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Posts posted by johnnyk

  1. Arab season ticket holder at work says, Daly is past his best and happy to see him go. Not good enough for some DU fans, but good enough for Rangers? Oh dear :swear:


    the utd fan I work with says the opposite, all about opinions. He is only 30 or 31 that's not ancient these days if you look after yourself properly. He is still their captain for a reason. If you give him crosses in the box he will score and to me that says the style of play will be as direct as you can get which we must get away from IMO. A good player if you play to his strengths but we need to be looking at different types of players surely or nothing will get better anytime soon.

  2. So where does our Colt team play if we are still stuck in the bottom tier?


    We can't have Rangers v Rangers reserves.


    Not sure when they want this to happen but it won't be any time soon IMO, as in next season. The SFL also still want 4 leagues so I take it they're assuming there will be 4 leagues and we will in Div2 or above when it actually starts, if it ever does.

  3. More ball work is definitely needed after what we have seen all season, set pieces is another as we have been terrible for years at both ends, tactics etc is all down to the management sorting this out not the players. OK they should/could stay back to train themselves but how many do and not just at Rangers?


    The reaction has been way over the top for someone who has been told he can go home by his club and all he said was he was going to watch a DVD. I would have loved the chance to have the facilities they have available to them but I doubt I would feel like doing extra training everyday.


    As Frankie mentioned some used to choose the bookies or pub and probably still do, maybe worse with drugs. He probably didn't think before his comment on twitter and it's certainly not the best time to do it giving our recent results but it's over the top IMO.

  4. Maybe I did not make it clear enough, the Third's title will be added to the 100+ trophies (or major trophies) the club has won. It is an official and recognized competition, as opposed to e.g. the war titles or the recent Glasgow Cups.


    I agree and never said otherwise mate :) it should be counted definitely but not as in 55.

  5. Sounds like a good deal, Puma are one of the BIG brands. Are people really getting upset over this?


    I remember when I used to get a strip for myself it didn't matter who made them, I always got one no matter what. I will now always buy one for my son regardless of who makes them, I'm sure the majority are the same.

  6. our clubs humble beginnings had nothing to do with religion, politics or paramilitary organisations.


    i never said we did, but a BIG part of our history has political and religious background or has that just to be forgotten. There is nothing wrong with our Protestant or Union background. What is wrong is that a lot of songs linked to Rangers are ones which are against others, these should be stopped IMO.

  7. So because you are older you have more right to sing what you want, than the younger generation has to not listen to it? No one Rangers fan is more worthy than an other, but if a song/chant hurts the CLUB and fans as a whole then it's completely stupid to carry on purely because it's 'your right'.


    These songs that hurt our club should never be sung again, I did say that already did I not? But why should other songs that are OK by our club and police be stopped because some don't like them, I don't get it. I wish most supporters would create a better atmosphere at EVERY game but that doesn't happen. We should never forget our roots and history IMO.

  8. Why should supporters who have gone for many many years, and have grown up on this during their time with the club simply stop singing some songs because some fans (new/younger?) don't like it? Don't they have a right to sing these songs just as others have the right to sit in silence or shout abuse at players for 90 mins (which I hate but it's their choice).


    I have long stopped signing songs that may get our club into trouble and that we were told to stop singing and don't sing other childish/embarrassing ones that I don't like or agree with but why should other songs which ARE related to Rangers and our great history be stopped as well just because they have political or religious words or slant to it? If you don't want to sing them fine but don't try and stop others singing songs that are perfectly fine to sing in the eyes of Rangers and the law.


    I've said before if there are that many supporters against these political or religious slanted songs then start singing other Rangers songs what you seem are acceptable rather than sit in silence or moan and have a go at others.


    Some songs should/will hopefully never be sung at ibrox again but there are lots that will and should be IMO. :nshappy:

  9. I'd say the fans who went were just being selfish or maybe have another agenda?


    99%? of our fans didn't buy tickets and agreed with the club and most supporters groups about the boycott. It would have been great to have no fans at all there but some care more about themselves than the club IMO.

  10. if its so simple. how do we fix it?


    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


    get a proven manager who wants to play attacking football, at this level this the least we should be doing. Bring in proven players who have played in Scotland or at least in British football and ones who wouldn't want big wages, other teams can do it why can't we? maybe bring in some players who have played at lower levels until we get back to the top. bring in new coaches with new ideas, there must be plenty out there. That would be a good start IMO.

  11. I'm just going to watch the game as I couldn't see it earlier. I was getting texts from a Utd fan saying we should've scored a few goals and their goals were direct through the middle but not much between the teams, maybe he was being kind.


    We need better at our club from top to bottom but we still won't play to the high level we should be at until we actually get back to the top league and are playing better opposition every week and eventually in europe again and we can sign better players to better our team along with the youngsters coming through. Some of these players shouldn't be near our club, i'd rather play a full team of youngsters at this level than some of the imposters we have signed. Our manager and coaches are also not good enough. It's up to Charlie to see this and change it.


    We are still a 3rd division team even if we have players who have played at a higher level and get paid more, we are playing poor opposition each week, we don't have a good enough squad yet for the higher level it's that simple.

