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Posts posted by Gingerger

  1. On the topic of the suggestion that there is a catholic conspiracy to take over Scotland, well, that isn't so much a conspiracy as written in their dna. The official position of the rc church remains that all other Christian faiths are herasies. As such they don't so much think of it as taking over, more like their duty to persuade all non believers to return to the fold.

  2. On mcculloch, we do seem to reserve our worst abuse for our own and I've never understood that to be honest. He's a decent player, not great but not too shabby either. He played in the premiership for a number of years at his peak so on that basis alone he's obviously a heck of a lot better than he gets credit for on here. Why he gets such stick when he's one of the few loyal scots bears to have stuck with the club is beyond me.

  3. Got to say, I don't post that often on here and like to just read opinions sometimes but this could easily be the most pathetic thread I've seen so far.


    I'm far from convinced about McCoist's credentials as manager and yes, you could disect yesterday's performances from a team or individual persepctive and make criticisms. However, we won easy, scored a number of good goals and could have scored 10+ goals. Can we not just enjoy that for one night or are certain of our fans more happy when we're struggling?


    Stupid question eh? This is the Rangers support.

  4. My biggest gripe with today's performance (apart from Goian and broadfoot's performances) was McCoist's inability to change the system early enough. It was apparent after about half an hour that Peterhead had set up to negate our two wing backs who had done lots of damage in the East Fife game midweek. We should have gone 4 4 2 at halftime taking Broadfoot off and putting Sandaza on. The man is incapable of reading a game and changing his approach to overcome the opposition's formation.

  5. We should certainly be told who it was. Despite being a Rutherglen (ish) man with Clyde leanings I wouldn't like to put a penny in that club's coffers if this turns out to be true. I also wouldn't be slow in telling my wife's Clyde supporting relatives the reason either.


    It was rumoured at the time to be Clyde but they sort of denied it without actualy specifically stating it wasn't them, we need this confirmed.

  6. It's hard to disagree with any of that. One thing I've consistently banged on about over the last few years is the fact that nobody really ever talks about the football any more. A normal Saturday on Radio Clyde or Sportsound consists of 3/4 of an hour talking about whatever political issue is the flavour of the day followed by a quick buzz round the grounds to get the team news. No actual comment on the teams, no analysis of tactics or formation, nothing, just nothing before they get back to the politics.


    Both these channels are broadcasting what they believe their listeners want to hear and the latest old firm off-field issues are demonstrably what we the fans want to call up and talk about. Somewhere along the line we as a group of fans have 'lost it'. If anything the great unwashed from across the city are much worse than we are. Perhaps the OP has a good point, maybe a good long break from this environment might do us a power of good.

  7. Although Novo has spent a fair chunk of time over the last few years provoking them the reason they started hating him in the first place is because his very existence is a total mind f*ck for them i.e. A wee Spanish catholic boy who loves the Rangers, can see them for what they are and doesn't hesitate to make that public.


    In the 20 odd years since Mo Johnston the uber scum at Cetic have saved their most extreme bitterness for any catholic boy who's chosen the Rangers over them. Nothing shows them in their true light better than this.

  8. I haven't posted for a while mainly because I'm sick to the back teeth of this whole business and just want some conclusion. This latest suggestion however sums up everything I've been saying about Scottish football for years. Everybody, including ourselves, including the whole SPL, including the whole SFL, including every agenda driven SFA official, is in this for his own or his clubs own petty short term benefit. Self interest and/or petty vindictiveness has taken over and is driving the process right across the board. I doubt I'll ever find any real joy watching scottish football ever again.

  9. ok, I just spent about twenty minutes reading through most of that so I'll chuck in my tuppance worth.


    I'll teeter on the bring of "getting personal" when I point out the obvious fact that several on here, including myself, have a bit of a history with MD. Having been a member of FF for about ten years I was banned for life for a single controversial post which suggested the possibility that some of our support may in fact be just a bit bigoted. I'm sure there's any number of similar stories that could be told by other members and I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm merely pointing out that MD has a proven history of shouting down people who oppose his views and getting rid of dissenting voices, often without excuse/justification. He is therefore rather a controversial and, dare I say, divisive character for many of the internet loyal. I'm afraid the RST are hindered not helped by his presence because personal agendas seem to be very much part of his make-up.


