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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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Everything posted by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

  1. Learning his trade? How long does it take to realise that humping long balls will get us nowhere fast? He's had over 60/70 games now as Rangers manager and this aimless tactic seems to keep rearing it's ugly head. There is only one person to blame for that IMO. To me these are tactics that should have been outlawed as soon as Ally walked in the door. Instead he has embraced them with bells on. Hence Kevin Kyle. Ally may be a smart guy but he is not a football manager
  2. Apologies mate. Wednesday was the last straw for me and I'm still hurting
  3. Hope he's good at surviving on knocked downs from Ally's preferred tactic of the long aimless high balls
  4. Eh? Discredit the Tories? Do they not do a good job at doing that themselves?
  5. And the leaches went as far to capture a padlock in the foreground of a picture of Ibrox.. And I wonder why i don't buy papers any more....
  6. I agree that these names shouldn't be thought about but IMO pedigree can be somewhat overrated. What pedigree did Pep Guardilla have before getting the Barca job? He was Barca B team manager for a year? What pedigree did Martinez have before taking the Swansea job? None
  7. The worrying thing is that Green has stated that he knows jack sheite about football? Who then makes this decision?
  8. Poor Ally is still learning....? Wish he would learn that high ball football is from the dark ages and is based on power and luck. Why not use skill, craft, pace, invention and patience?
  9. As much as I would like to see the Rangers manager wear the Rangers suit etc., if we are playing well and making progress it doesn't bother me. What does feekin bother me is that fact that we don't wear red and black socks. The red and white ones are bad enough but now we are wearing blue and white? WTF
  10. That's bonus revenue though. If McCoist's failure makes fans turn away from reknewing ST then surely that will be deemed as a loss of working revenue to keep the club healthy
  11. No thanks. My criteria would be that they have to be under 45. We need new ideas from a young manager, not rehashed habits and formations from journeymen
  12. Surley our team looking aimless, getting outplayed by the majority of the teams we play, the continual use of the long ball, players looking lost and getting humped 3-0 are good enough reasons?
  13. Can I make a bold suggestion? Can we have a manager that has no ties to our club? Saying that I'll take anyone that would maybe catch on that playing the long ball after a year does not work. Oh and any manager that wouldn't have signed Kevin Kyle...
  14. No, no and no.... We have a gilt edged and unique chance to rip it up and start again (how many clubs have that time or opportunity) We also have the chance to reboot the entire club from top to bottom and we need to look forward not back. Last night's game, Jig signing a new deal and talk of Walter returning are all very depressing indeed
  15. Fair doos mate but hate seeing anything about them on this board.
  16. It just seems like a thread to slag them. I dont give monkeys about them and their fans tbh.
  17. The tone of this thread is not very Gersnet IMO.
  18. I tend to agree Govan but I just can't stand this whole "you're a Gers fan so you SHOULD vote this way". There will be many thing to consider before putting my cross to a piece of paper and Rangers will never be one of them
  19. Agreed but should that respect not be a two way street? I just don't like some of the rhetoric coming from certain forums/fans about who I "shouldn't" be voting for
  20. If Ally hasn't worked out why his teams keep making the same mistakes now, he never will.
  21. Of course we were robbed but we were getting feeked from all angles at the time TBH
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