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Posts posted by Darthter

  1. Don't know if I would get rid of Whittaker.....however, I would be more inclined to deploy him in a more advanced role ie. right mid.

    We could then use someone at RB who actually defends!!!

  2. I voted for Boyd!!!! he scores goals, plain & simple.


    For a good while Miller was never outstanding, he would contribute a decent amount of goals, but to me appeared to prefer running about to putting the ball in the net.


    It was only in his last 1/2 season that he really started hammering them in....the 20 odd goals he scores before he left was the most he'd scored in one season - EVER!!! Boyd on the other hand, was hitting that kind of tally consistently.


    True, Boyd was never the most energetic of players...but he certainly knew where the back of the net was!!!

  3. I'd take him back in a minute, hope we go for him, come back boydy :)




    The one thing that Boyd did was score goals - nobody can deny that fact. Unless I'm mistaken, the aim of this game is to score more goals than the opposition. How those goals are scored and how much effort the scorer puts in is irrelevant!!!


    I would put a deal to the end of the season on the table with an option to extend. This may give him a chance to get a regular game again and possibly re-establish some kind of reputation.

  4. tricky one.....


    My first thought would be a Goian/Bocanegra double. These 2 have come in and cemented an excellent partnership immediately & been a major asset.


    I was also thinking about Wylde....he's a young player who has been given a chance in the first team. He has taken that chance with a firm grip & has proven to a useful addition to the team, and a very positive prospect for the future.....


    Decisions, decision.....

  5. RENEGADE Celtic fans showed their contempt for football chiefs last night by setting off flares and waving a banner saying "F*** UEFA" at their Europa League clash.


    They held up the sign ahead of the teams' arrival on the pitch — before Neil Lennon's side were dumped out of Europe in a 1-1 draw with Udinese in Italy.


    A Celtic fan was arrested for attacking one of the club's own stewards. Parkhead chief Executive Peter Lawwell was in the crowd.


    Grim-faced Lawwell was spotted on his mobile phone immediately after the banner stunt.


    Hoops chiefs asked Italian cops to arrest the lout after the steward was attacked.


    The yob spent the night in a Udine jail.


    The scenes come just days after the club was hit with a £13,000 fine by the governing body over 'illicit chanting' at last month's home tie with Rennes.


    The flares were let off — in breach of Italian law — by rogue Hoops fans in the away end of the Stadio Friuli in Udine moments before kick-off.


    Celtic chiefs were desperate to avoid trouble and had issued warnings to fans spelling out what could happen if flares were lit. They said it could leave the club "exposed to disciplinary action."


    It is understood that Celtic will pore over video footage of the banner being raised and the flares being set off.


    Flashpoint ... illegal flares are set off in Udinese stadium

    Flashpoint ... illegal flares are set off in Udinese stadium

    Any fans identified will be banned from Parkhead for life.


    Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/4002253/Celtic-are-out-of-Europe-fans-are-out-of-order.html#ixzz1gggl1NIZ



    It ain't half lucky that they're the "best fans in the world"....can you imagine what would have happened if they weren't....

  6. We don't have an adequate replacement - Broadfoot is garbage and McMillan isn't ready imho. We'd have to spend the money on someone else. I have no idea how good Ortiz is at RB.


    but at the same time....Whittaker hasn't exactly been outstanding....especially as a defending right back. At times he appears too eager to get forward, and can be regularly caught out - this was always a problem I had with Boughera.

  7. The website I will give you but I would suspect that email would only work if they have ALL shareholders email addresses, otherwise they wouldnt receive the info at the same time - dont think that is allowed under Companies Act is it ?


    Pertinent shareholder information needs to be distributed to ALL shareholders simultaneously, does it not ?


    Website covers this for sure though, so there were better, more official means than through a rag.


    What's wrong with a letter???

  8. I may have missed something....but for once, I though he was actually talking sense.


    Rather than spouting about how they are sooooo much better than everyone, he's simply saying that they need to focus on themselves, and keep winning games to maintain the pressure since they can't directly effect the Rangers outcome.

  9. Can't really see anything wrong with the above. The more information the shareholders will be told at an AGM the better, the more advanced all talks with HMRC and our lawyers are, the better. I'm sure some mean-ills will find something sinister in this news too and bring out flak of the biggest calibre.


    I think the only valid reason for holding up the AGM/Audited account could be if an out of court settlement with HMRC is imminent. Otherwise, you hold the AGM and update everyone with the info as it stands.

  10. I have always tried to remain positive about Mr Whyte....and I will continue to do so, but it is getting more difficult!!!


    I would like to think that there is a VERY good reason for disregarding the rules on AGM's etc, but the reasons stated are far too vague. Also delaying the AGM does not look good to those who are convinced the clubs days are numbered.

  11. In fairness, Ortiz hasn't really set the grass on fire......the real question (the answer of which is still unknown...) is given time & games, will this change???


    He has shown short glimpses of being a decent player when played wide on the right, however he needs to put in consistently decent (at a minimum) performances to win folk over.


    On the flip side....he's not even been guaranteed a place on the bench. This leads you to believe that McCoist isn't being blown away by him in training - this also applies to Bedoya & McKay - OR McCoist has his favourites and they take precedence over the others....regardless of current form!!!

  12. One thing that I noticed was that during the 2nd half, when more of the "young guns" came on....Rangers' tempo increased and they looked better - especially when Aluko came on. He was eager to bolt forward whenever he had the chance.


    Thought Bendikson looked decent - certainly keen/eager.


    Thought McKay did a lot of running & seemed keen enough, but didn't really appear to try to get the ball much. Looked not bad when he DID get on the ball - composed and some decent passing.


    Generally, I thought the tempo, pressing of opponents, passing and ball retention were awful. How are you supposed to win a match when you can't keep a hold of the ball or win it back when you lose it???

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