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Everything posted by GovanAllan

  1. Never mind what the club does, this muppet should be getting a chap at his door this morning. But that's what happens when they get told bigotry is only a one way street.
  2. Utterly depressing and it seems the panic wages thrown about last summer are coming back to haunt us.
  3. Love how they keep using fast track when they talk about us, we aren't the ones calling for the changes, we aren't the ones saying a club who wins its league will still play in the same league. Shower of corrupt shits the lot of them, I wish we could leave this cesspit and play somewhere else.
  4. This isn't about a manager or players its about a club who should know better than take the nuclear option to crack a peanut, we keep hearing about good business sense and financial prudence, there's none of that in spending 7mill to win the lowest tier in professional football. Mangers come and go and so do players (thank god) the club will always be there that's who I support, I want it to be there for the next 140 years but it won't be if we continue to follow the old ways of just spend more than the next guy.
  5. We didn't have a squad and were about to play in Div3 what was he improving on, Alexander should've been punted this season and I agree on Cribari he should go ASAP. But if we had blooded a few more youngsters in this league they would be ready for the step up next year not that its much of a step up.
  6. No its not I don't care what our turnover for this year is there was no need to spend 7mill to win Div3, and before you tell me again we are building for the future. Why does our glorious leader then tell us we will need a new team for next season and will most probably lose the first few games because he's playing the kids.
  7. Thats not what I said you build a squad to get you out of Div3&2, we built a squad that should've been good enough to finish top 6 of the SPL, were is the logic in that. SPL players should only have been looked at in Div1. We would have plenty of players to choose from when we needed to pay them a 7K wage when the time came there was no need to panic and throw money about like we did. I would rather have tried the young approach with a few experienced lower league pros and failed the first year than spunking money we don't have.
  8. Exactly mate, there was no need to sign players on the wages we have, and to make it worse we seem to be following on with the same strategy for next season as well.
  9. We could've built a squad capable of winning Div3 for a lot less money that is my point, we seem to have learned nothing from the past. When we get back to the SPL there will be plenty of players available to us, we didn't need to bring in any SPL players to win this league and the money could've kept in the bank for when it is actually needed. The comeback should've been split into 2 parts out of Div3/2, then SPL players to build for Div1/1st year SPL. Instead we started as if we were actually still in the top flight.
  10. I give up, well just do it your way. Over spend for the challenge in front of us and back to admin in 10/20 years thats a great plan. Maybe Ally wasn't so sure he could win this league on even half that budget? Is that why he's talking about increasing the wage bill in the summer maybe he's craping himself even more about next year.
  11. The ones you where stuck with and would've leave or take a wage cut there's not much you can do about. But you think it was the best use of money bringing in guys on 7/8k a week to win Div3? Sometimes you wonder if any of us actually lived through last year but still want us to piss money up the wall when the need wasn't there. Hope this waste of money doesn't come back to bite us on the arse. The fact you think spending 7mill on players wages to win the worst league in the country is ok is actually staggering.
  12. Pretty much in agreement then mate, although I would argue the wage deals he is going to be throwing about in the summer for middle of the road SPL players will be excessive.
  13. You think he needed a 7mill wage budget to get out of Div3? You think he needs another 4/5 SPL players in for next season raising the wage bill further? Would you seriously give him 10mill to spend in Jan?
  14. Surely that's not a real statement from Celtic it must be a wind up. Long and well established reputation for good behaviour, Either that or ST renewals are due at Porkheid and Liewell is getting desperate, you dance with the Devil Peter eventually its going to bite you on the arse. Hope you get all that's coming ya fat turd.
  15. What is getting it right and failure though? Because if its another season like this one no matter if we win whatever league we find ourselves in then for me that's a failure, because he won't have moved the team forward in fact it could be argued he will have moved them backwards. We will then find ourselves one step closer to the top league with a team that hasn't a hope in Hell of competing in that league, and if your going to tell me we will buy better players when we get there, we might as well just shut the doors and turn off the lights because we will have learned nothing from the shambles we found ourselves in last summer because of that same approach. Don't build for the future just spend more money than the next guy, the Rangers way.
  16. Alright Ally how's things going tonight is it snowing where you are.
  17. All Green has said is Rangers will buy 300 tickets minimum for every Swifts away game. I don't see it as anything underhand.
  18. This is a load of Bull, if a man or woman like to throw there fists about towards their partner, they will do it no matter the circumstance. Maybe the police/government should just try getting a grip with that instead of muddying the waters by throwing in us and them.
  19. Doesn't bother me, the SPL/Liewell plan to spread the money around is a bribe by any other name as well. It's got nothing to do with spreading the wealth around its simply there to grease the wheels in the power grab, at least Green is being above board with his idea. Also every chance he will get 300 to a fair few of those games.
  20. A bribe by any other name I agree, but as the saying goes if you can't beat them join them.
  21. Nice touch with the 300 fans payment, dangle the carrot Charlie.
  22. Police have been throwing numbers about like happy hour at the bingo, more pressing question shold be why did the record us a 2 year old photo of the Ibrox crowd to back up the claim.
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