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Posts posted by Kenzie1

  1. nakamura, mcgeady and sean maloney were known for staying behind and practicing their speciality skill. Why not our players? all3 technically sound and 2 of them dead ball specialists too. we have no players with a technical ability even close to those 3.


    to answer you question about trapping a ball, not many, our touch, control and quick passing is abysmal. we dont have any players who look comfortable on the ball. a horrible indication of the training they are getting.



    Not a lot there to disagree with. :-))

  2. I believe "Craig" has hit on a problem that has been obvious for a few years now. Beckham has been quoted as an example; Cantona, too, was a perfectionist. Our players should take note of such as these and try and at least act like the highly paid professionals they're supposed to be. If they think that doing a couple of hours training of a day makes them the finished article, then life has some harsh lessons in store for them. How many of our players, for example can 'trap' a ball - a basic skill that should be part of every footballer's armoury? I don't get to see many games due to my disability but those that I do manage to see always leaves me with the feeling that we are simply not plying our trade as we should. There should be more running off the ball, taking the heat off those in possession. We should just do the simple things. Our coaches really should be imparting knowledge of the basics. It's only football; it's not rocket science.

  3. I like the "concerned football fan" bit. They don't even have the courage of their convictions. But I do agree that the pond scrapings are far more proactive in these matters than we are. Apathy seems to be our byword.

  4. I think the worst scenario would be those 5 titles going to Celtic that would put them on 49 - same as us - but with a very important difference; by the time we got back into the top flight - if we ever did, bearing in mind the punishments that await us that we don't yet know about - it would take us some years to catch up again. This, bear in mind, is the only way that Celtic can equal our record. Sporting Integrity? They couldn't fuckin' spell it.

  5. They only do it because they know it annoys us. Let it be like water off a duck's back. And Rangers should refuse to grant an interview to anyone who persists in referring to us in such a derogatory manner.

  6. It has been obvious for some time that Regan is a prize tit who is totally out of his depth and who is only where he is by the grace of Liewell. He is most definitely not fit for puspose. Ditto, Doncaster. If the Teddy Berrs do go to Div 3, I think it would be safe to assume that the house of cards that is the SPL, will collapse; led by the Arabs, closely followed by Sheep, HIVs and Murderwell - not necessarily in that order. ICT has already presed the panic button.

  7. I have been a supporter now for the best part of 60 years and I remain to be impressed by any of them. I had sort of hoped that TBK would be successful because they at least knew what the club meant to the support. I say this too, despite my reservations about them. Remember folks, neither Green or his consortium are the owners of Rangers - yet. God forbid, but there may yet be more twists and turns to come.

  8. You can bet your bottom dollar that if anyone is charged with a "sectarian" offence (as per BBC), it will be a Rangers' supporter as we all know that the pond scrapings are never charged with anything like that. If they had been, it would never have been mentioned on BBC Scotland.

  9. Fair dooz matey. I think you’re 100% wrong. We moan like fuck all the time about refs. it does my fucking head in.


    Football’s simple. Score more goals than the other mob


    As Jock Stein once said "If the team's good enough, the ref doesn't matter"

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