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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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Everything posted by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

  1. How did we fail to sign him but Celtic were able to sign Scheidt? Anyway...did the big man not also score against us in the 3-2 CL defeat against Galatasary (in Istanbul)
  2. Good call. Strange to see him not in a yellow jersey. He was also called "the prince in the yellow jersey" Good wee fact. Dawson's real name was James Dawson and was called "Jerry" after the great Burnley keeper Jerry Dawson
  3. Agreed. Scored a beauty in our historic 3-2 win in at Eindhoven in 1978
  4. Cracking teams mate.... A few I would disagree with... Ginzburg looked like a tip top keeper when he played. I seen him make one of the best saves I have ever seen (cannot recall whom it was against). He was never going to play whilst Woods was there tbh. Sionko was another we didn't see much of. Bloody annoys me that he didn't get a run under Walter. He went on to be a regular czech international after he left us
  5. Agreed Govan but I liked the idea of the players from different eras being depicted in their old/new strips all on one print
  6. Or maybe era specific? Struth years, 9-in-a-row, Scott Symons 60's team, Jock Wallace's treble teams, etc. This small project could turn into my own personal Ben Hur...
  7. Good shout Govan. A lot of head scratchin over this on the horizon....
  8. Great names mate. Cheers. I disagree regarding Tommy McLean though. 300 games, 3 league titles and a key figure in the ECWC win 72 and two trebles
  9. Brilliant! How did I forget him? Feeks sakes. This is going to have to be era speicifc now. 28 is a non starter....
  10. Stein is tricky. He only played 112 games for the Gers. I thought big DJ got the nod over him on amount of goals and longevity McCloy played over 350 games for Rangers and was our keeper when we won the ECWC in 72
  11. Good comments mate. I think I'm going to stick to career longevity and contribution. The word legend is so overused IMO. People bestow it far too easily on players that doesn't deserve it. Take Nacho Novo for example. A good player with a big heart who (IMO) gets more credence because of his ability to wind THEM up. That doesn't make him a legend
  12. I was trying to avoid the current trend of just looking at recent names when compilling lists. For example people won't probably put Ronnie McKinnon or Willie Mathieson over Gazza but these guys played over 300 games for Rangers and were instrumental in many league and cup wins. Gazza only played 77 games for Rangers
  13. Harsh mate. He might not be my favourite but he played about 300 times for Rangers and won 5 league titles, 5 Scottish Cups and 5 League Cups
  14. Good names. Cheers. This project might have to change to eras....
  15. Walter Smith!!!!!! For goodness sake Frankie. What an idiot I am. Cheers mate. I also considered Bud Johnstone. Colin Stein didn't get one the list based on the amount of games he played TBH. Wait a minute...Willie Henderson! Back to the drawing board....Gazza might have to go I'll amend the OP to avoid the same replies about walter Smith. Shame on me...
  16. Hi Guys I have a wee favour to ask the knowledgable throng that is Gersnet. I work as an Illustrator/Designer and I am currently working on a football related project focusing on club greats/legends that I hope will be available online soon. The illustrations/prints will take the form of a grid stlye that depicts 28 greats from our history. (ie. 4 rows of 7 players making up the grid) Anyway, I'm in the process of editing the 28 names that could be regarded as Rangers legends/heroes/greats that will go onto this print and was wondering if anybody could comment on my list and maybe add any suggestions to help me get the definitive list. Here is my current list as it stands: 1. Moses McNeil 2. Alan Morton 3. Bill Struth 4. Davie Meiklejohn 5. Bob McPhail 6. George Young 7. Jock Shaw 8. Willie Waddell 9. Eric Caldow 10. John Greig 11. Jim Baxter 12. Scott Symon 13. Davie Wilson 14. Jimmy Millar 15. Tommy McLean 16. Alex McDonald 17. Derek Johnstone 18. Jock Wallace 19. Davie Cooper 20. Sandy Jardine 21. Graeme Souness 22. Ally McCoist 23. Andy Goram 24. Richard Gough 25. Brian Laudrup 26. Davie Weir 27. Willie Henderson 28. Walter Smith Others I considered...Willie Woodburn, Ronnie McKinnon, Ralph Brand, Peter McCloy, Willie Mathieson, Paul Gascoine, Barry Ferguson, Ian Durrant. There are names that I may have overlooked but I need to stick to the 28 names If this is not suitable for this forum please feel free to delete or move to another section. Thanks in advance, Max Rebo
  17. Glad he's gone. I genuinely thought he would be more progressive with the best squad we have had in years but he became far too negative IMO and should have gone on these reasons alone: 1. Played the shocking 4-6-0 formation against an ageing Czech side but goes for a more positive team V the World/Euro champs? 2. Says Fletcher will never play for Scotland again then states that all it took to get him back was a simple phone call.. If that was the case, why didn't you make that call before the home games V Serbia and Macedonia? 3. States that are 7 players ahead of Commons in the squad and then picks him after one injury. This on the back of Commons decent start to the season The guys turned into an arrogant fool
  18. Glad we haven't paid Dundee Utd that 31k. I would hold out even if it was 31p. I genuinely hate that club
  19. Agreed. She is a wee smasher. She's looking great on her latest album sleeve http://http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FJ4riwDXBqI/T8-ILF6leZI/AAAAAAAABUo/AOtpvx97slU/s1600/front.jpg
  20. Great story and a great cause. Well done Rangers Saying that I'm sure somehwhere there will some green tinted rabid and bitter hatemonger trying to put a negative spin on it....
  21. Agreed but we need a guy with his progressive vision IMO. In the words of Orange Juice we need "Rip it up and start again..."
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