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Everything posted by Juancornetto

  1. Glad I waited to come on here until after the fog has lifted. We didn't lose anything today, Duff and Phelps now feel that they are entitled to ignore Ticketus as anything more than a creditor. If Ticketis don;t hold any legal title to any property or future property then that is exactly what they are. Obviously that's not just going to be the end of it and there is the horror scenario of Ticketus wrapping us up in legal battles until we grind to a halt completely but it's in nobodies interest to do that.
  2. The guy's obviously not skint, he lives between a house in Monaco and a castle on Speyside. Slept with a billionaire though.
  3. Got be along those lines. I don't actually agree that it's tainted, just totally irrelevant, hollow if you like but tainted infers cheating. If they had won it last season then it would have been properly tainted. Intimidation of Ref's, a record penalty total, (most of them for dives) and their managers constant disciplinary issues.
  4. Can't wait now, got a feeling the UB's display will be a good 'un.
  5. The mutants have basically given up on destroying Rangers now, the SFA are the next target. They conveniently forget how much the SFA have bent the knee to Celtic over the years.
  6. Always been a massive Maradona fan and for me he remains the best ever despite his goal ratio and frequency being lower than Messi. What you've got to remember is he played in a time when defenders could chop you in half and get away with it not like now. When people say he won a World Cup on his own of course that's not true, he was part of a team but he really did drag his team mates along for the ride. What he did with Napoli and with Argentina puts him just ahead of Messi in terms of achievement against the odds. Messi plays in the best team ever to grace the game, without him they'd be contenders for everything.
  7. Go get them wee man, if what you have admitted to saying is right and there's nothing worse been said then it's a clear case of victimisation.
  8. The judge who is making the ruling on Ticketus with Duff and Phelps holds the key to our future in his hands. It's the single most important decision to be made, even bigger than HMRC who I'm sure will be amicable to a CVA as long as they get a "guilty" verdict in the BTC to enable them to go after the 5,000 other firms who've used EBT's. Let's hope he's a good old boy and see's that Ticketus took advantage of a situation to profiteer.
  9. That's beyond the pale. First of all it's utter nonsense, every "local" firm of administrators would have been wetting themselves to get the Rangers gig. The fee's on offer alone make it a massive deal to these type of firms let alone the publicity and profile that would come along with it. With the comment about windows he's just lowered himself to gutter level. I'm not amused.
  10. On the contrary Max, I would welcome foreign ownership IF it was going to broaden our reach and of course they were responsible owners. All big IF's but I don;t see why we should be worried about new owners not being Glasgow based..maybe there would be less chance of emotive spending and reckless financial management in pursuit of success.
  11. The BK's plan is the only one we know anything about but the whole Ticketus aspect coupled with the obvious lack of capital investment makes it a difficult plan to accept. I can see why Paul Murray has brought Ticketus in as they will become a partner rather than a creditor leaving only HMRC as largest single creditor but if shrewd businessmen like Brian Kennedy (a devout Christian) see no value in them being involved and therefore taking a £24.4m fall then I don't either. I don't fancy either of the supposed American bids either just on past history and the murky possibility that Whyte is in cahoots with them, so Kennedy for me is the only progressive and secure individual I would remotely trust with Rangers in the fragile position we would be in.
  12. He's no Salim kerkar but he's no a bad wee player right enough.
  13. He's been indoctrinated by the CCC no doubt, he obviously see's an angle in this and one that wouldn't damage his career, I wonder if he has done his own due diligence on those who seem to be advising him. One look at Paypal Phil's blogs would show you that he's a subversive and obsessive ego-maniac with an unhealthy obsession of Rangers and Rangers fans.
  14. I think definitely last season he was rattling the jazz talc but he now looks "better", his behaviour last season and his general appearance was very indicative of a heavy drinker and coke user. His nose was scabby and he had a constant nasal whine. Sunday apart he has kept fairly calm and has been a bit more measured in interviews etc and if he was using he wouldn't be able to keep a lid on it. All very much my own opinion of course.
  15. If there was going to be any action taken it would have been announced by now, the SFA are all about swift justice you know. It's clear now that Celtic are a law unto themselves and Lennon feels comfortable saying the things he does and acting the way he does with impunity. How did it get it come this?
  16. It's not just as black and white as this thread suggests, I reserve the right to criticise McCoist and/or the players for poor tactics, performance and application despite the challenges and sacrifices that they have faced in recent weeks. That's their job. To completely right off results and performances goes against the values of our club, granted we've never been through such a bad time off the field but we are a football club and it's the managers job to put out a side he thinks can beat the opposition and I have no doubt Ally has done that however, we face the prospect of losing 4 league games on the spin next week (something that has never happened before IIRC) this is still a concern for me. Had we not had such a commanding lead earlier in the season we could be looking at a bottom 6 finish..or worse. Ally himself said that results can't be blamed wholly on Administration. It's a big mitigating factor no doubt but if those players were motivated to win in the face of adversity we wouldn't be where are now. On balance though I would be happy to finish the season intact and with McCoist at the helm. Who is at the helm at the start of season 2012/13 is the big question for me.
  17. All above is fair comment but I for one don't want to the give them the satisfaction of winning anything at Ibrox. Let's just hope Motherwell do the business on Saturday and this little scenario becomes another anti-climax for them in what surely must be as underwhelming a title winning season as there has ever been.
  18. Stokes took the cowards option and tried to get a penalty rather than take the shot and have Cammy Bell save it.
  19. I'm a bit torn on this issue, on the one hand it's just plain wrong to shaft Ticketus and leave them with a £24m hole in their clients investments but on the other, they "bought" a product from somebody who at that point didn't own it. On top of that they speculated to nett a massive profit on this product to the tune of approx £36m (40,000 season tickets at £500 each every season for 3 seasons) and so could be accused of profiteering. When you look at it that way it's tempting to put it down to a bad investment and let them chase Whyte for it.
  20. Far from it mate, they (BK's) believe that their bid trumps any on offer because with them Ticketus become a partner rather than a creditor wiping £24.4m off the figure to be agreed in a CVA. It's sound logic as well.
  21. If only we had a Billy MacGhiollabill to write furious letters to all and sundry against his rivals...
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