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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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Everything posted by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

  1. What is Watty wearing in that pick? He looks like he stepped off the set of Boardwalk Empire
  2. I know we are going slightly off track here but wanted to add my tuppence worth about two things. Firstly, can we drop all this "republican" stuff on here. For one I don't know what that term is meant to mean in the context of these conversations. Does it mean that someone is not really a unionist/monarchist or someone is fan of some terrorist group? Please help me because they are two polar opposites and ultimately means that many non Royalist/Unionist Gers fans are getting tarred with this tired moniker. Secondly, Rod Stewart... so the guy supports Celtic? So feekin what? Are we that sad that we take an instant dislike to any musician that supports Celtic? Rod Stewart means a lot me. Not because I'm his number one fan but because my old man loved him back in the day (The Faces era) and I grew up listening to him when I was a nipper. Laterly my mum get in on his commercial stuff so his music was always with me and brings back very fond memories. The guy seems like a decent enough guy with a story to tell and regardless of what people think of him, he was there last night paying his respects and doing his bit so let's give credit where credits due for goodness sakes.
  3. Didnt know Inter Milan scored 3 in 3 minutes. That Inter team were better than the team that played celtic in 67. By then their 2 south Americans had left. Cant recall their names?
  4. A pint? Wishful thinking dude. Quite nights and no booze for Max. I have a 2 year old son...
  5. Of course it's just the craic... I f**kin hate that lame saying and excuse when THEY are found out. I genuinely find the contradictory ethos of the average celtic fan amusing. They go at lengths to bore the world with their mission statement and how they are "special". A breed apart... A few quick examples... 1. Christain Dailly gets elbowed in the jaw after 2 minutes of a crucial OF game. If it was a Rangers player THEY would be weeping for the future of the beautiful game (that they invented of course). As it happens to be a sellik player the stance suddenly changes to "it's a man's game...man up etc, etc..." 2. Scott McDonald scores the winning goal Ibrox with THEIR only shot at goal and THEIR team contains 5/6 defenders for much of the 2nd half. The sellik masses claim a defensive masterclass. If the shoe was on Rangers foot, it would be anti football etc. etc. (the Barca games over the last few weeks are the new example) Make up your mind you muppets. Saying that, maybe they are a breed apart. Maybe the most deluded fans in the world?
  6. Don't know about the brotherly relationship? Don't care any less/more about them than I do about any SPL club tbh The Hearts situation is another sure fire sign that Scottish football needs drastic restructuring or we will have a league that is down there with the League of Ireland IMO.
  7. I have to agree Govan. They looked a shadow of the team from the last few years IMO
  8. I saw the goals mate and they looked awesome. I like the German brand of football TBH. I also liked the look of Dortmund from what i've seen of them to. I just hate that the whole world now thinks that Barca's blueprint is the be all and end all of football. I wonder where Barca would be without Messi's 80 goals a season?
  9. C'mon mate. You know that are people that are queueing up to score points against THEM with this. Like you I don't give a flying f**k what they do. I just wish this hadn't been introduced to football that's all
  10. Fair doos but i just wish it hadn't been introduced to the football arena at all.
  11. Why did we have to mention THEM in an article celebrating OUR history FFS. F**k them and their history. I don't care if they've won 100 European Cups, it doesn't change what we've won. Poor show Sandy. I would expect better tbh
  12. That's what I was trying to get at TBH but I don't think I artciulated it all, so cheers
  13. Am I the only one that finds Barca's (and Spain for that matter) current brand of football slightly boring to watch? As much as i admire their tipy tapy style I do find it a bit tedious. How many crosses or shots did they have last night? Sometimes it's passing for passings sakes for me. Give me a team like AC Milan (circa late 80's-early 90's) anyday. Power, skill and pace all rolled into one
  14. TBH I wish the Poppy tribute had never been introduced to the madness of football. Not because of what THEY choose not to do but I just feel that this is something that shouldn't be kicked around like a political football to score points. I choose to wear my poppy as a personel tribute to my grandad and other fallen soldiers that fought for our liberty. That's my choice but I get the feeling that certain peeps want to bring this to the forefront only to show THEM up and IMO that means their doing it for the wrong reasons.
  15. Mmmmm... .... So Celtic win in Europe and it's suddenly time to shine a light on our European record. If I wasn't in a good mood I would think there is a slight whiff of timmery about this thread.... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt....Why stop at Europe? Our whole approach has been honking for years tbh. The belt and braces football we have to endure has been torture sometimes. To think Walter set up with McCulloch and Dailly in midfield whilst Buffel was sitting in the stand and Sionko was heading through the exit door still annoys me.
  16. Had all 5 plus Man Utd and Galatasary on my accumulator! Get in
  17. Agreed Edge. Wanyama is proof that there is gems out there. Not sour grapes but I did think Barca were poor tonight (and also in the game at the Camp Nou IMO) They seem to lack a more direct plan B when things are tight. Too much passing for passing sake
  18. Colin West. Graeme Souness' first signing? Or maybe second after Woods
  19. Have watched a bit of the Barca game. WTF? They deserve nothing IMO. Can't feeking stand their tipy tapy "to you, to me" football sometimes. Hate to say it but well done them
  20. Thanks again for all the comments guys. I suppose one other question for me is....would anyone buy this kind of thing or am I barking up the wrong tree?
  21. Thanks everyone for all the suggestions/comments. I am sorry if players were missed out in the original list but I didn't mean to offend anyone as it's early days for this wee project and I was just getting it our there to see what people thought. (as this is by far the best and most knowledgable Rangers forum by a country mile) Anyway... I've uploaded an early preview of the print (it will no doubt change). I'm not really a conventional illustrator so it's somewhat different from the archetypal pencil sketch footie illustrations. My stuff slightly humourous and caricature like. Try to imagine a print of about 30/40 odd Rangers greats done in this way on one large print
  22. He also didn't pass the Largs mafia's height test....
  23. Here's another one that got away from a few years back....well.....kind of. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11788_2341321,00.html Whatever happened to him.....?
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