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the gunslinger

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Posts posted by the gunslinger

  1. I agree the info from the Green ownership (its not a bid anymore) has to be more forthcoming before he can get the fans trust. He wont be getting any of my dosh until I am satisfied, but that goes for all others too, even if they have managed to get a Legend to front it.


    very sensible indeed.

  2. That's not what I am saying. I say they mean not much to me if they are based on the same vague stuff that we have heard from Murray, Whyte and Green before. "McColl does not trust Green", fair enough. Why? It is a simple question.


    its a different question to the one you asked. worth asking but somewhat unlikely to get a full answer.


    in truth its been answered at least partially. green is vague about funding etc


    mccoll should proably just say greens full of shit. there's enough evidence to back it up.

  3. Not quite the same thing. The reason some were saying about not naming all the parties in the Green consortium was because we thought (wrongly with hindsight) that it may have some bearing on the CVA.


    Now all that is out of the way, it should be transparancy all the way. From all parties.


    yeah for me it was wrong then and is wrong now.


    I think we both know the reason he wasn't naming people.


    I think frankies right. immediate meeting with the rfff and not a secret on this time.


    full minutes asap.

  4. *lol* ... some people can't let up. You can discuss whatever and whomever you like, but in a thread designed for McColl & Co., we do not exactly need to jump on the anti-/pro-Green bandwaggon in the second post again ... after having HALF A DOZEN threads on that today alone!. No discrimination or order or whatever you may have perceived it. Thanks.


    The statement by McColl means absolutely nothing, since it is as unspecific as it gets. Much like I saying "I don't trust Paul Murray." So what?


    what your saying here is you don't believe mcolls answers. that's fine but its not something he can do much about.

  5. No he hasnt. He has named himself and Park, but his article in the paper mentions that there are more.


    I absolutely agree that Green has to do similar, this is not, and I am not, pro-Green in any way shape or form. (just to clear that up!!)


    point one was on the timing. he answered that in one of the papers. the herald I believe.


    on the consortium some people said it was ok for green not to name them until he had bought us. I disagreed then and I agree with you now.


    they should be named and immediately.

  6. Agree 100% mate. The way this group has acted is disgusting to say the least. I'm not against the people in it, it's the way they have acted.


    I remember being told that we have to ask question of any group taking over Rangers, seems not with this group.


    who's saying not to ask questions of this group?

  7. 7. What exactly stops you from investing into the shares of the newco under Green's temporary guidance?


    @ gunslinger ... this is not a Green thread.


    he's answered that as well. he doesn't trust that guy were not allowed to talk about in this thread apparently.

  8. I think we'd all have more peace of mind with Walter at the helm rather than Green, but we've got to be realistic about this.


    You can't expect Green to walk away without recouping his money. It's easy to point to the fact that he wants to make a profit out of Rangers as a big negative, but I suspect (and I could easily be wrong) that he's basing his business model on what Fergus McCann did. He wasn't very popular and he made a fat profit, but his tenure paid off long-term.


    Fergus was in a time of growth in football. he was also a celtc fan who had been looking to invest for decades in celtc. he also paid of all their debt before selling on.


    I would see Walters consortium as more like Fergus personally.

  9. Actually, yes we are. The transfer embargo applied to the old company. And was lifted anyway. The newco has no embargo issues at all, is not in debt, has no big tax case, and there is no logical reason why we cannot sign players.


    it has no sfa membership allowing it to register anyone.

  10. I got a few paragraphs into the first article when I read the following;


    "Yet during the past week, the ticket office has been fielding calls from fans to cancel their season tickets because of unhappiness with Green, and no fans will sign up now until he sells to Smith's group."


    This is complete fabrication as the renewals were only issued over the weekend. Are we saying that some fans (nobody I have heard of has even contemplated sending their renewal yet) sent their renewal in, got their confirmation back, and then phoned up to cancel it all in a couple of days.


    No point reading any further after that.


    if your on the direct debit system you need to phone and cancel or they take the money. even if you've cancelled the direct debit in my case on year. they simply set it up again without permission.

  11. Quote:NEWS

    Thursday June 14 2012Sion announce Gattuso deal

    By Football Italia staff


    Gennaro Gattuso “will complete the deal” with Swiss side Sion tomorrow, snubbing Glasgow Rangers and Galatasaray.


    The midfielder is a free agent after his contract with Milan was allowed to expire.


    He had been in talks with Rangers, but the Scottish club cannot sign new players due to a transfer embargo while they are under administration.


    Today reports emerged Gattuso was considering an offer from Turkish outfit Galatasaray.


    However, this evening Sion director of sport Marco Degennaro told Radio Manà Manà that they had reached an agreement.


    “We moved well and tomorrow there will be the definitive meeting to complete the deal,” said the Sion chief.


    “All the conditions are in place for this operation to be closed. The new Sion will be built around him.


    “Gattuso immediately got on well with our President.”


    It’s believed one of the reasons behind a two-year contract with Sion is the presence of his friend and former Piacenza captain Gigi Riccio in the coaching staff.


    Sion had also been linked with a bid for Alessandro Del Piero, who is still trying to decide his future.


    “Del Piero? It would be great to have him here, but let’s keep our feet on the ground.

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