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Everything posted by Juancornetto

  1. Alex Thomson has said the story is nonsense...he reckons he spoke to Craig Whyte approx an hour ago and he says he's not for walking away and wants to see CVA to exit administration!
  2. You turn your back for 5 minutes and all sorts of news comes out!
  3. Thanks bud, so it follows then that the company formerly known as Wavetower (Rangers FC Group Ltd) own the majority of the shares in RFC PLC and is still a solvent, going concern. What are you thinking?
  4. What legal entity is in Administration? My understanding was that the football club itself isn't the one paying/not paying the bills rather it's parent company...
  5. You could put a case across for both options, you would hope that people would be able to disagree about something without it descending into tribalism. The nature of the article was never going to go down well with the mutants though lol. Truth hurts.
  6. I'm only surprised it took so long for anybody to set about the guy that coldcocked Danny Swanson, he deserved a bleaching from all of the Utd boys.
  7. We really really need a judgement on the Big Tax Case now, this week in fact. As much as D&P have been saying it's a red herring it's far from it.
  8. The comments at the end are the reason I rarely read fan's blogs (as well written and succinct as they are). The sad fact is that a large portion of the Celtic fans don't respect Lennon either not that any of them will admit it publicly. We hear that Lennon is hugely respected by Lawell, Desmond at al but I'd hazard a guess that is PR talk. With each passing SFA charge he is devaluing any on field success further and further and blurring the distinction between fans and management. If you plucked a rabid yet isemi ntelligent minion and put him in the dugout he'd no doubt act the same way as Lennon has done. It's hard wired into them that if they win it's despite the system being against them and if they lose they must have been cheated.
  9. Until we see a transcript or minutes from the meeting at the very least we won't know why Regan thought it appropriate to walk out. I suspect the fans group may have overstepped the mark in the heat of the moment but would be happy to be proved wrong.
  10. So...HMRC then stand to benefit most from a BK/Ticketus agreed CVA?
  11. I wouldn't get the Champers out yet mate...Paul Murray must still be the front runner as he now has Ticketus fully on board. The creditors will get a bigger percentage of the available cash with that bid. Hope not but it's logical to assume so.
  12. Thanks to Frankie for some positive news without it first having gone through the doom filter. The end game is nigh.
  13. I think we need a covert raid on KDS to get the expert opinions of all the financial whizzkids over there.
  14. There are definitely growth areas and revenue streams out there that clever worldwide businessmen could exploit with Rangers. TV revenues are poor even in a suppressed market. The "brand" could be sold more aggressively, the US players have sparked a lot of interest over there (Edu, Boca, etc) and with a bit of marketing and some key signings that interest could go through the roof. Tie ups with Ice Hockey, Basketball, Baseball teams etc could be agreed. The Asian market is also growing at a phenomenal rate, China will have more willing subscribers to a "soccer" channel than Europe soon and the brief appearance of the Indian trialists showed what was achievable. I'm not talking mega millions like Man City but surely the £1m per month deficit could be reduced or even met?
  15. Liquidation is a red herring, it's a technicality more precisely. As the post from FF put's it, if the SFA levy sanctions on Rangers Football Club for sins of the previous owners then that is recognition that it is the same football club that has been in existence for 140 years. There is now a media race on to convince you otherwise. The truth doesn't sell Newspapers.
  16. Is it still liquidation if the football club is sold to another company beforehand?
  17. Nothing of note really, they printed a few lines from letter's between Martin Bain and John McClelland suggesting among other things that his bonus should be non contractual and paid into his trust (EBT). One excerpt had Bain saying along the lines of, "I've asked her (clerk) to shred the letter mentioning contractual payments to my Trust"... No evidence, no smoking guns no substance. Here you go...http://www.channel4.com/news/revealed-the-payments-that-may-lead-to-rangers-downfall
  18. Bain is the source of all leaks and stories I'm convinced of it, maybe it's not him directly but someone in his inner circle has been leaking documents for months. He dropped his case as way of trying to take the sting out of this and possibly more to come. Nothing new but still shouldn't be in the hands of people like Thomson.
  19. The media are starting to turn on him. I await the counter measures from CFC PR Dept....
  20. Interesting...some eye witness testimony would be even more interesting. Unless he was shouted down, sworn at or just spoken to in a manner none of us would like then I can't see why he should just walk out. Which line of questioning provoked that reaction? We need someone who was there to spill.
  21. Are you sure we still owe this? I'm sure I heard it mentioned by a Journalist that we don't owe anything for Wallace...
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