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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc


    Happy New Year to all on Gersnet. Here's hoping 2105 is a good one all round. Onwards and upwards (hopefully)!
  2. Lets face it we'd be hard pressed to find someone less capable of taking Rangers forward than Easdale. The sooner he goes and we get someone else the better
  3. Wouldn't be surprised if we end up getting nothing near £1 million for McLeod. Every man and his dog knows we're desperate for cash and anyone who thinks this current shower know anything about driving a hard bargain (except for themselves) is deluded. We'll end up getting screwed again.....
  4. Agreed. The media are well aware that Rangers are in dire mess financially but not who is responsible for it. What this drives home is that we are being run into the ground for the benefit of a few individuals while they pick up a host of unearned benefits before the music stops.
  5. An utter shambles. Just when you think they can't get any more shambolic our board never cease to amaze. How much are we paying to retain Somers' services? The man is a joke.
  6. To be fair, none of them had to cope with camera phones and social media when they were in or had just left the hot seat at Rangers. We live in a different (and much more judgemental) world now.
  7. Are you having a laugh? Ashley is just the latest parasite in a long list of parasites sucking whatever life is left from our club.
  8. That's a clear way forward Zappa. I suspect we'll get anything but from the current shower of so-called Directors.
  9. Pity that they haven't been so keen to shine the light on Celtic or the muppets running the SPFL and the SFA. Is consistency too much to ask? For some in the media it clearly is.
  10. So the club was defrauded. Why are there no criminal charges against Whyte instead of just a directorship ban? The man should be in jail. If any of us stole a fraction of what he did we'd be banged up sharpish.
  11. Thanks Hildy, Sums things up perfectly for me. I am a disenfranchised anglo-Scot watching on helplessly this week. Hope the right decision is made and we stick together. Not as confident as neutralScot though.
  12. Rubbish appointment. Warnock is a dinosaur who will send them down playing terrible football. Now if it's truly terrible football they wanted.....why didn't they get a real expert like Ally in?
  13. How does that differ from what happened to us? The footballing part of Hibs (+ titles and history) was transferred to another company while the remainder went into receivership. Sounds rather familiar except oldco Rangers hasn't been fully wound up yet. Or am I getting this wrong?
  14. Forgive my ignorance but what are we atoning for?
  15. To be fair I think many people recognize that it's not going to be as it was. The idiots at the top of the SFPL and the SFA might stick their fingers in their ears and their heads in the sand and pretend that everything is great with Scottish football when the reality is that it's been on the slide for years. Last night and the probable early elimination of Aberdeen and St Johnstone tonight for the EL have been on the cards for ages. Celtic have had no domestic competition and fluked their way through the CL the last two years. The Europa league contribution from the other SPL clubs since we got booted out has been pitiful. Our league is a mismanaged joke and other nations have simply got their acts together a lot more. It's not just Rangers that better have a plan when/if we play European football again it's the whole of Scottish football. We're all in for some tough times. The current lack of expectation ought to be the perfect opportunity for a talented manager to improve, what on the face of it are, average players and produce a team that is greater than the sum of it's parts. What chance of that happening at Rangers (or anyone else for that matter) anytime soon?
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