca @ LB, Broadfoot @ RB and Goian/Perry in the middle.
  13. This is very true.....however, WS was pointing out that when SDM ran up £85m in debt, the FANS could clearly see where & how that debt had been run up (and how many complained at the time???). Where as now....we don't even know the total figure of the debts incurred by Mr Whyte, never mind how & where they have been run up!!!
  14. I have heard that previously as well... However with the recent reports of possible illegal dealings etc, I am starting to find the whole Patsy theory a bit far fetched.
  15. McIntyre & Bain were probably doing things right.....which was "irregular" compared to Whyte's way of doing things.....
  16. I must admit to being VERY surprised at the way the poll is standing just now. Looks like I'm the only one who blames Whyte!!! While I believe Murray took us to the edge, at the time it looked like the Big Tax case was the thing that was going to push us over. The bank debt was reducing, and bill were being paid. While new players were scarce, we did still sign a couple, Jelavic being the obvious biggie. SDM was never squeaky clean, but as far as I'm aware, he never lied to the support. Things were relatively stable. Along comes Mr Craig Whyte, promising £5m investment in the 1st team per year with the possibility of front loading that if required. Promises of further investment in the general running of the club & various improvements through out the stadium. Granted the stadium improvement have been done - with talk of a lot of it being subsidised by 3rd parties, but done none the less. There was several new faces added to the squad, and several removed - only 3 of those new acquisitions are regular players - yet there is still debate over whether there was £5m investment. Some folks figures point to a much lower figure. We have also had constant court battles with various parties over various unpaid monies. Then 9 months after he takes over a seemingly stable ship...it sinks. Revelations come out that he hasn't payed various taxes etc which were the main reasons for administration. Several other reports concerning how he actually financed the take over in the 1st place, and concerns over how sums of money have been moved around since he took over. Also ongoing investigation regarding illegal practices etc. SDM's actions may have taken us to the edge, but sign were we weren't going any further. No only did Whyte take us over the edge.....he took a bloody great run & jump!!!! Therefore, in summation I find Mr C Whyte guilty of putting the club in its current situation!!!
  17. That's a good point.....did he pay SDM with his own £1 - probably borrowed it from someone!!!!
  18. They can handle the massive debt, due to having massive income (mainly from Sky as you say)...it's all relative.
  19. but were we not edging slowly away from that ledge??? Time will tell if the events of the past 9 months have been for the overall benefit of the club....
  20. My view is that the club was reasonably stable before Whyte came along. Granted it wasn't in great shape, but they were at least paying their bills & tax obligations etc. Money was tight, but the debt was coming down slowly. Whyte comes in, and 9 months later the club is fighting to stay afloat, and he appears to be borrowing money left, right & centre to keep things running. The big concern for the previous setup was the Tax case.....at the moment, nothing has changed with it - its still there!!! The administrators have confirmed that it was HMRC debt run up since Whyte took over that brought in administration.....
  21. Who do you feel is ultimately responsible for the situation that the club is now in???
  22. Definitely agree there....If Whyte hadn't constantly denied using the ticket money to fund the takeover, I think folk wouldn't be quite as angry. One important thing though....While Liverpool & Man Utd were purchased using a similar model, neither have been put into administration in less than a year!!! If Whyte had done what he's done, and as a result stabilized the club financially, it would have been seen as a good move by the vast majority of the fans....but that ain't the case unfortunately.
  23. He's stated that he offered to pay it back....the real question is - Why wasn't it paid in the 1st place??? I don't believe the previous board/setup/regime had any problems paying PAYE & NI, so why all of a sudden did Mr Whyte??
  24. I find it really disappointing that "established", yet aging players are still regularly played. Even though they have been on the decline for years. Then you get 2 or 3 younger players, with pretty decent reputations coming in, playing a handful of games, then straight out the door - probably at a loss. The aging players have no resale value, so no money to be made from sales. All in it looks like we may ditch a few players, yet still make an overall loss on them. Bedoya is a very strange case IMHO....we fought tooth & nail to get him early, then don't play him. McKay arrived with glowing recommendations from "Rangers" men - ex players - yet only makes 3 1st team appearances. Ortiz made more appearances than the other 2 put together, yet failed to shine....goes back to Spain and by all accounts is on fire. However, they now appear to be gone...no point crying over spilt milk....
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