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Posts posted by Laudbertz

  1. meaning more in the next weeks and months. When do you think we will hear about movement on scouting, renovations, managers, budgets etc


    They definitely mentioned the importance of a scouting network being established during interviews yesterday so I would think that would be high on the list of priorities with a manager coming in.

    Renovations I have no idea.

    Manager, got the impression yesterday we wouldnt be seeing a change until the end of the season.

    Budgets, I would expect that to take a bit of time. With them having to pour through the books at the financial mess the club is in, players contracts expiring at the end of the season and having to judge a budget on what league we will be in next season, its not an easy thing to talk about.


    One thing I will say is that, bar the manager thing, I couldnt be happier with everything that the three of them said yesterday, and think we will get alot of honest answers out of them with regards to all the questions fans have about taking the club forward in the near future.

  2. how does everyone see the timeline going?


    all that everyone seems to say is it will take time, not sure what is meant by that. Fair enough to get everything sorted will take some time but in the short term on what and when do you expect to see movement?


    Movement in terms of us getting back to winning ways in the SPFL?

    I dont think 3-5 years is unrealistic if we get the right Manager and coaching staff in. tic are not that great a team these days, the rest of the pack chasing them closely shows that.


    Movement in terms of ridding the club of MA & co's ripping out our soul, couldnt possibly guess.

  3. think he found agreement pre egm with king. Just my opinion no insider knowledge on this. would imagine he will continue to protect his place above all else. Would expect he will chip in with some money in the short term to large fan fair to support something the fans will appreciate(scouting for ex)


    Why did he abstain from voting at the EGM if he is now backing King? Just incase he didnt win?

    It'll take some doing for the fans to trust either Easdale now that the tides have turned, to receive appreciation from the fans, they have done themselves and us no favours in the good of Rangers.

  4. The RFB did some fantastic work in the face of adversity when the former (oh man thats the first time ive said that word, feels good!) board were throwing them curve balls.


    With King confirming fan representation will be on the Rangers Board, will the RFB still be there as a sub group to this?

  5. They've made alot more noise in Rangers favour more recently, I would say four years is pushing it. Is it still expected that Traynor's PR firm is going to be part of Rangers as it was for DK's build up to the EGM?

    I hope so.


    What im also looking forward to in that having Rangers men at Ibrox, is that they will more likely than we have had for a long time, fight against articles which are misleading and damaging to our club. Lots of other things to do on the list of priorities first, but thats something im fairly sure will be addressed.

  6. I just noticed the LSE announcement in the first post. Interesting that Gilligan got the highest amount of votes and lowest amount against, the online community seemed to put him in a lower position.


    Also, how did DK 'beat' PM percentage wise when his votes for were lower?


    Non of the above really matters... just interesting, to me at least haha.

  7. Im unfamiliar with this group, are they Ashley supporters or just anti King?

    Their sentence on the landslide exaggeration is laughable. Its a landslide because the shareholders who voted made it so, it may have been less if the other 1/3 showed up but I dont think by much.

    The upsurge in support of King recently has been huge, of course he will come under scrutiny, but today, all three of them are making the right noises and do not seem phased by the long haul task in front of them, quite the opposite.

  8. His last spell as a manager at Fulham was not successful and if the media reports are anything to go by he is not the most likeable of individuals and therefore I believe his appointment would not be a positive one for Rangers.


    As far as I remember, his management pre-Fulham was fairly highly regarded, although a fair point that his time at Fulham wasn't great.

    He doesnt have to be likeable, does he? Lots of managers arent.

  9. And in order to do that we need someone managing the team who has a clue what they're doing. Doesn't need to be a long term contract. seeing as Magath has a vested interest, he'd be a good start.


    Im not sure of his background in investing in clubs, but I dont see why he would have invested in backing King if he wasnt going to play some part in the rebuild.

  10. So I decided to take a half day and head to Ibrox. Parked the car at the Broomloan around 1pm and walked round to the argyle. No movement checked twitter etc press conference at 2:30pm. The press were told to head for the media room so I thought King etc would come out the front door after the press conference. Got car, got a heat, charged phone and headed onto Edmiston Drive. Checked twitter and saw the photos of them outside the Argyle. Bas***d missed them. Ran round missed it. So decided to hang about. Back round to the Argyle as the car they arrived in was sitting there. The chauffeur came out and got in the car, so I jumped in mine and followed him. He done one full lap and stopped at the ticket office I strolled past him thinking whys he stopped there ......., as John Gilligan walked past my car. Oaft. Engine still running I jumped out to shake the hand of Dave King and Paul Murray and gave my personal thanks from the fans.



    Worth the wait. What a day.


    Your post about taking a half day earlier in the thread made me laugh. I was bursting to get away from work too! Not to Ibrox unfortunately, but good work tracking them down.

  11. I dont see us going up if we dont get a new manager in right away. KMD isnt likely to change anything tactics/team selection wise, so the only hope we have is the increased fan noise at Ibrox to spur the team on. That SHOULD be enough, if the players on the pitch care, but if they're playing the same way, no new direction from the sidelines, its going to be a struggle. A manager between now and summer, then a long term manager in during the summer with a carefully thought out player transfers list and fresh ideas.


    Anyway, only happy thoughts today. Its been a good day. :)

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