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Posts posted by Gingerger

  1. now unless you have a personal agenda against McCoist.


    Where do you get the impression that I would have that? I watched and enjoyed Ally's entire career, I reckon I saw about 90% of his Rangers goals live because I was an every week home and away man in those days. He was and remains a huge hero. The problem is he hasn't shown a single sign of having any football management skill whatsoever, not a single one. The football is absolutely dire and his players are evidently not trying for him. Anybody else would have been sacked long ago. Do we give him another year out of blind loyalty and hope or do we do the hard, but correct thing? Success in any business is often about making the hard but correct decision. I'm afraid blind loyalty will, in this case, take us to a bad place. I don't think it's by any means certain he won't be sacked at the end of the season incidentally. Another few performances like the last few weeks will push the support over the edge in my opnion.


    Oh and by the way, dont try to tell me to not turn up to games if I can't get behind the manager. Who on earth do you think you are? I support Rangers and I expect certain standards of professionalism and commitment from my team. They have fallen far below those standards this year and whether you like it or not the manager is culpable for that. I'll be in my season ticket seat long after Ally's reign as manager is over. I will reserve my right to complain if the product on the pitch continues to be pish thanks very much.

  2. Apologies in advance as I'm usually more polite than I'm about to be but the first two posts on this thread are complete patronising pish!


    I've been watching Rangers for nearly 40 years now and I've never seen a team so lacking in simple organisation, motivation and commitment. Any manager other than somebody with Ally's Rangers credentials would have been hunted from the club long ago. You can quote any number of mitigating factors you want but ask yourself this simple question: "is there a single other player in any of the other division 3 sides which you would take into our team?" I cant think of any myself and I've watched just about every minute of every game this season. Against such dross should we not expect our team to not only be of higher ability but also a little better organised, better set-up tactically and at least similarly committed? If Ally can't get that from the squad of players he has at his disposal then he has to go, legend or not. The longer the process of him moving on takes the worse the situation will become.

  3. There is no eagerness to turn on ally, just a sad realisation that unfortunately he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. The lack of professionalism at our club has been a scandal for a decade or so. We need a complete clear out of the management and coaching team and the appointment of a new team unconnected with previous rangers regimes.


    We've actually needed that for years, since before le guen who unfortunately wasnt the right man to break the mold. His failure allowed the old ways to be re established and strengthened.

  4. The team needs to look at themselves sure but ultimately their complete lack of professionalism is attributable to the manager who either tolerates it or is incapable of dealing with it. Irrespective he is culpable. Was that the worst result and performance in rangers history? If not it's certainly up there in a short list of ultimate nightmares. For my money the manager should do the decent thing. If he doesn't he should be pushed out. We can't afford another season of the total unprofessional approach of this current management team. To coin a phrase from a season or so ago, 'we deserve better'.

  5. Fundamentally flawed reasoning of course. LNS was not leading a witchunt, he was set up as the 'independent' patsy to front the witchunt which was orchastrated by the SPL (C*ltic). The problem for the SPL (C*ltic) of course is that LNS and his collegues didn't play along and judged the matters on these stranges things called EVIDENCE.


    We all know how much culpability is atrtributable to Murray and Whyte, thats not the issue at play here. The issue is that the SPL (C*ltic) sought to take advantage to blatently try and strip Rangers titles. That was the focus and clear goal of this particular witchunt.

  6. Getting away slightly from the fact that he's actually right, my first thought was that he was being pretty petty coming out and having a go after a game where he deliberately set his team out to boot blazes out of rangers.


    Ally has gone out his way to be polite and respectful to every team in this league but week in and out now we are not seeing the same respect given back. Maybe now it's time for ally to openly criticise the, shall we say 'robust' style of our opponents?

  7. Murray= 9 in a row, a few SC, LC. Baw hair from CL final.


    Green=Top of a pub league. KO from Ramsdens cup by QotS, KO from LC by Caley Thistle. Pumping in the post from dundee hibs.


    Seeing as we are comparing......


    My god. What do you do with ignorance on that scale. Methinks this guy isn't a rangers fan

  8. The most significant thing for me was his steadfast position that whatever the league format we need to go for one league body, i.e. the SPL needs to be dissolved (of course it wasn't phrased that way). He made it sound like a non negotiable position. I reckon this needs to happen but most likely they will form a new league body with a new name, mostly to save everybody's face. What that body will be called, who will lead it and what the voting structure will be is the next big argument.

  9. Although that article did include a brief downside summary it was still intended as the title indicates, to tell everybody everythings fine. What of course it fails to mentions is the only reason armageddon hasn't arrived is because the SFA & SPL blackmailed Rangers and the SFL to accept the mutual TV deal on terms which were severely slanted to the SPL. Without that money and Rangers retained prise money from last year the SPL accounts wouldn't have added up.


    Armageddon for the SPL teams comes when the TV deal needs to be renegotiated again, at that point Rangers hold the cards.

  10. There are a few things to point out about this. The first is obvious, Lennon's usual lack of class in getting involved at all. The second is of course that he is correct about us being weaker ON the park, albeit the point is totally irrelevant and not worth mentioning. Of course we are weaker, why wouldn't we be? but the real point is how strong will we be when we get back to the top? The third point is for me the most interesting though, is Lennon suggesting that the old regime at ibrox was stronger than the one we have now? really? the regime who took us to the point of destruction? Lennon sticking up for Murray? If he believes Rangers "aren't as strong an institution" as they were then he's kidding himself on. If anything we are stronger and more together as hopefully he and the rest of the Scottish game will discover over the next few years.

  11. I spent the entire length of Lafferty's career at Rangers defending him in arguments about his abilities and contribution to the side. I'm not doing so any more and feel more let down by him than any of the others apart from mabye Naismith. If I said what I really think about him now I'd have certain people on here telling me we shoudn't be talking about ex-heroes is such a manner etc. etc. Bottom line is I'm with whoever he's talking about inside the club whos made it clear he's not welcome. If I saw him walking down Edmiston Drive before this afternoons game I'd struggle to resist telling him to get stuffed.

  12. Jingso guys. Of course he meant 'in its current form' There are many twists and turns to come over league format and many of the possible formats may include the notional title of the top league being the SPL. As long as its out of the control of the current cabal of clubs then that's the important thing. We should not go back to the SPL in its current format but we shouldn't and can't rule out ever returning to any form of SPL. Most of the big clubs will still be there when we return, we will need to learn to work with them somehow, hopefully on our terms but compromise will be needed. Closed minds will be bad for us too.

  13. I've just read this thread with interest as I was banned from FF last year for starting a thread on a similar vein to that written by the OP. My thread was less dramatic and/or personal in my opinion but I was banned simply for raising a topic and suggesting that maybe, just maybe, some of our fans could be a a tad bigoted.


    I guess I want my cake and eat it on this. I have no problems with the political stuff, especially the anti SNP stuff, but I do have a major problem with the UVF & YCV crap. I have no interest in that paramilitary shit and I don't want to sit at Ibrox and hear about gallows being built for guys fighting against the IRA. It has little or no relevance to 21st century Scotland and certainly none to me. We can be strongly pro Unionist without signing about some of this stuff.

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