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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He already thinks Lambias is a useless sack of shit, based on what he has done at Newcastle. I don't think anything we could tell him about Lambias' time in Glasgow would surprise him.
  2. True Geordie has been livening up my interest in the Premiership for 18 months since a a mate (who is a Sunderland fan!!) sent me the link. He says it like it is and is spot on with his analysis more than any of the clowns on MOTD. I feel the guy's pain but unless the Newcastle fans get serious and starve Ashley out like we did, nothing will change.
  3. Half empty? I think you are being generous. Barely a third full most games I would have thought. Liewell would be fucking delighted if it was only half empty.
  4. Because they are looking to lynch him, not Rangers, this time. Passing them on the way up will be sweet. And I wouldn't hold my breath for them coming back soon either.
  5. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of scum. Fuck them.
  6. With good reason. His decision to ignore that Warburton revolution and pick worse than average dross from the SPL and lower reaches of the Championship cost Scotland dear. "If on;y, if only...." he's probably thinking.
  7. Doc

    Neil McCann

    Couldn't agree more. Hartson is just rubbish. Sutton is vindictive and really rubbish.
  8. You can only go to the well so many times before it runs dry - and we drained it severely on Sunday against Celtic. The players looked tired and drained whereas Hibs looked like they needed a win and they went for it. McKay's goal aside we huffed and puffed and created very little. Give the players a break in early May and a week's solid preparation before the Cup Final while Hibs knacker themselves in the play-offs and things will hopefully be very different.
  9. Sweep sweep, nothing to see here probably. Same as usual. The Green Brigade at their finest and most hypocritical.
  10. Doc

    Mr Warburton

    Hope you are right rbr. Today was a huge step forward and payback for 4 years of crap from the lot on the other side of the City. Hopefully this is just the beginning.
  11. Indeed he will but his assessment today was pretty much spot on. Today the world saw that our stock is on the rise, while Celtic's is going down the pan. Tierney was their best player by a mile but he still got skinned by McKay on numerous occasions. There will be plenty questioning any multi million price tag for Tierney now, but thinking McKay could be a signing target down the line instead.
  12. I agree with Craig. Warburton has brought us an incredible distance from the doom and gloom of the same period last year. He has picked up a string of players none of us would have thought of (and certainly McCoist would never have considered) and mixed them in a wonderful cocktail with the best of last year's squad. We are in a great place and our progress and the excitement of today's game will have been a great advertisement to potential signings. I never though we would have a chance of Europe for at least another 12 months, but if we can get past Hibs - bring it on. We certainly can't do worse than every other Scottish team has managed since 2012.
  13. Nerves gone. Still having difficulty coming to terms with what happened. Nicky Law aside, that group of players played like legends. This wipes out a lot of hurt over the last 4 years. Thank you Mr Warburton. Thank you. It sounds small and inadequate given what you and the players have given us today but this means an awful lot, and I don't have the words to say how much I appreciate it. Fantastic. Football played the right way triumphs over lumped passes and hulking thuggery.
  14. End to end now. Cracking game. Who says Scottish football doesn't need the Old Firm.
  15. Perhaps the City first team ought to watch that video as well because the defence has been paper thin any time that Kompany has been out injured. Hopefully one or two of these younger lads will get a look in under Guadiola because they can't be much worse than De Michaelis and Mangala have been this season.
  16. Utter garbage. On paper we are the underdogs for this tie and preparing for next season will take more players and a lot of work. Hardly rocket science and most Bears would accept that. We have very little to lose and everything to gain. Who pays the man to scribble this shite? He is as good at journalism as he was at staying on his feet in the penalty box.
  17. Sutton is a has-been reduced to shit stirring to sustain his career as a so-called "pundit". He is increasingly heard on various BBC outlets spouting his ill-informed opinions and has slipped nicely into the cosy cabal of ex-Celtic players who are topping up their pensions at licence payer's expense. MW is quality. He has responded with quiet dignity and treated Chris Sutton with what he deserves - contempt.
  18. The case against Dave King shows that they have brass neck in spade. Lets hope this judge sees through it too.
  19. You would hope that would be the case.
  20. Here's me thinking I was being clever by not mentioning exactly what I thought that was. Maybe a job lot of massive mugs was used to sweeten things. Cos we were certainly for mugs. Point taken though. Will be more careful with my language in future.
  21. Sorry Frankie you are being too charitable here. SD did not just take advantage of our weak position they screwed us and locked us into a contract that any back street loan shark would be delighted to have. Did we really have no other option? Was there no other source of finance available to us that any reasonable director would have chosen ahead of this deal that is so loaded against us that it is beyond outrageous. I simply cannot believe that and it begs the question what those in charge of Rangers at the time saw as the positives in this arrangement. There might have been something that came to them as individuals, that we will find out about in the fullness of time, because there was certainly nothing in this for Rangers as a business. A year or two of SD leaching us before the deal is up for review, maybe I could see something in that. But 7 fucking years!!! <snip>. I look forward to Chuck's trial with great interest and I hope this mess gets exposed in full.
  22. All over. Sheep 2 - Bheasts 1. Meaningless consolation goal from Griffiths in injury time.
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