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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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Everything posted by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

  1. Cheers GA. I've gone with the lowest possible figure for most of these income streams TBH. I agree we may not win as much but there are players out there that can do a very good job for smaller wages. Who would have thought Sone Aluko would have been such a success?
  2. Ok, I thought I'd change the record somewhat from the usual stuff with a post about our future once all this has been ironed out. Let's imagine that we are five years on and are back playing in the top tier of the Scottish League. We have no sanctions, no bans from from Europe, no embargos or and hopefully zero debt. Is that hard to imagine a club of Rangers size as a sustainble club? A club that will never see these dark days again? What follows will be layman accounting and I apologize for that but it's just something that I've been thinking about during all this madness. Ok let's look at our income streams first of all. 1. Season tickets It's safe to say that once we are back on our feet and have greater clairty regarding our status there will be a desire from fans to buy season tickets. Going on the premise that approximately 40,000 fans will buy tickets at an average of £400, that brings in something like £16 million in revenue. 2. Match day tickets On top of the 40,000 ST there is usually about 5,000 match day tickets sold at £25 per ticket and that multiplied by 18/19 home fixtures bring in sum of approx. £2.3 million. 3. Coprorate match packages To keep things very simple, let's go on the premise that we could bring in £1 million from this venture during a season 4. Shirt Sponsorship/match day advertising Again keeping it simple, let's say that we could gain £2/3 million per year from this 5. Merchandising/strip sales Possibly £5 million per year 6. TV revenue Possibly £1 million a year Going on these basic estimates, it's safe to say we could easily gather approximately £30 million per year from the revenue streams listed above. This does not factor any monies gained from European competition or any other avenues that could be explored (foreign markets, RFFF, etc.) Ok, now for the outgoings and the biggest one is obviously players wages. If we are to sustain a profitable club surely we need a better approach to wages and the balance of our squad IMO (between experience and youth). I genuinely feel we need a wage structure that doesn't get breached and that would mean a salary cap of £10,000 a week for all players. If we can gather both an experienced and young squad of 24 competitive players surely we could maintain a wage outlay on the playing squad and general staff of about £15 million per season? As I have openly stated above, my accounting skills are naive at best but in my eyes we could easily make a healthy profit every year with a sensible business model that would see us never get in this mess again. Or am I just a naive dreamer?
  3. ...it still hasn't stopped 3 Radio stations talking about this nonsense in length today. Despite this being a fabricated pile of horse manure thrown out there to sell their illiterate rags, somehow the tone of all the conversations is all about big bad Rangers. Feeking sick of it
  4. C'mon Bomber. Why would a diehard Celtic fan that paid £15,000 to play 20 minutes in a Celtic friendly want to buy Rangers?
  5. Agreed mate but how much do they spend on churning this stuff out
  6. The Beeb go digging again. Is BBC Scotlands entire share of the licence fee dedicated to investigating Rangers? http://ww.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18509619
  7. If they are happy with what Green has planned, what's to stop them joining his consortium?
  8. Goog article mate. I had a discussion along these lines with a few Celtic fan recently who were keen to emphasise the Rangers fans lack of scrutiny of their previous boards actions? What exactly were we meant to do? Ask for detailed balance sheets in match programmes as we won another league title? Fans just want to see their football team but our situation seems to have turned all our enemies/rivals into bastions of morality as well as experts on sporting integrity. On a side note (but still related), another part of this discussion is wny didn't Rangers fans mobilise against the board during the last 3/4 years of financial mismanagement. The Celtic fans were keen to compare the actions of their fans prior to McCann coming in to save the day. What these guys fail to grasp is that during the 6 years prior to McCann turning up Celtic were a shambles off and ON the park. They had failed to even come in second in the league and even finsihed 5th one year. Their stadium was a dump and their board was obviously negelcting their duties big time. Compare that to Rangers during their so called "crisis period"... 3 league titles (and one lost on the last day). A UEFA cup final appearance and a handful of cup victories to boot. Let's be honest here. Fans are simple animals. It's hard to get too militant about things when you're team is winning and picking up trophies
  9. Do the SFA have the power to overhaul the SPL? Surely the power lies with the SPL?
  10. Let's be honest if anyone thinks that C Green has come this far only to be derailed by a march they are mad. He came into this to make money and thats what he'll do
  11. I see he has replied to some Gers fans on Twitter by posting some obtuse link that only further enhances his bitter view. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/jimspence/2012/02/rangers.html
  12. Why should the massed ranks, ie. the fans apologise FFS? This had nowt to do with us
  13. I don't get the Division 1 option? Who drops out of the current Div 1 to accomodate us?
  14. I have to admit I've not been impressed with France. For me they are a bit like The Netherlands. A collection of an individual players that are capable of a moment of brilliance but for me they don't function as a team.
  15. If they think C Green is going to simply step aside without any profit from this they've been smoking industrial strength crack
  16. He's already moved on from Clyde Pumps (Weirs) a while back after he sold up for a tidy profit
  17. Why should he? He moved into pole position and now holds all the cards. Who's to say he can't now sell to the highest bidder?
  18. The Rangers Football Club?..... Is that not what we've always been called?
  19. I can only concur with your post mate. People talk about the Scottish game as if it's in good health and this is going to be a tragedy for the SPL product. Scottish football is in a mess. We have 10 member clubs that rely on the income of the OF fans to keep afloat. Atendances are dwindling and interest is at all time low. This is not only a crossroads for Rangers but Scottish football as a whole and we all have to use it to change our game forever.
  20. http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/106178-live-coverage-of-the-rangers-creditors-meeting-at-ibrox-stadium/ Newco to be called The Rangers FC Admind to last another 6-10 weeks??
  21. But do creditors get any of the cash raised from the sale? For example, will Ibrox be sold to pay off Rapid and Hearts?
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