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the gunslinger

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Everything posted by the gunslinger

  1. they still don't know what date they will be asked to transfer accross. does that mean the oldco will pay them?
  2. if the rumour of 8 million for half the club is true that's 16 million to buy us then d king thinks 30 million needs spending. that's a lot of cash even for very rich rangers men.
  3. saying none of the players have heard anything from green. perhaps we can shift away from rumour and talk about this. hardly ideal.
  4. I've said for a long time. many rangers fans clamour for us to live within our means but few understand what that involves and even fewer will actually support it. that's what bill miller realised and green didn't. rangers fans demand success.
  5. http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/sport/football/green-consortium-on-its-own-after-smith-and-king-express-grave-concerns-over-funding.17924522
  6. the cva proposal said the season book money was ringfenced. mind you I also said d&p could take it if the needed it to run the oldco.
  7. perhaps green didn't plan on being around long enough to need a bank account.
  8. surely bdo have nothing to do with the newco. spl may say your back in the spl but on the condition football debts are paid in full and on time.
  9. yeah that's what I was thinking. no matter how bad a person's credit rating is they can get a current account. just no credit. I assume its similar for a company.
  10. yeah I get the impression its one of those loose financial laws. but if were really lucky bdo will investigate and nail him on this or something.
  11. yeah I made that point a few times re the overdraft tbk arranged with ticketus.
  12. as I understand it a director has to put a company in admin if its insolvent otherwise he's breaking the law. could in theory be quickly.
  13. this is from leggo today. And more will move in this next 24 hours. On top of that, I understand there are other and much more complex banking complications involving the Green Rangers operation which should become public within the next 24 hours. It will be a bombshell! And it will shake Charles Green’s reputation as a businessman and also raise a huge question mark about his investment bankers, Zeus Capital and their two stooges on the Rangers board, to protect the Manchester investment, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge. It is Zeus and their reputation for probity that’s on the line. They are the paymasters behind Charles Green’s get-rich-quick scheme to rape Rangers. But they will now have to balance any marginal profit their bank may make against the terrible damage which could be caused to its reputation through being associated with Charles Green. When the story about all of the banking complications surrounding the Green Rangers breaks, then the Walter Smith led consortium’s statements will be seen in a different light.
  14. the last parts interesting. tbk wanted to pay football debts. I still think we will have to as part of membership transfer. I still think we should.
  15. the rangers men have buggered of. its up to green now. if hrs serious about wanting to run us he has his chance. I do hope Walter stays away until things change no matter how long that is. only come back if green invites bids.
  16. they had ebts that were not declared. then theirs image rights. film companies etc.
  17. problem with that is the players have to agree to go.
  18. I think both were taken aback by d&p selling to green on a no mater what basis.
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