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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Posts posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Complete and utter nonsense.


    I had never heard of Mr Houston or Mr Graham until they got involved with UoF/ SoS. I have spoken to Mr Houston a couple of times in the passing; I have never met Mr Graham.


    It is simply the case that I think they are misguided and I did not agree with the ST Trust/Ibrox 1972 Ltd idea nor do I think that a march will achieve anything at all. That said I have stated that I respect people's right to protest in a peaceful manner.


    I have also stated that I do not trust Mr Dinnie because he was involved in the RST cover up but that is quite another matter and has no bearing on my view of the proposed march.


    I have been consistent in these views despite being in a minority on here and oftentimes pilloried for it.


    I am not hiding behind anything; quite the opposite in fact; it has been suggested more than once in public and in private that I am too open for my own good.


    I believe you now, although I did not the first stack of times you posted this shit. So you do not send Mr Dinnie a Christmas card, big deal.


    Why post it again when, as you say, it has no bearing in this thread about the march?

  2. You are not very good at reading, are you? If you were, you'd have read how I pointed out that he's an awful judge of character. He backed Green after seeing his plan and investors. I know Rangers fans who done the same that are helluva lot more qualified to cast judgement on business plans than Ally ever will.


    If I took a pay cut on the basis it'd be back dated or reinstated after a set period, I would have taken it.


    Expecting the manager, who is struggling to manage his players, to know how things are going, or going to go with finances is just daft. It's almost as if you're blaming him for our current troubles.


    He's a shite manager. He picks a team and does what is in his contract. Sadly, Ally is not very good at his job and is in denial.


    Anyway, I'm not going any further here. You're lumping McCoist in with corporate rapists.....I'm not.


    I am very good at reading. You are adamant McCoist is clean and totally different from Green, Stockbridge, Ahmad and the rest. I reckon McCoist is a corporate rapist, the same as the people he lay in bed with. He has proved it, a million times sadly.


    His salary is a moot point really. The problem is, he lied to the support, same as Greenco. He didn't know his salary when trying to cover it up ffs. Taking the piss and treating the pesky fans with contempt.


    At least we agree that he is not very good at his job and is, in fact, a shite manager :)

  3. It's because Ally just took the salary offered he didn't award it himself.


    A clear distinction.


    Really? Fair enough. I am still trying to work out McCoist's cunning stunt when he cut his pay for a bit then wanted it back up and back dated on the quiet, without letting those pesky fans know.


    Not bad for someone who said he did not know what he got paid every month to begin with:confused:


    What about McCoist's corporate rape of the club then, which surpassed our old pal Stockbridge? Different as well I suppose?

  4. Super is nothing like the ****s. I want him gone but let's be sensible.


    Nothing like them? Is that because, whilst both drained app £1 million that year for drastically under achieving in their respective roles, Chuck got 5 million shares to McCoist's 1 million?


    Does that make Stockbridge, at only 700k shares, a good guy?

  5. Did Ally set up EBTs which were the catalyst to our meltdown?

    Did Ally sell the club to Whyte?

    Did Ally oversee the administration process which led us to being bought by Chuck and his gang?

    Did Ally write and approve the prospectus which leans very favourably towards hedge funds?

    Did Ally oversee the spunking of the IPO cash in six short months?

    Did Ally video a drunk chairman or make racist remarks in the media?

    Did Ally lie to shareholders during the AGM or in numerous statements on the club's website regarding finance or future planning?

    Did Ally write up the 120 review which was ametuer at best?

    Did Ally go and seek out an emergency loan shortly after telling the world all is okay?

    Is Ally in talks about the sale and leaseback of Ibrox Stadium and training ground?

    Is the threat of admin two because of Ally and his business decisions for Rangers?

    Did Ally introduce and hire bus owners, one with a criminal record for vat fraud, a pig like chairman, a hedge fund repsentative, a silent PR man, an overrated CEO and small, toxic PR man from media house?

    Did Ally fight for our titles when the SFA and SPL were looking at a smash and grab?


