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Everything posted by Beattie

  1. If it was MFI they'd of fallen apart by now.
  2. This is a rant, basically. Simply put, why on God's green Earth are any Rangers' Football Club supporter calling for the head of Paul Le Guen? Everyone knows manager's are never given "time to settle" at Rangers.. but this is ridiclous. It's November for Christ's sake. I find it laughable that we spend an entire summer chasing Paul Le Guen, and we praise the high heavens out of Mr. Murray when he finally "get's his man", and no less than 4 months into a season, people are calling for him to resign and, even more laughabley, be sacked. Our support have such short-term minds it's untrue. Sir Alex Ferguson was one game away from being sacked at Manchester United in his early days.. but he was stuck by, and turned it around, and now look at him. I'm in no way comparing us to Manchester United, but what I'm saying is, even the big clubs need to give a manager time to get it right. Has Paul Le Guen made bad signings? Yes. Has Paul Le Guen got our tactics wrong in the SPL? Yes. Does any of this merit his sacking? Not a chance. We as a club have prided ourselves on never giving in to pressure and making knee-jerk reactions when it comes to managers. In our illustrious 133 year history, we have had a mere 13 managers. Now compare that to some of these clubs who go through 4 managers in one year, 4 managers in 4 years and what-not and it's not hard to see why our Club has been one of the most successful in the world. Stability should never be underestimated. I personally think Le Guen underestimated the SPL. A lesson he is now learning the hard way. We're all learning it. Maybe we as supporters underestimate the SPL, who knows. I'll sum this up. As furious as I am with matters on and off the pitch right now.. the sacking or resignation of Mr. Le Guen would do a lot more damage than good, and it's high time the supporters calling for his head learned that. End of rant.
  3. This fucking enfuriates me. We tried long and hard to get a top drawer manager, which is what we now have, and people are calling for his head by November. Ridiclous.
  4. I personally think 31,000 on a cold, November, Wednesday night against First Division opposition is a good turnout. Especially compared with 18,000 at the Piggery for SPL opposition last night.
  5. How far can we go? I live in Cumbernauld, I'll be happy to only have to walk 5 minutes to watch us play at Broadwood in the first division next season. I'm kidding..
  6. Same old story that. Bar Boyd, we have no one who can finish a ball. And even he needs 16 chances before he does so.
  7. Fair play to the fans for turning up in the 30,000 mark whereas Celtic had 18,000 against SPL opposition last night. I don't go to Ibrox on nights like this because the atmosphere is absolutely diabolical, and there's NOTHING on show to make my money worthwhile. Plus it's freezing..
  8. I wasn't at the game.. so I don't know how we played. But if he played how we usually play in the league, it's madness. If playing thsi European Style against physichal teams in teh SPL isn't work, how the fuck is it going to work against a team from a lower division who need to have heart and fight and scrap for everything they get? We construct our own downfalls by playing the same way in the SPL that we do in Europe, and I'm guessing that's the reason we lost this.
  9. We had a near-full strength team out against a first division side. Come on..
  10. The lineup is.. McGregor Hutton Smith Papac Hemdani Rae Clement Buffel Boyd Novo Sebo Kick off's been delayed till 8.
  11. Barry Ferguson on his day is indeed Rangers class, as is Dado Prso on top form, but I think those days are gone to be bluntly honest. Klos would fall into the same category of Prso. Other than that, it's a blue, blue sea of mediocrity, I'm afraid.
  12. We have 5 games left in November, all crucial in my opinion. We need to go out and THUMP St. Johnstone on Wednesday, get a bit of confidence about the place. Then again, we need to go out and batter a really SHOCKING Dunfermline side. Then comes 2 away trips to Hearts and Auxerre, both BIG confidence boosts if we win them. Then we close out the month at home to Kilmarnock, a good side this season, but if we can brush them aside at home, it'll take us into December with things looking a lot better than they do now. I'm not saying these next 5 games will shape our season, because clearly, especially with reference to the league, they won't, but for confidence and morale purposes.. crucial.
  13. Wenger was raging at the end.. pushed Pardew and refused a handshake.
  14. I don't think it's to do with the personnel, or changing a winning side. It's simply the fact that the way we play in Europe will NEVER work in the SPL. Teams like Livorno and Maccabi Haifa like to play football, knock it around and so on. Which we do well against because we get plenty of time on the ball and a lot of space. But teams like Caley Thistle and Dundee Utd have more fight about them. Close us down quickly etc. And we simply don't have enough players willing to roll their sleeves up and get stuck in for the SPL games.
  15. I think he can, and will. We've never been the kind of club to get rid of a manager quickly, we always give people time to build a squad of their own and stamp their image on the side and so on. It'll come good. Celtic are piss-poor themselves this season, but they keep winning. Whereas nothings going right for us. Or Hearts. Or even Hibs. The league's lost, but a decent UEFA Cup run and maybe a cup win or two is a decent foundation to build on for next season. And don't worry, I've tasted your words. They taste like a fantastic blend of Chilli Concarne and Weetabix. You'll be fine.
  16. Highly doubt that. Stop being a cunt.
  17. I give up.. Seriously. This is a nightmare. No need to act like a complete tosser Bubs. We're in a domestic rut right now and your fucking arrogance and pessimism dosen't help.
  18. Same old story then. That defending is shambolic.
  19. Gotta love West Ham and this whole thing with the Argies. West Ham are playing well, Pardew starts to think they can win it, and he throws on Sheringham and Harewood while Tevez stays on the bench. Love it.
  20. What did Le Guen say when he was asked about Boyd before the game?
  21. I thought it was fucking fantastic to see Barry play through injury (not for the first time), and still pull off a performance like that. He was absolutely immense last night, and showed again that in terms of grabbing a game by the neck and taking control of it, he's the best we've got. Brilliant.
  22. I love how you changed your post from "we're gonna lose now" to "we're gonna win now".. clever Bubbs.
  23. Who knew Adam could hit a penalty like that?
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