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Everything posted by Juancornetto

  1. No Ian Wright? Was he there under Wenger, I'm almost sure he was.
  2. Chelsea, Barca, Real and Bayern in the semi's... El Clasico Final?
  3. One wonders whether this chap was here representing his German club, St Pauli, who have had a long cuddly relationship with the extremist element of the Celtic support. We should be told.
  4. None of the available parties represent my views anymore, the closest any of them has come is SNP who have done a decent job of the infra-structure, transport etc but are blighted by the anti-British element of their support.
  5. Richard Wilson will be hounded out of a job at the BBC by those inside and outside who cannot accept objectivity or balance when discussing Rangers. He'll be labelled a "hun" faster than you can say Sevco. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. Sorry guys, my youngest daughter was admitted to Yorkhill on Sunday after coughing up blood (I'll spare you the details) needless to say I had to drop everything and be there. Turns out she'd had a wobbly tooth for a few days and was swallowing blood and then brought it up after a coughing fit. Panic over.
  7. I'd rather we joined the MLS mate.
  8. Borussia Dortmund did me for a 6 fold yesterday worth £180, then I tried to recoup and lumped on Chelsea....... Today has been much better though, Liverpool, Arsenal and Monaco treble paid me back £90.
  9. I'll knock one up for the replay on Monday over the weeekend and put me down for Forfar on the 15th April please.
  10. Do these guys actually think they're helping anything gossiping and bickering on Facebook about people? No sympathy whatsoever I'm afraid, not that I condone SE's behavior at all but it's a case of "fly with the crows, you get shot with them" for me.
  11. I've long thought that enough digging and scrutiny would expose some dodgy dealings between GCC, Celtic and it's Labour Party partners. 40 years of collusion must have left a trail. Here's hoping a few skeletons start falling out of cupboards shortly.
  12. I fear for the unbeaten record in the league now it's wrapped up. If the players take their foot off the gas any more than they have in recent weeks then we'll stall. Ally needs to fire them up somehow.
  13. He's just repeating what his manager is telling him.... *incoming*
  14. I'm just a bit underwhelmed, don't get me wrong I'm 100% behind it (I'm one of the 650) I just hoped that we'd get into four figures + even with a "soft launch". Maybe it shows that the Twitter Rangers "family" is not as big as it thinks it is?
  15. I don't know why but I had a much larger figure in mind when thinking about how many would sign up to donate..... Isn't 650 a bit...pish?
  16. No i didn't. I'd prefer to use somebody like Mourinho as an example. the players who have played with and for him have all spoken of the same kind of scenario. He invests his time in working with the team, he's a born winner and doesn't accept failure. They weren't physically intimidated by him or scared of him but would walk over broken glass for him. You know the point I'm making but choose to both misquote me.
  17. When I use the word "fear" I don't mean the fear of physical harm or bullying rather the fear of letting somebody you respect down, of reneging on the promises and commitments you've made to that person, the fear of failing in that person's eyes. That type of fear is a powerful motivator and I think, without being too disrespectful to modern day footballers, it is a big part of what makes them tick.
  18. The Mr Nice Guy, everybody's pal style of management simply doesn't work. Highly paid footballer or not you respond to the basic emotional motivators in life and fear is one of them. How many of those players fear (even on a basic low level) going into the dressing room a goal down after a poor first half? None.
  19. Defending our Spivs is quite catchy. Contrary shower.
  20. As much as Celtic have been accumulating cash on one hand, their costs and wage bill must be huge and Celtic Park is 1/3 full most home games now. The State Aid thing may well come to something, all it takes is one email, one letter, one administrative omission and an investigation will be commissioned and who knows what that might turn up? 30 years of Labour/GCC assistance must have left some kind of trail. There's also the small matter of the Co-Op bank's precarious position...£2bn losses and a complete disregard of it's ethical ethos to now be owned in no small part by hedge funds and venture capitalists. At some point one of those cosy relationships will be put under scrutiny and loyalties will be tested.
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