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Posts posted by bluebear54

  1. Outrageous, I'll agree. But for me it's the quality I find outrageous. I'd have nothing against the price if the quality was great. You know - part of the Ibrox experience.

    I stopped buying food at Ibrox donkeys' years ago when I looked at the "burger" bit and it was dried, shrivelled and the size of a 50p piece.


    A burger and large coke?





  2. I'm ambivalent about Boyd.

    He scores goals - of that there is no question and age isn't a big factor given his lack of mobility.

    He could be a lazy bugger during his first time round but maybe his time away has changed his game.

    If he helps us win the Championship I'll be happy.

  3. Stewards enquiry

    Steward's Enquiry perfectly right to be called for.

    I'm sure that Zappa will instigate one immediately. After all, he hit full points last night too.




    Gersnet Mini League:

    Five on full points (3 points) as follows: Bluebear54; Ser Barristan Selmy; Steve1872; Time4Change; Zappa.

    Full League:

    Looks like 24,578 playing in all. I'm sitting in position 631, with 5111 having gained full points last night, so some competition

    Brazilian Supporters League:

    Must have just put me in automatically - not something I did intentionally - I'm sitting in 24th position.


    All too early to call - the Spain match will sort more than a few tonight - as will the Cameroon match. AAMOI has anyone had a look at the more esoteric side of the rules? Think I'll have a wee look sometime today.

    Good fun and games. and adds some zest to keeping up with the more turgid games.

  4. Let's be fair, the top could look like anything and you'd be saying it was shite. :)


    Wasn't around here at the time.

    However, were the usual suspects equally as keen on SDW as they are on KM?

    Just pointing out that I remember a large part of our fan base calling it well wrong as regards SDW.

    As a matter of interest, I'd like to know if it's an ageist thing.

    My opinion says that KM would be a better shout as a captain than Big Jig.

    I really believe Kenny Miller will make a lot of people eat their words.

    How about a tenner if he scores more than one within his first three starts?

  5. I'm presently finding myself in the position of sorting through all my papers and memories. Good and bad - but mainly good. Which is not a bad thing actually.

    I should have got around to this donkeys' years ago! :laugh:


    Not wishing to spread any bad vibes around, please accept this filed under "pleasant reminiscings." At least that's my intended meaning.


    The story concerns a nine year old getting up at the break of dawn and waiting alongside a good few many other local Bears outside the Roxburgh Hotel in Dunbar for the surfacing of the Rangers first team squad who were on their way to Berwick-Upon-Tweed for the small matter of a first round Scottish Cup tie, and the monumental matter of a date with destiny and a humbling 1-0 defeat which seemed to completely stun the Scottish football scene.


    I seem to remember joviality amongst the squad, with big John Greig telling me "11-0 - nae problem son. Nae problem." in response to my asking for a prediction. I also seem to remember a pretty strong smell of drink all round. This was around 8am. As to that, my memory may indeed have failed me as it has in other ways. :drink:


    Since the date was January 1967, I wasn't actually a nine year old. I must have just have turned 14. And I got a fringed cowboy suede jacket for my 14th - soon to be paired with a pair of lilac flares with leather laces up the sides. Talk about Midnight fucking Cowboy!

    Yes indeedy - I was flirting. And my flirt was with psychedelia and flower power :cool6::cool6::cool6: - manifesting themselves in a huge way. "Are you Experienced," "Between the Buttons," a long long love affair with the Who after "A Quick One" while still holding on to the Beatles with the superb "Revolver."


    Perhaps the promise of the soon to be released "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" and "Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band," and my headlong rush into the required hedonistic hippy lifestyle :hippy::hippy::coolio::coolio::hippy::hippy:managed to alleviate the pain of Berwick. I still managed to keep up going to Rangers after this, including Barca :champs::champs::champs:and some pretty memorable European games - :rfcbouncy::rfcbouncy: -which obviously aren't so memorable, as I've forgotten them.


    I do remember my Dad (but not my Grandad) asking "What's happened to you son? You look like a clown. Ye cannae support the Rangers looking like that."

    Well, the response is that I'm still here.



    I remember Bears in the seventies looking like the Bay City Rollers, and I never got any gyp about looking like a darned hippy. :hippy:


    Tell you what Bears and Bearettes - the free love bit of it was pretty cool indeedy :flash:, and prepared me well for a long career as a professional musician.







