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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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Everything posted by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

  1. I am of the thinking that we should go down the divisions and let the clubs left in the SPL fight for the scraps. The fact these clubs depend on a the OF keeping them afloat in embarrassing tbh. We need to look after our own future and use this is a new start and a new horizon for Rangers FC and restructure our entire operation from top to bottom
  2. Can someone clear something up about our pending liquidation and the sale of the assets (Ibrox, MP etc.) If and when we are liquidated and the proposals are drawn up for the new co. it seems to be taken as read that the assets are just sold to the the preferred bidder (in this case Green). The thing I don't get is.... will the list of creditors not have a say in the proposed sale of assets? I know Ticketus and HMRC have stated that they will go after individuals for monies due to them but what happens to the smaller creditors? I thought the normal business practice was that the creditors were paid off from the sale of the assetts by the liquidators? Cheers in advance, M Rebo
  3. This is a hard one. Ally has elevated himself from legend status to a fair few notches above that during a period of great turmoil for our club. That will never be forgotten but if this is being done for purely footballing reasons I will look at it with a balanced head.
  4. Why would we charge 400+ for seaon tickets? We will have zero debts and a radically reduced wage bill. Surely we could offer attractive packages to fans while we are in the lower leagues to encourage healthy support? I reckon we could renter the top flight in rude health tbh.
  5. The OP has beat me to it. Now that we have the situation in front of us, I for one only see long term positives fot our club. Up until 2 years ago not many fans or journos knew the first thing about new co's etc. Now they are saying Rangers are dead? It begs the question? What is Rangers? A business or a football club? Well IMO to the prople that matter (the fans) it is and always will be a football club. No matter how they dress up the business aspect of this Rangers will still be a football team from Govan that plays at Ibrox and wears blue. As long as that is still the case there will be fans going to see them. I can only see this as a great opportunity to radically change our club fot the better.
  6. Am I the only one that is not that bothered by Gattuso returning? Considering where we are and where we could end up surely it would be better to invest more time in playing guys like Ness and McCabe rather than giving a jersey to a guy whose best days are behind him? Not to mention the wages I presume he'll be getting?
  7. Did I hear right over the weekend? I'm sure I heard a journo state that the SFA would come after Rangers for the money if they can't get it from Whyte. Surely most conjecture?
  8. I cited these threads as they have fleck all to do with Rangers. Or am I missing something? Why would the majority of fans on RM want an orange away strip?.... Rangers are a football team, not the sporting wing of a political/religious group
  9. To be honest, why would anyone be surprised at the reaction of some of our "fans"? Check RM or FF for a sample of these utterly bonkers and prehistoric views. Our club is being shafted from all angles and is close to oblivion and the most pressing thing on these guys "minds" is where/who Lafferty is getting married... other vital topics of discussion on these particular forums have been info regarding Orange marches/lodges, the Queen and Rangers, why we should have an orange away strip....etc. etc.
  10. We just need a resolution on this either way. I would take our medicine in the shape of a cup ban. In the grand scheme of things the Scottish cup is irrelevant to Rangers
  11. Surely as it stands the dual contract charge is worse for us as a club than debate about how much tax we are due to pay on tax scheme that has already gone through our books. Can someone also clear something up? If these agreements were contractual, I thought all contracts needed to be ratified by the SFA?
  12. Agree 100% Frankie. I just don't trust a single word uttered by anyone involved in this sorry mess tbh
  13. It ended up 5-1 to the US which is a shocker for Scotlands ranking tbh. I have to admit that as much my club has s beef with the SFA I cannot translate that to the national team. I'm a proud Scot and cant take any great pleasure from seeing Scotland get gubbed. I presume I may be in the minority but I have only supported two teams in my life. Rangers & Scotland
  14. Not that it means much but I heard Andy Walker talking postively about Green recently. He was at Sheff Utd when Green arrived and according to Walker he turned Sheff Utd around from a financial basket case to the only debt free team in the Championship
  15. Just a thought. Did Sion not get hammered by UEFA for taking their FA to court? Also....are we using the fighting fund dosh for this?
  16. The film Inception was easier to understand than this saga....
  17. FFs. What now? Craig Whyte and D & P were seen on a luxury yacht with Rupert Murdoch, Gadafi and Tony Blair before signing the deal??
  18. I'm sorry but I still feel this is playing into the hands of our enemies. Ok say these names are legit and they published (along with address details). What are we meant to do with this info? Bombard their business'/houses with pitchforks and torches?
  19. The production values where the equivelant of watching The Sun in a TV format
  20. I actually got a letter from D&P today regarding my own business. They're doing the admin for a business that I supplied that went bust. When I saw the D&P header I had to laugh...
  21. Surely the fact that they are peddling rumours means we should ignore it. What good will become of revealing their i.d.? I can only see more negative headlines coming from this
  22. I've just has a peek on RM which leads with a story that appeared on VB about the revelation of the so called Rangers Tax Case blogger. I followed the VB link and it goes into detail about the Tax case bloggers activities and goes onto even suggest a name and a location. Given the way things work in this part of the world for some people, does anyone else think that this a worrying tactic by the VB? Surely, regardless of what this guy is "blogging" it would be best to just ignore it as it's hardly going to have an effect on the outcome of the Tax case is it? By publishing names it would seem that the VB are only opening up the club and the fans for more scrutiny if one of the "bampot" fraternity take it upon themselves to do something about it? Jeso, there are already enough sticks out there to beat Rangers with at the moment Mmmm....
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