    The Rangers support are a diverse bunch. The vast majority take no interest in forums like this or FF but many talk on here as we speak for the whole. MD just does that to a wider audience. I actually agree with much of what MD says but sometimes I emphatically disagree. I have no problem with him & the RST backing TBK openly, the only criticisim I'd make is that he shouldn't talk as if he speaks for the support as a whole because he/they have no mandate for that.

  10. If a referee, any referee, had a history against Celtic like Thomson has against Rangers then we would be reading about it all over the papers. I still can't get the penalty he gave last year in the final old firm game out my head. Basically he tried to hand Celtic the league with one of the worst decisions ever. That decision alone should see him precluded from this game.

  11. Here's another wee thought....


    If a newco club is formed and "officially" the history starts from scratch, surely its up to those fans who have followed/loved the club for generations NOT to allow the true history to die!!! Its up to those fans to pass that 140 year history down the generations, as their fathers & grand fathers did to them. Rangers are a lot more than a PLC company. IMHO a newco being formed is just another entry into the Rangers FC history book!!!


    This pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject, the people who are running the game here want to use this situation to their absolute maximimum advantage. We should not play their game. If a newco needs to be formed then it's the fault of the people who ran the oldco not the fans who in reality 'are' the club. We will still be there and the heritage will be passed on.

  12. Interesting to see almost unanimous agreement that once everything else is sorted out we'll need to look at the manager's position. It's a terrible shame I think but it's not as if we've seen anything at all to suggest there is even a basis for hope that Ally might have something to offer. It's not a borderline case I'm afraid. Another season for sentimental reasons only would be an extremely bad idea in my opinion. I really wouldn't like to see the fans turn on Ally and I think it would happen halfway through next year if things continued as before.


    I don't think this thread has gone the way the OP hoped eh?

  13. however there have been glimpses at times of good play/tactics etc at times, just not enough.

    I am not convinced about his long term suitability, but I am willing to give him a chance!!!




    When was the last time Rangers showed any form of cohesion or teamwork? Sorry Guys, but I also believe that Ally is a hopeless manager tactically. That problem will have to be addressed after everything else is sorted out I'm afraid.

  14. What you all seem to miss in your love for playing in England is that both countries have to agree to this. It's quite simple, England does not want us and although some of the smaller clubs in the English lower divisions may want us for our crowds, it's the whole FA membership that would have to agree, and the teams in the Championship certainly don't want another club potentially taking one of their places to the riches of the ELP.


    Nobody seems to be able to understand that???


    What basis do we have for believing this unless we've asked?


    The thing is that we would provide no immediate threat to the teams which could see us as potentially taking their place. The whole process of getting to the EPL could take as much as ten years, maybe more. Potentially we might never actually make it, that would be our gamble. I think the teams in the lower leagues would see us as an attractive boost to their leagues profile whilst the middle to top teams wouldn't really care that much as we would only be a long term minor threat which could potentially boost their incomes in the middle term. Just my opinion of course but as has been said elsewhere 'if we don't ask we'll never know'.

  15. Dutchy: As you say, you've said your bit but unfortunately what you've said makes little sense and doesn't actually even relate to what I was talking about, i.e. attempting to enter English football at the lowest level. You also made a sweeping statement about my political position which had no basis whatever in what I had written. I think perhaps you had me mixed up with someone else? If so i'll put it to bed now. If not please explain how you came to believe that I think that everybody who disagrees with my political views is an extemist.


    For the record on my politics since you've asked, I'm a Scot with an English mother and therefore a large English family contingent. I'm therefore almost bound to be a scottish unionist, however, irrespective of that natural inclination I still believe Mr Salmond to be the most insidious threat to our way of life for a couple of generations and not just for his independence obsession. If he gets his way in less than ten years we will be using the unwanted Euro with no defence or decent power generation industry whilst importing electricity from 'foreign' England. Fortunately i'll be living in california by then if all goes well ;-)

  16. With regard to the 'they don't want us' argument, every time we've talked about moving to the English leagues we've been told that "you'd have to start at the bottom and work your way up". We've never actually offered to do just that so we've never had a response from them as to whether that would appeal to them. I would have thought the lower league clubs would be delighted to have a rangers in their midst to up the interest in their division.


    All hypothetical of course but a welcome diversion from the real world eh? :-)

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