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Everything posted by bluebear54

  1. I think that looks pretty cool. I can just see it dripping with sweat after we've cuffed Real in their own backyard.
  2. I wouldn't see it that way, chilled bear. Bruce Forsyth got one - and he must be one of the most obnoxious persons to have ever graced a stage. What he did do, however, was keep plugging away until he got an upgrade. And how he loves it. As regards being a decent human being, Wattie and Bruce perform on different stages. No bias here, but Wattie truly deserves one. For being a fine ambassador for the sport, for what he has added to Scottish football and for his acheivments. However, these things have to be lobbied for. Forsyth kept hammering away. Maybe we should keep plugging away on behalf of Wattie too.
  3. Looking back on the past three years, I've had a wonderful time starting off as the underdog. It's a long time since we were odds on. I'd much prefer to have no hope then do it one more time. And yes - I've got my reservations. As I had the last three seasons. I've got my doubts about Ally, but I had doubts last season - for other obvious reasons. But moments like the Killie game make it so sweet.
  4. Not really a groundbreaking piece of investigative journalism, but fair do's to Leggo for raising it, and for keeping hammering home a point. With all due respect to him, the jury isstill out for me as regards Leggo. I'm not sure if he does more good or bad. I would love to see some voice that is universally respected making these points unequivicably. Fact, reason then faktum - end of! He seems to me to be a bit like our PhilMacGiollaBhain, and I would much rather read the Beano than Phil Bhoy's tosh. Articles below are from 2 June. http://www.alloaadvertiser.com/news/councilnews/articles/2011/06/02/413895-concerns-for-young-musicians-attending-orange-lodge-party/ http://www.alloaadvertiser.com/news/councilnews/articles/2011/06/02/413894-licensing-board-has-no-concerns-over-rebel-bands/ Have a read - try to read them impartially -try really hard. I've done it a few times, and still get an overwhelming sense of imbalance. Paul Fair is a public servant. Councillors are publically elected officials. The next Local Government Election will beheld in 2012.
  5. I hope Ogilvie looks around his new office and makes sure there's no rugs beneath his feet!
  6. Aye - that appealed to my sense of humour too. Wonder if he flicked the coin onto the table, or held it preciously between his fingers and gently lay the sparkling golden coin down on the table.
  7. Thanks BD - as always. I was getting worried and thought I was out on a limb there. Did notice one mention of �£5m was "up to" so that's not exactly �£5m, is it. But great to see the stadium being spruced up etc.. As I said - sounds good.
  8. Don't shoot me down - yet - but that read pretty OK and was a damned sight more transparent and up front than we've been used to. I think we're in a better place than we would have been, so rejoice - in a subdued wary rejoicing type of way. It's fairly positive.
  9. I despair during transfer windows. The agents all play the press. The press make wild rumours daily (what's new). So the end result is not much substance and a lot of bullshit. I should learn, but every window I'm back for more.
  10. I'm OK with that one. For the wages saved, there will be better options. Let's hope we find one.
  11. Can we have blue grass please?
  12. Don't think we should be banning anyone. Maybe don't need to seat them in a prime position, but not ban them.
  13. I think Walter's style suits. 2 adaptable defenders who can go forward, play wing back or centre half. Bit like Boogie or Kirkie. Just with more sass and pace. An adaptable midfield playmaker who can play flank or centre mid. But a class act who makes things happen.. And an adaptable striker who can also drop off, or play in the hole. But with lightning pace.. There's your shopping list Ally. I'm in an adaptable mood tonight. Even so, McManus doesn't fit the shopping basket.
  14. Not being biased - he deserves a knighthood. There's very few who have given such dignified service to sport.
  15. They should give him a knighthood.
  16. Can't see it really. The lads a good player and I would have thought he was worth more than that. But I'd love him to sign for us.
  17. This whole saga doesn't get easier I can't really se CW promising something so publicly and within such a short time totally reneging. Does't make business sense to lose the trust of the linters so quickly. And there was me thinking our worries were over.
  18. Well, guess we knew there was going to be some long knives coming out. Just hope this works out. Wouldn't like the fans to negotiate with CW. 5 years down the line.
  19. It's the big business version of assassination. Be interesting to read what they both have to say - and I'm sure they will say something. Equally interesting to see how CW reacts.
  20. Please make my close season. Faddy signs for the yahoos. If these are real McCoist targets, I'm beginning to doubt him already.
  21. Agree the use of "removed" is fairly robust for these type of affairs. "by mutual consent" or "at the request of Mr Johnson" are far more polite and are standard usages. Seems CW has cajones.
  22. Not entirely sure about that one. They've not got a great track record in holding the faith in managers that don't bring home trophies. In fact they have a pretty horrible record of losing faith in the few that have been successful. Come the point in next season when they're nine points behind us, he'll get his P45. Season ticket sales or fan adoration will not come into it. His jacket's on a very shoogly peg indeed if they don't get in to the EL group stage. They'll find an extravagant excuse for him parting ways. Answers on a post card.
  23. You've got admit that deflection has been raised to a higher level. I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic. It's just everyone else that thinks I am. Hmm! Long live therapy.
  24. Brilliant! That's what I call forward planning. Bet there were a fair number of hospitality cancellations if we care to look too.
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