    Ally's guilty of being a shite football manager, living the dream with a poor track record for judging characters. To place Ally in with utter scum is a horrendous act for any bear to do.


    Next up: Ally McCoist is BPH and Margarita Holdings?


    Your defence of McCoist, a Rangers playing legend, is admirable. But many of the points you raise are long before and nothing to do with the Greenco mob I pitch McCoist up with, Is that for added brownie points? Where you finish up re the McCoist being BPH and MH is pathetic.


    Did McCoist stay and not walk away?

    Did McCoist tell fans he could not ask them to buy STs when Greenco were not even started?

    Did McCoist change his mind within a few weeks because Greenco were the second coming, even though many had seen through them?

    Did McCoist coincidently get offered and accept 1,000,000 70p shares for 1p each?

    Did the Rangers supporters pay 70 times what McCoist did for his shares in the company

    Does McCoist hold more corporate rape shares than the devil incarnate Stockbridge?

    Did McCoist cut his pay for a short spell during the admin exit period as a pr stunt?

    Did McCoist then ask for it to be re-instated and back dated so it was no cut at all and he maintained his salary level?

    McCoist certainly did not walk away. He sold his soul to get his nose in the corporate trough with Green, Ahmed, Stockbridge and the rest.


    He absolutely did not walk away.

  6. Preaching to the choir, dude! However, regardless of Ally's inability to manage, he will never be placed in the same bracket as them.


    Actions speak louder than words and, sadly for a Rangers legend, McCoist's actions put him firmly in their camp. What he has done has been shocking.


    And that is totally out with his absolutely shambolic managerial record.

  7. I've seen stronger paper soaked in water than your argument. Batshit mental.


    Our club has been and is still being run by many parasites who have taken over inflated salaries for under performing jobs with little contribution to the football club. Those same selfish people also raped and pillaged the corporate structure of the club by taking shares for 1p when the club needed money the most. At a time when supporters were digging deep to pay 70 times the price. Stockbridge's share deal is just the latest in that continuing sorry tale.


    There is no argument,

  8. Ally's an employee. He might be a poor manager but that's down to his employers to manage. To say he's worse than the people who are raping and pillaging RFC is nothing short of lunacy.


    He is employed as the manager of our club, that is correct. Why and how he ever got the job I have no idea and to say he is anything like remotely competent at it is sheer lunacy. He should have been sacked after his first 2 euro games and countless times since. Absolutely not fit for purpose.


    Even Greenco took longer than that to self combust. Mind you, they had thousands of bears throwing 70p a pop at them like they were messiahs. The RST just happened to be their 2nd biggest allies and supporters when they needed it most.


    McCoist is still there because, as the board's real star, he sold the STs for them and set it all in motion when they were on the ropes with a 9 count. And he got a lot more penny shares than Stockbridge for it.

  9. Congratulations for posting the biggest pile of steaming horse shit in the history of Rangers forums.


    I agree with this. No way is he doing more harm than the wigs could ever dream of, he is only in front by a head, But in fairness he has been at it since Malmo and the wigs were well after that before they entered the race.


    Pity he never turned down the managers role when he had no qualifications, no clue and no chance. The only surprise is he is getting worse. If only he had exercised the same caution as he did when he was asked to sign for us. Oh well.

  10. For us clueless ones, can you provide some proof of this please. Cheers.


    All you need to do is take a look at the recipients of the 1p shares from the word go. BPH, MH and the rest. Then factor in Laxey, who purchased pre ipo - and see who is no longer involved. Then hazard a guess at who is benefiting from the onerous contracts awarded since the time the penny share option(s) were dished out. Expect even Chucky himself to appear with a stash of options like Stockbridge as well.


    The regime and power has not changed. That is why Wallace the planted puppet is costing the club close to £1 million a year to do their bidding.

  11. I will happily accept 12; if so why did you say "When you have downsized so far that you only have half a dozen people working in the whole ticketing department just now"?


    I completely agree that the Manager is a rock; whether she is on holiday at the moment is irrelevant to the point.