  12. I agree with Kuz in that he looks over confident and is trying to do too much. He can normally beat one or two men easy but then tries to beat another 2 or 3 when he should be passing it. But he is a good player with some great tricks and touches but needs to cut out the greediness part and play simple passes at the right time as at this level someone will probably give him a bad injury!

  13. we are playing poor stuff the majority of the time, players not trying hard enough pisses me off, younger players I am more lenient on as the do try hard enough and need to learn but the more experienced, well paid players should be doing much more than they are every time the pull on the jersey. The foreigners have not settled and look poor signings, we could've got much better for less here i'm sure.


    Our style of play again the majority of the time is too defensive for the players we have and the division we are in, the manager and coaches are the only ones to blame here. This needs to change next season but I doubt it will.


    We will hopefully improve next season when maybe the younger players will step up more given their game time but only time will tell, some do look very good prospects indeed IMO.


    Saying all that I still enjoy going to every game I can this season and will continue for a long time yet I think, and supporting your team through the good times and the bad is what's it's all about :)

  14. Im a bit dubious about McDowalls coaching skills if he can only bring in a kid this good in Div 3. Why werent they good enough for the SPL last season rather than making make shift midfields with McCulloch. If your good enough your old enough.


    i don't think any are at a level of the players we had last season. how many internationals left and quite a few went to the EPL. Silly post this gribz.

  15. ET today


    IF the SPL and SFL clubs back proposals for a 12-12-18 league structure, and it is pushed through for the start of next season, it will be an absolute scandal.


    For it would mean that 39,000 Rangers supporters have bought season tickets to see what has, effectively, been meaningless friendly matches.


    It will have been a complete and utter waste of their money.


    If the new set-up comes into being for the start of the 2013/14 campaign, then what Rangers do this season will be irrelevant.


    The Ibrox club will go into the new 18-team bottom division, along with all the other Third Division clubs, irrespective of what happens on the park.


    I agreed with Campbell Ogilvie, the SFA president, when he said that clubs must know what they are playing for at the start of the season.


    Otherwise, what is the point in having a league?


    Yes, it will still take the same amount of time for Rangers to return to the SPL if league reconstruction happens.


    But they will end up playing exactly the same teams in the bottom league again next season â?? no matter how many points they win the Third Division by.


    How does manager Ally McCoist motivate his players for the remaining games of the season if this plan gets the green light? What they do will be unimportant.


    Why should Ally play promising kids like Fraser Aird, Barrie McKay or Lewis Macleod if they risk a serious injury in a game that does not matter a jot?


    The Rangers fans have been through hell in the last year or so. But I think that once it was decided they would be playing in the bottom tier in the summer they accepted it, embraced it and got behind their club.


    They have been nothing short of magnificent. Their backing of the team, home and away, has been extraordinary.


    They deserve to see their heroes rewarded with something meaningful â?? promotion to a higher league â?? at the end of the season.


    If the 12-12-18 system gets the go-ahead then they will have been cheated. Why should they go and see their team play in the matches coming up when nothing is at stake?


    Rangers fans were already deeply disillusioned with how they had been treated by the governing bodies and the other Scottish clubs.


    This latest development will simply serve to increase their sense of grievance.


    In the summer, all the SPL and SFL clubs decided, in their wisdom, to place Rangers in the Third Division. Before they reached their decision, they all went to their supporters to ask their opinion.


    The reason for that was â?? despite what they may have said publicly â?? that they did not want to take responsibility for consigning the Ibrox club to the fourth tier.


    They were told, in no uncertain terms, that the fans would refuse to buy season tickets unless Rangers went into the Third Division. Essentially, they were threatened.


    But have the clubs consulted with their fans this time? No, they totally ignored them.


    Sorry, but the paying public, the lifeblood of the game, need to have their say about something so important to the future of football in this country.


    I think most fans wanted to see a 16-team top division. They are sick and fed up of seeing their team play the same opponents four times a season. Rangers, too, were not involved in talks about the new league structure because they are only an associate member of the SFL just now.


    But, surely to goodness, the biggest club in Scotland has to have some sort of input into talks on reconstruction.


    There has inevitably been speculation about Rangers leaving Scottish football. The Old Firm clubs have been threatening to do this for 25 years or so now.


    But, with the way football is going, it is something that Fifa and Uefa have to seriously look at now.


    By all accounts, their attitudes towards cross-border competition is softening. Personally, I would like to see Rangers remain in Scottish football. But I can understand why Charles Green is looking at alternatives when this is forced upon him.


    It has been pointed out that a similar system to the 12-12-18 has been used in Austria and Switzerland. Well, yes it was. But it was ditched because it didn't work!


    I fail to see what makes this better than the current set-up. There are far too many unwanted possible scenarios..


    Will the satellite broadcasters, ESPN and Sky Sports, go along with it? Will sponsors be impressed?


    I think it shows Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan, the SPL and SFA chief executives, are out of touch with a game they are employed to enhance.

  16. they keep saying it's what's best for the clubs financial wise, well it's not if there's no fans at the grounds, it's not if the sponsors and TV deals run away if this goes through. I honestly can't believe this might actually happen, surely others in the game all over Scotland can see this will be a disaster and could possibly cripple our game for good or a very long time at least. :crazy:


    The fans don't want this and like others have said why not listen this time as they did in the summer to get rid of us, absolute jokers running our game.

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