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Everything posted by BlueMazza

  1. Will be interesting, but I'm not sure SDM would agree to anything which would show him in a bad light.
  2. Yeah I highlighted the bit that annoyed me the most. The NO arrests between the sheep & septic and 'crackdown'. For a start, one of the arrests was OUTSIDE of Ibrox DURING the game. Potential Septic fan causing trouble? Or Glaswegian Jambo? Nothing to suggest actually they are related to football. Which leaves us with ONE person arrested from 50,000 (or near on), which gives an arrest rate of what? 0.00002% . Fucking shocking. We should be kicked out of Scottish football, definitely Scotland's shame eh? Wankers.
  3. I was a bit concerned when someone mentioned people on here should 'grow a pair'. Tbf balls are the weakest part of a blokes body, I'd rather stick with what I've got
  4. The way they termed the article, makes it read as though the arrests were for the new act.
  5. Yep here is the headline used: New bigot laws kick off... just 2 fans get carted off Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/4170801/New-bigot-laws-kick-off-just-2-fans-get-carted-off.html#ixzz1pZYpJwYf Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/4170801/New-bigot-laws-kick-off-just-2-fans-get-carted-off.html#ixzz1pZYePtCR (Yes I KNOW it's the Scum. I fucking hate that rag!)
  6. I don't even think they were in relation to the new bill. I'll try and find the article but it was mentioned that two arrests were made and the bill had come in to force.
  7. LMAO @ 'guys and Mazza' . Get a special mention and everything
  8. Yes I did figure some of the sarcasm lol. Was more thinking if enough of us raise a stink about it, that might help
  9. I think we can all agree on that. I'm working on the assumption that they are doing a lot behind the scenes. Bear in mind there are a few ongoing court cases just now as well, they are spinning a lot of plates.
  10. I've tweeted him asking if he is also offended by the tweets about Willie Collum. Everyone else should too We should tweet every news outlet because i have seen NO COVERAGE ANYWHERE, yet when the Offensive act came in and there were TWO arrests out of 50,000 at Ibrox that was big news.
  11. Chill out. I quote a post in a full as I was responding to your points, not necessarily saying YOU were digging in to him, it's a theme I've seen in a few places. So, Apologies if you felt I was digging ( ) at you specifically, it was a more general description of complaints I've seen. I think temps are running high in here just now on a few threads, it's not something I'm attempting to add to. I should have made myself clearer.
  12. Sales of ANY business don't tend to happen in a few days! Let alone one quite as complex as ours. The admins don't know if we owe HMRC or Ticketus. We are going to be sanctioned by the SFA - Of course we will be. There is a lot of untangling to be done. The Admins also have a duty to only sell where the new owner will make the club prosper and ensure it pays it's debts. Finally there is the small issue of Whyte being 85% shareholder.
  13. I agree, people should be able to discuss the position etc. However, we do not have a Celtic size squad, we are throwing youngsters in to their first games, currently each game is effectively the BIGGEST game of our club ever. I thought the 2nd half at the weekend was much better performance wise but I did feel that McCabe looked nervous and unsure. This is our lot at the moment. We have to play our young players, it's unfair to dig at them and not give them a proper chance. I personally - as in my opinion - do not give a shit about never having lost 4 games on the trot before. A few weeks ago we were being told we may not make the end of the season. We could still liquidate. The overall survival vastly outweighs a lot of other stuff at the moment. As a manager, I would EXPECT Ally to say admin isn't having that much effect. ALL managers know they are not "allowed" "excuses" for losses etc (except Lemmon of course). If Ally did say that, then he would be slagged off for not taking responsibility. He's in a rock and a hard place. Now, we have the OF this weekend and fuck me I do NOT want to lose nor them to win the league in OUR PLACE. It will be torture. Do you think Ally thinks differently? I certainly don't. When we have a stronger squad, then I agree we should be able to judge fairly but at the moment we're close to not having a full team + subs to field.
  14. I know plenty have called Ally's tactics in to question recently, but the defeat at the weekend, has to be taken with a pinch of salt. The team was down to it's bare bones, barely enough subs to cover. I still think it's unfair to dig into him just now. HE should be given another go at this. With actual board backing. With funds. Without Craig fucking Whyte talking shite in his ear. To suggest we "move" Ally into a different role is insulting to him and his status at the club.
  15. I think it helps if people notify the police, they can't see everything. Anything in the papers about Collum's death threats?
  16. Yes you bloody well did. WATP
  17. I've been worrying about this as well. It could be horrid. But I shall remain hopeful that Well will help or we'll beat them because they bottle it.
  18. Here's hoping the focus is actually on them for a change
  19. I believe the second part of your post is probably most accurate
  20. What an arsehole. Anyway, yesterday made me soooooo happy!
  21. America is a rather large country guys with plenty of rich people. A few example shouldn't put us off a full country entirely! I'll support the best, soundest bid where the new owners have actual money, not Craig Whyte style monopoly money.
  22. Hahahahahahaha. That statement is HILARIOUS!
  23. If we are found guilty and sanctioned then we need to get this game beam back under way. My only concern is the players travelling without any support. I just don't want to put money in the pockets of the other clubs who are complicit in this attack.
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