    This particular one settles an age old argument I had on FF (and surrendered) about Willie Henderson being know as Billy. Knew I was right. At school our right winger was always nicknamed Billy Henderson, and, before Billy Johnson, the left winger was Davie Wilson. I was always John Greig.



  6. I think you over egged your response bb54! Nothing wrong with sbs comments. Are you happy with miller back? Are you happy with the way we handle our youth?


    Not in my book pmu. Not in my book.

    My comments stand with pride.

    I'm as miffed as the next about the duality of Telfer and Hutton.

    I do however think Miller will be good for the squad and good for a few goals throughout the season.

    That's what I call opinion without too much egg.

    Anyone has the right to disagree. I don't really appreciate SAF, Football Manager, clowns or snide negative comments being nonsensically dragged into the discussion.

  7. Ally McCoist close to finalising deal to make Kenny Miller a Rangers player for a third time


    THE Rangers boss is pushing for Kenny Miller's paperwork to be signed off before he leaves the country for a family holiday this weekend.



    ALLY McCOIST hopes to finally drag a deal for Kenny Miller over the line before the end of this week – to bring the veteran striker back to Rangers for a third stint.


    Record Sport first revealed on Monday May 5 that Miller was on his way back to Ibrox on a free transfer after being released by Vancouver Whitecaps.


    We reported then the terms of a two-year deal had already been thrashed out between the club and the 34-year-old but, against a backdrop of serious financial uncertainty, the contract has remained unsigned ever since.


    Miller flew back to Scotland that day and McCoist had expected him to put pen to paper before the end of the week.


    But, with season-ticket renewals trickling in at under the 4000 mark, the agreement was stalled and Miller has been left in a state of limbo ever since.


    Now, some four weeks on, McCoist is pushing for the paperwork to be signed off before the manager leaves the country this weekend for family holiday.


    The delay indicates just how chaotic and fragile the financial picture has become behind the scenes at Ibrox since the end of last season, when fans groups launched a boycott in a bid to starve out the current regime.


    Sources close to the board insisted last week sales were now topping 20,000 but there has been no evidence to back these claims up.


    What’s more, the £1.5m worth of emergency loans given to the club by shareholder Sandy Easdale and wealthy fan George Letham in February have not yet been repaid, even though the cash was supposed to be returned as soon as it was in the club’s account.


    A source close to the deal last night said: “We expect the medical to be done in the next few days and then the player can get the contract signed.


    “McCoist wants it done before he leaves on holiday but, as ever with this Rangers situation, nothing can be taken for granted.


    “If it’s not completed before the weekend there’s a risk Miller will look elsewhere because people can’t hang around indefinitely.”


    Meanwhile, Rangers fans have welcomed the decision of Graham Wallace to travel for a grilling from North American supporters at this weekend’s NARSA convention in Toronto.


    Union of Fans spokesman Chris Graham said: “The supporters in North America have as much right to ask questions of Graham as anyone.


    “I’m sure they will take the opportunity to ask similar questions we’ve been posing recently. However, whether they receive the answers they’re looking for remains to be seen.”




    Can you imagine SAF ever having had a talented 18 year old and the club forgetting to offer him a new contract. I know new contracts isn't just down to management but Ally should know everything about the players at his disposal and should be planning the future for all of them. He should know the contractual length of every single player at the club so he can build for the future and make sure our decent players are tied down.


    We are being run as a diddy club at all levels from the board to management and everything in between. Wallace and McCoist plus a load of other people should have known when Telfer's contract was expiring. Clueless.


    Maybe they need to make a Football Manager style reminder when contracts are 12 months and 6 months away from expiry...It's such a simple level we are operating at. We are being run by clowns.


    Talented 18 year old out, approaching 35 year old forward whose best days are behind him in.




    Nothing like over egging the pudding SBS?

    I for one don't need to be reminded of silly little facts like that. Nor indeed what your idol SAF would do in the situation.

    Given that he's never been involved in the running of Rangers, it's a bizarre and totally daft parallel.

    Please try to keep it real - perhaps with a modicum of original thought.

    Given your comment that "we are being run by clowns", it may come as a shock to you that there are some posters on GN who some also regard as clowns, with their clownish comments understood as coming from the mouths of a clown.

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