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Everything posted by Juancornetto

  1. He had to in all honesty, I don't believe he could watch the club be hamstrung by cash flow knowing he had £0.5m partitioned for him. Some you win, some you lose baldy.
  2. Steven Whittaker couldn't defend a cone from a seagull. That's the only thing I'd have changed team wise on Sunday but then we don;t have another fit right sided full back in the squad.
  3. Wee bit unfair mate, McCoist's team that went out 11 v 11 was more than a match for Lennon's 4-5-1. I'm not a massive McCoist (as a manager) fan but neither am I too blinkered to see that he had us set up and fired up on Sunday to produce the performance that we did. Aside from a 7 minute spell at the end when they got a penalty and a dodgy free kick that led to the 2nd goal.
  4. Tactics bang on, on Sunday...amirite or a meringue?
  5. The only song sung about Lennon was the "you're a wanker, you're a wanker" one so no it's not true. It could only have been the odd idiot behind the dugout if any that shouted or sang sectarian stuff at him and that area is packed with Police and Stewards. More lies I'm afraid.
  6. As long as the fans keep being hoodwinked by Lennon he will remain but I don't think it'll be long before they waken up to his tactics, possibly a certain SC semi against Hearts. The question is post Celtic...which football club would want to be associated with him? He'll be unemployable just like his fans.
  7. Pieces like this are only written to stir up controversy and nothing else. No valid points all opinion and innuendo. The Celtic PR machine has obviously gone into full attack mode to cover the backside of their embarrassment of a figurehead.
  8. Got a bit carried away buying flags for my group on Sunday..all the money goes to the club though so can't complain.
  9. Smoke bomb before kick off and at least two massive bangers (oooher missus)
  10. According to Lennon Wanyama's sending off "was borderline", but also says "you can't tackle like that". Which one is it Neil?
  11. If Kennedy takes over, he will have to form a new company and "buy" the football club from the Administrators (and/or Craig Whyte) The question is then what happens to the company formerly known as Wavetower? The ones who owes HMRC and others millions of pounds?
  12. It's obvious he hasn't learned anything from his two previous disciplinary breaches, throw the book at the childish little cretin. Three strikes and all that....
  13. I'm convinced that a huge number of supposed Celtic fans aren't actually football fans at all, they are just brought up to believe that it's their duty as a Catholic (or person of Irish heritage) to hate Rangers and support "Ra Sellick". The ones I'm talking about are the ones who on the face of it seem to be committed Celtic fans but couldn't name a player from any SPL team outside of their own and of course Rangers. It's a cultural badge of honour for them rather than an interest in the Sport. If you boiled them down to the genuine ones you would be left with barely enough to fill Celtic Park. We have some who fit that description as well don't get me wrong, but they are more than outweighed by the majority of sincere fans who love football and happen to support Rangers.
  14. He'd have been safer in with us than he would in amongst his own judging by the flak he's taking on Twitter from bheasts.
  15. His demeanour in post match TV interviews showed that he was really frustrated. Being told to stay clear of the Directors box by his own people will have had that effect. He's a laughing stock.
  16. It was edited to make it look like an even game with a couple of "lucky" moments and decisions for Rangers. The BBC Scotland CSC must have been pure ragin'.
  17. Albion Rovers? Their ground is in the Cliftnhill area of Coatbridge/Coatdyke. and so don't have a place in their name. Do I win a shot of your Mrs Max?
  18. Sportscene never highlighted it so that will be the end of that. Rob McLean even managed to make it sound like Celtic weren't trampled over from the 1st minute.
  19. Loved Lee Wallace's goal yesterday. The way he ran away arms aloft in celebration before the ball had hit the back of the net was poetry in motion.
  20. Brian Kennedy was at the game yesterday. If he had any doubts about the magnitude of the institution he is potentially buying then those would have been blown away yesterday. I was standing at the back of the Govan yesterday just looking around and thinking it's inconceivable that this could be allowed to get into the state it's in. Enjoyed a break from takeovers and admin talk this weekend but I think it's going to intensify this week.
  21. If Ticketus lose their cash I will laugh, they entered into a clearly dubious deal to make a massive profit and now it's gone tit's up. It's the high finance equivalent of responding to the Nigerian General Justice Mbokani and sending him an advance to get a share in £500m of "war funds".
  22. So much wrong with that, my 6 year old could come up with something more balanced an objective. He just panders to the slabbering masses who read the Sun.
  23. The blonde with the boobies at Ibrox was Craig's Russian girlfriend, she looks quite like his wife to be fair but the common thread here is that they're both too good for the wee ginger gobshite.
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