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Crimson Dynamo

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Posts posted by Crimson Dynamo

  1. Seaman is an interesting pick! Certainly a world class keeper but Leighton and Goram were probably better for me. But He was the best English keeper Ive seen - ahead of Shilton.


    Obviously a generation thing which is great. Im a tad too young to have Souness and Dalglish. I remember them but would be fake putting them in based on other opinions.


    For me, Id have to switch to a 3-5-2 as the centre half options are incredible.




    McLeish Gough Adams



    Gerrard Gascoigne Scholes Cooper


    Shearer Rooney


    That team would get ripped apart on the wings.


    As much as I love Cooper.

  2. Even a jury like the one at Whyte's trial ?

    All 15 of them must have had fantastic legal minds to reach a verdict in 2 hours after a 7 week trial.


    Having never been on a jury. I've always figured it goes like it did on Eight Men Out.


    I.e. Following the trial and the first chance they get to vote on the verdict is when they enter the room. Dependant on what happens they take it from there.


    Luckily for the defendant in Eight Men Out not everyone thought he was guilty straight out.

  3. So final positions


    Chelsea - outstanding performances.

    Spurs - rampant but can they continue

    Man City - not so bad in the end.

    Liverpool - Job done for Klopp.

    Arsenal - poor season.

    Man Utd - poor again in the league.

    Everton - the best of the rest

    Southampton - Good final position.

    Bournemouth - outstanding to get a top half finish

    West Brom - gave up in March - must be dissappointed to lose 8th

    West Ham - poor first season but not a bad end

    Leicester - Rightly position to be honest.

    Stoke - average season

    Palace - escape done

    Swansea - good finish

    Burnley - job done, fair play

    Watford - slipped like a stone but safe

    Hull - good effort from Silva but down

    Boro - poor effort

    Sunderland - awful


    West Ham picked up a bit once Payet left.

  4. and your opinion on barton, senderos and crap from league one was??


    I thought Barton would be good. Never wanted Senderos or Kranjcar (he was playing part time football and never showed he'd recovered from previous setbacks) I was accepting of Hill and thought he'd be good cover.

  5. I appreciate that, but the only basis for your opinion was that his career is coming to an end (I'm assuming based purely on his age), and the fact that he only played one game in Euro 16. My point is that rather than you write something positive about us securing someone of this stature, your response is to write something negative. Why?


    Fans of any other club would be delighted about it, but not some of our support. Is it because you now expect bad things to keep happening to our club? Is it a way of you managing your own expectations? I actually look forward to our games, and I look forward to new signings and other improvements in our club. I relish the prospect of our club eventually making it back to the top of the game in this country and possibly further afield. It's not healthy to be so negative. Please try. It's been tough enough over the past few years, so let's just try to enjoy these small successes.


    He may not turn out to be the difference we all hope he is going to be, but let's enjoy the moment and worry about that if and when it happens.


    Like I say we've been stung before. Barton just last season. I want players that will make a difference on paper this guy could and if he signs I want him too. I fear though he won't. He went to Cagliari and for whatever reason he's potentially leaving them for us after a season. Why?


    Like I say though, if he signs I hope he's a success.

  6. And how many games did our other players have in Euro 16? How many games have most players had in Europe 16?


    You really couldn't make this stuff up. We must have the most negative support in the world. I despair sometimes. We get the chance of a really good centre half with tons of experience and a winner of many titles, and we write him off before he's even been confirmed. I come on to these forums because I enjoy the chat, but some of the negativity would drive anyone to alcohol or worse.


    I don't think that is fair. I'm stating my opinion, I'm not convinced by him and I am prepared to be stood corrected if he's a success.

  7. He strikes me as someone whose career is over. I honestly feel like he will be someone who if he comes we'll end up paying to leave.


    People are saying he won Euro 2016 he played 1 game.

  8. He's had a good career. Why is he leaving Cagliari though his Wikipedia entry (which is all I've read tbf) says he signed for 2 years last season with the option of a 3Rd. If true what's happened does he not like Italy have his legs gone? We've been stung too often in the past.

  9. I'm sorry but I completely disagree. The reason we are this mess is because certain board members appear to be acting in a childlike manner and resigning when they should be arguing/debating like adults in the privacy and under the governance of the boardroom. It serves no purpose whatsoever for the other members to resign. What have they done wrong that means they should resign? It's those people that are resigning that I've got the problem with.


    Ridiculous. None of those that resign should be re-elected until they can learn to conduct themselves in a manner befitting of the Club. I'd personally like them to stay away altogether.


    Not being privy to everything just what I have read online. It seems to me every member on the board positions are now untenable.


    They need fresh elections as soon as possible and a complete reboot.

  10. Would have taken when we were linked before. Not now though. I'd prefer we sign someone younger. But if we are to sign someone that age or older I'd prefer we signed someone with a lot of experience at the highest level to bring out the best in Wilson. I still believe Wilson has the potential to be top class. Although he is fast running out of time to do that.


    I wouldn't take Alves to be honest either, I think he's done.

  11. Would agree with most of that. I'd let Foderingham go he looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights during big games. Maybe give Alnwick a go his former clubs fans love him and appear to rate him highly. Or bring someone better in perhaps Ruddy. I'd suggest McGregor but he's hardly played and I think he's done

  12. Hence the haste with with which Collyer Bristow's insurers pumped out a £24m settlement to BDO.




    Surmising the evidence so far it would seem Whyte was way out of his depth, Whyte a mere amateur whilst the bankers and Murray were Champions League players.


    The transcripts read that the Murray group enabled Whyte.


    If Whyte or his representatives used vague language instead of being diligent and checking what it meant. They just assumed it to mean what they wanted it to mean. That was very clear in the discussion around "personal resources"

  13. I thought Scott Nesbitt was a good defender who unfortunately had to stop through injury. Peter van Vossen was a really good player who was capped for Holland in a time the Dutch had a good team. I think that 1 miss ruined his career with us.


    I always liked Van Vossen and thought he would have a renaissance when Advocaat joined, he did! It was just a pity it was with Feyenoord and not us.


    Salenko who Van Vossen replaced I thought was also a good player he just didn't settle with us and he was very slow. Van Vossen's first touch when he was with us was his biggest downfall.

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