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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. Hopefully, the administrators will get that all sorted!!! I reckon, we should appoint the 2 Administrators as joint chairmen after everything is sorted!!!
  2. According to Rangers website, a fee has been agreed for McKay - What ya bet is less than we paid for him!!!!
  3. Money....and the fact he doesn't have enough of it to run his businesses!!!
  4. I'm always a very positive type of guy...always try to see the best side of things. However, I am really struggling when it comes to Mr Whyte. The more information that is revealed, the worse it gets. It is now completely apparent that he is an out & out liar - even he can't deny that now, but I'm sure he would try. the financial situation at the club before he took over, wasn't great but they were at least paying their bills & reasonably stable - the only real uncertainty being the Big Tax case. All of a sudden, there is no money, bills aren't being paid, everything is being sold/auctioned off, players are being released, the debt has increased (albeit to someone else), the club is in administration.....and the Big tax case is still the same - unknown!!! How can it all go so horribly wrong in such a short period of time. Has CW just been in over his head??? Is he a crook??? is he a conman??? Is he just really shite at what he does???
  5. I think it highlights how they guy does business. Not read the full article yet, but I get the impression it was paid into Prichards account, probably as a short term stop gap for them, then the plan would have been to transfer on to Rangers (looking at it optimistically). However, his cunning plan was foiled when Prichards assets/accounts were frozen. He is now unable to transfer it on to Rangers. He basically moves money from one company to another in order to cover short term requirements.
  6. That's what's confusing me. If he was able to show proof of £33m in November, why did he have to borrow £20m+ come April/May. In his statement he appears to answer a lot of questions without giving any real information IMHO. He's also calling HMRC & The administrators liars!!!
  7. according to reports, several of which he has recently resigned from....
  8. It's all very well saying that....but the evidence on the pitch, blows it oot the water IMHO. The recent Dunfermline game (I think) is a case in point.....constant long balls got know where, as soon as they got it on the deck and passed it - goal. Variation is the key - makes it difficult for the opposition to plan. I have no doubt McCoist is well aware of this, but neither he or the players are showing it on the park, where it counts
  9. wee snipet in the DR... If you look at the current SPL table, top 4 in reverse order, the truth will be revealed: Celtic Rangers Motherwell Hearts
  10. When, where? As far as I was aware, they are still looking into that? During the Q&A session after their first press conference on the 16th. The question about the Ticketus money was asked - they replied that at that stage they believed it to have been deposited into the parent companies account, but they didn't have visibility of that account. The confirmed that it had NOT been paid into the club's account.
  11. From all accounts he IS good enough. From memory, he looked ok in the 3 appearances he made, and the reports from various bounce games always seemed favourable. Considering the dross that appeared in the 1st team ahead of him....how bad would he need to be??? I think its simply another "Jordan McMillan" scenario. His face didn't fit the manager's plans..... Good luck to the guy...... (for what its worth McKay is a regular in my FM2012 team - very consistent performer!!!)
  12. Whether that is a straight faced lie is for the administrators to reveal, not the sports media hacks. He told the RST that the money was "transacted through the club's account....yet the administrators confirmed last week that they had "no visibility" of the cash as it had gone into the parent company, and not into the actual club account. Whether the remaining £6m made it into the club's account remains to be seen....
  13. 1st entry received for Craig in Motherwell/Granton on Spey/Monaco/London....
  14. By going into administration, a deal can hopefully be struck with HMRC @ a reduced rate. Therefore the £24m from Ticketus may be enough to cover any liability (if found guilty of course....) That's maybe being a bit too optimistic in light of the last weeks events....
  15. I think that one of the most important things going forward is looking at the training methods, and the encouragement of youth development. We have an excellent facility @ Murray park, yet for many years there appears to be a fear of playing any of its graduates, unless absolutely necessary. The club needs to develop the talent it has within its ranks, and actually use it!!!
  16. The way things have been since McKay signed.....Durrant, McDowell and Gordon Smith have more chance of playing than him!!! I do agree that he deserves a chance to play!!!
  17. He would have been near the top anyway....the red card just "helps" along the decision making - a justification if you like. Coisty needs ALL players available to him in order to give the team ANY chance.
  18. I may be wrong, but his contract's up at the end of the season, he's not exactly a spring chicken, he'll be getting a decent wage, and now he's been suspended for 2 games. The red card doesn't help him keep his job in anyway!!!!
  19. Why not??? SOME of the players jobs may go....I would have thought they would want to go out & do their best to impress - give Coisty & the admins something to think about!!! After Saturday's games, Papac has just jumped to the top of the list!!!!
  20. This is the perfect time to show his greatness.....IMHO!!! It's all well & good when there is cash to spend on players etc - any manager (just about...) can excel when that's the case. However, when budgets are tight and teams need leadership etc, that is when Great managers appear. McCoist has show great statue & composure off the pitch...now he needs to get his team working on the pitch!!!
  21. Would he even notice £100m initial investment, followed by £25m per season????
  22. yes....the penalty is for going into Administration in the 1st place. No reprieve when you come out.
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