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Posts posted by Juancornetto

  1. 75% is the magic figure. If we can reach agreement with 75% of creditors then administration will be lifted and the Chairman will assume control again. This could leave a lot of people disappointed and out of pocket and that is likely to get a lot of publicity. I fully expect to see the papers full of sob stories and propaganda about people losing jobs etc. It is a sorry situation but I'm afraid it may be totally necessary, don't forget the state we were in before Craig Whyte made an appearance...Lloyds were in charge and by all accounts Administration was considered then.

  2. Our aim is to be as close to Celtic as possible niow, 9pts or less of a gap and they will know they have been handed a title by default rather than any achievement of Lennon. The ones I've spoken to already bristle at the mention of it.

  3. I joined at the beginning of the year and as has been said the speed and clarity of any information is pretty poor however, it's as good a platform as any to rally round at this point. If such a platform was free it would attract huge numbers and would give the best idea yet whether a fan's ownership scheme could work.

  4. What statements are scaremongering? All were factually correct.


    Strathlclyde Police have never even hinted that the game might be off, how can rumours of the opposite be factually correct? The same goes for season tickets, an assurance has been given that this season and next's season tickets will be safe and valid. It's scaremongering pure and simple.

  5. As much as we all want what's best for Rangers we must recognise that what will happen is what's best for Craig Whyte, no matter how hard that is to stomach.


    Too many potential pitfalls to be remotely positive just now I'll leave that for Ergatrude, der Berliner and their ilk.


    Is there any need to be so dismissive and flippant of other guys views? There is no reason why both scenarios can't be true.

  6. This is a crucial decision....our own Administrators (Duff and Phelps) will presumably have worked with CW before and therefore would be as pro-Whyte as they could be however if HMRC appoint administrators they will be less concerned with the secured creditor and more concerned with squeezing as much cash/assets out as possible for HMRC.

  7. Did you notice how he was wearing a grey/silver suit in front of all those trophies.


    Seems like he's trying out the camoflage(?) gear already. lol


    Nice touch speaking in the trophy room. I still think he could have been more bombastic in rousing the fans..encourage fans to come to games and make a defiant racket.

  8. As a slight diversion I thought it would be worth looking at the footballing consequences if we are indeed placed into the hands of administrators.


    The first thing I would like to clear up is what happens to our squad given that we are post Transfer window...so you would think that the squad we have now will be the one that we finish the season with, or will we?


    The answer is yes AND no. We can now see why Whyte was so keen to get contracts issued to the "marquee" players - McGregor, Whittaker, Davis and Lafferty. This makes them assets which hold a significant value and the administrator will want to yield a return if and when they are sold. This cannot happen out with a transfer window unless all of them go to Russia where the window is still open but this is unlikely. What is more likely is that these players will be asked to accept lower wages by an administrator in an effort to reduce running costs (pegged at £3.5m per month).


    The fringe and short term contract players however are a different story. This includes:


    Papac, Wykde, Aluko, Bocanegra, Edu McCullloch, Broadfoot, Healy, Little and possibly Goian. These players will also be asked to accept reduced wages, some will accept while others will refuse. The ones who refuse will be offered to terminate the contracts and accept a small settlement or will have their contracts terminated and become free agents. We are likely to see a lot of players coming out and giving "I feel let down by the club" statements and it will generally be pretty unpleasant. It has been suggested that some players who arrived in the summer or January have "administration clauses" in their contracts which would allow them to leave as free agents immediately. I hope this is not the case as we would find ourselves seeing out the season with 16 and 17 year old kids filling in the blanks.


    The youth players will not be immune from the cuts but some of them will find themselves in the first team to replace some of the above. This could yield an unexpected bonus further down the line...just look at Motherwell and the success rate of young players coming through post administration.


    Points wise we will be deducted 10 points immediately we enter administration and this currently puts us at 51 points, 10 clear Motherwell in 3rd.


    Unless we have exited admin by the summer all of our assets will be sold to raise cash for creditors. We could be looking at our entire first team being sold with no possibility of buying players to replace them. This would be disastrous for season 2012/13 and doubly so when you consider another 10pt deduction will be levied by the SPL. If the Chairman can steer us out of admin before then this can be avoided.


    Administration will have a lasting effect on the squad for years to come, we have all but conceded the league this season and unless we are out of admin by July we will be 10pts behind before a ball is kicked.


    The fans will be key to the on field performance in this period. If crowds drop cash flow will be squeezed and the administrators will be forced to inflict deeper cuts than if we continue to see 40k plus crowds. Any notion that money you put into Rangers now goes to administrators is completely false and potentially very damaging to our on and off field chances.


    None of this may be necessary and we may enter and exit very quickly, or even better not enter admin at all. One thing is for sure though...Rangers will not be Champions for a fourth consecutive season.

  9. What is the advantage of making the decision yesterday, rather than waiting until the verdict of the tax tribunal is anounced?


    Pre emptive strike on an unsecured creditor. It's pretty clear now that HMRC were not just going to lose the case and give up there. I believe the phrase used was "appeal and appeal again". This way they have a choice....come to a judgement that won't be appealed and is acceptable to Rangers or get to the back of the queue and get what's left after the secured creditor has taken his settlement.

  10. Steady JC, Forlann will be on telling you to get your head out the sand.


    It's good to have cynics and doubters but I've yet to see one coherent theory from them about how Craig Whyte is going to run off into the sunset with millions of pounds and leave Rangers bankrupt and liquidated. It just doesn't make sense. Rangers is the one business that I think he wants to "turn round" for is own benefit. The two are not mutually exclusive.

  11. Wee Craig is doing a real hatchet job on HMRC. I don't get how people can see it any other way. This is not going to be pretty, our staff and squad will be trimmed even further and we are going to be dragged through the mud again and again but what is new there?


    Craig Whyte is the secured creditor. If the figures are correct then he has underwritten £45m of debt (or his companies have) and so he holds 75% of the debt. He can then then cut a deal with himself and take us out of administration. HMRC are not a secured creditor as we are led to believe so this is really a pre-emptive strike to ringfence the debt and assets from them.


    We have been insulated from the real impact of financial strife for years, it's time to bite the bullet and sort it out. There is a clever wee guy in there doing that at the moment and if he and Rangers come out the other end smelling of roses then I wouldn't begrudge him making some money for his efforts.

  12. If Whyte took over with the aim of liquidating Rangers, otherwise known as finishing us as a business, and it's what ends up happening, his life would be at risk. There would be many fans who would want to kill him.


    I'm not even kidding.



    This is true, there's nowhere he could go and hide without feeling under threat for his life.

  13. If this was always the plan, Whyte should have said that from the start.


    How could he? We were unable to source financing as it was and now all bets are off as far as creditors go and that could includes HMRC.


    The crux of this is now how Mr Whyte has structured things to best deal with administration. He's been down this road many times before so in that sense he's the best man for the job.

  14. The only thing that is worse about this news is the hundreds of poor misguided folk out there that haven't the first idea what Administration is.....I for one am pretty calm about it. This may be the first step to Rangers becoming a successful functioning football club again.

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