    Why did you stop the bold before "just now"?? The point is not irrelevant, it shows how limited the possibilities of ST processing are just now and how many people were in the shed.


    There were only 6 in during this period of, ahem, intense ST sales where the club will have us believe the Boyd signing has transformed everything. So just the truth, that is why I posted it.


    You want to go through all areas of the club bit by bit and see the full extent of the destruction rather than just stop at the TO?

  12. There are 11 people working in the ticket department including the mamager and 2 on the phones. Those are facts. However it is also a fact that there were 30 when we were last in the CL.


    How many are in during this period of vast sales? Or today even? The full tally is 12 btw, out of previously 30 as you say.


    And the manager, who is a rock in there, is currently on holiday.

  13. No-one is doing that. The reporter states that there are people (probably) buying STs when he went there. Others have since stated that this is no one-off event. It sure is good news for the club. Is it "spin" from the board as I asked before though? Hardly likely, though the anti-board faction won't have that. As your 2-2-2-3 remark shows. I see no real need to argue that sort of stance though. We'll have the ST numbers soon enough and if they top 25k for a second tier team, it will still be seen as a success.


    As for the "shattered" and "infrastructure" claim ... no sound basis for that opinion either, as far as I am concerned. And before you try to start a debate, I have no time to waste on this right now either. It's been done to death anyway.


    You don't want to debate the 'shattered infrastructure'? Eg, the ticket shed alone has lost 60% of its workforce, care to guess at a reason? - given that our ST and match sales are still as high as ever.


    Mind you, 36k ST sales in 4th & 3rd tier means 25k is a success in the 2nd? You, Sir, have lost the plot. Don't bother with the debate.

  14. wasn't the 700k laxley "bought" actually a gift from green?


    Not a gift, no. Purely making up the shortfall after the lies pre ipo. At least they had a guarantee from Green and did not have to get the difference back via a dodgy invoice and payment thereof.


    Allegedly :champs:

  15. It's an article from the ET, some reporter asking people in the street. Where's spin in that?


    Of course it is spin. How else do you make 36k ST holders dwindling to sub 20k sound positive? When you have downsized so far that you only have half a dozen people working in the whole ticketing department just now, it would be no surprise if there was a queue at some point. 2 on windows, 2 processing and 2 on phones means 3 punters is a queue.


    Our club has been shattered, from top to bottom, on the pitch and off the pitch. The sad reality is that the infrastructure of a once proud institution has been demolished, big style.

  16. Wonder if Clark has sobered up from Toronto yet?


    No chance the sheep shagging reject will be square yet, it has only been 3 weeks. Did he win the "Drunkest man in the northern hemisphere" gig?


    Pity he was officially and publically representing the club at the time.

  17. While people will point at Sandy Easdale, I'd doubt that the ticket office et al will hand those details to another company (without violating data protection and whatnot). I'm not saying that this all isn't possible, but it neither is that simple.


    Why do they need to give details to another company? RFCLtd already have everything and, unless you missed it, only they are selling STs...

  18. I would assume that those signing up with the trust would want to keep their old places, whereas the "club" would sell those 10k only in one block (i.e. a certain section in e.g. the Broomloan Road stand) , as the administrative stuff in picking 10k "special wishes" from the whole stadium will be deemed far to complicated. In principle, it is all a neat idea, but in practise ...


    Anyway, all these people will probably think that they have made their mark but if the season draws closer, we'll see whether they continue their stand off. As I said before, if the board does not sell or loan or lease the assets anytime soon, the trust's following may very well decide to go watching their team instead of waiting on a quiet usurper (again).


    No administration problem at all, they all have seats and Rangers numbers on file. And the vast majority will still be available for renewal if required. Same as the 17k that renewed, did they, as season 2013/2014 ST holders, represent an admin problem? Also, the club will do anything to get the money in, never mind put them all in one block. A piece of piss to sort out.


    Anyway, many going the 1972 route will want to shift / amalgamate seats etc and all are willing to sit anywhere if circumstances are not practical so it simply is not a problem.

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