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Everything posted by BlueMazza

  1. How can you state that when the players have just taken massive wage cuts?
  2. I think all this is missing the point. It's not about what you earn or I earn. It's just a reminder that these boys aren't on EPL type wages, that they do have loyalty to their club. Your bills will be worked in to your family budget. I'm sure his is the same, his house will be in accordance with his earnings (he'll have a mortgage I'm sure).
  3. Yes but like everyone, we live to our means. His house will cost more, his cars, normal household bills plus a young family. How many "ordinary" folk would take a 75% paycut willingly for their employer? I KNOW footballers earn lots but in a sense they are paid market rate for their job, like most of us are.
  4. this has been tweeted: Might be something, might be nothing. Interesting though...
  5. He should absolutely stay where he is. Resigning/leaving will be seen as an admission of guilt and snatched up by the Rhabid lot.
  6. I thought this is worth posting, a wee reminder what the guys really did: admittedly it's from the express but still. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/308201 Nice one Kirk
  7. Unfortunately, Whyte has kinda spoiled the 'fan' side of being the right person. He's meant to be a fan too and is destroying us from what we can all see. So that holds less water now.
  8. The names of the bidders do not concern me. I am not convinced with the Blue Knights at all. I do not know what financial footing they have, I'm not convinced on their initial fan share scheme. I do not like the Ticketus connection. Whoever buys us WILL NEED to invest a lot of money. We DO NOT want to end up back here, we need to come out of admin paying our debts/dues (when confirmed and in a way we can) with our heads held high. We have been mauled recently. We need a strong Rangers and a big FUCK YOU to the haters.
  9. Allan Price (BBC apparently) has tweeted the following: Potentially a complete non-issue but he is suggesting that D&P could be removed as Admins if creditors complain.
  10. In all fairness, it's also mid month of a 5 week month. I would expect it to rise more when people get paid (assuming traditional end of month). Also it launched beginning of a week, so those paid weekly may wait to the end of the week and finally those paid mid month are still 1-2 days shy of being paid. This IS a donation scheme too, not a share issue and some people won't want to donate without getting a return. However, I think it's a respectable start
  11. Oh well LOL. About £37,300 so far:
  12. I don't think it's a bad thing that they haven't announced the amount. It will only be twisted by certain sections. What THEY deem to be enough/too little. What's happened to immediately blah blah blah. It'll be a stick to bheat us with.
  13. Can you IMAGINE what will happen to them IF we win the big tax case? They would need to set up a hotline for them. Even if we do win the tax case, no one will now believe our innocence, the Mhedia have done a good job there.
  14. Yes actually you're right, some sort of letter. However being construed as a contract addendum (a legal letter added to contract) and actually being one - or even being in existence - is the key.
  15. Yes it was Darrell King who said he had seen them, but I'm sure he has since denied seeing two contracts.
  16. Like I just said, it's down to interpretation then...
  17. I genuinely thought it was. It may be down to interpretation I suppose. (and hey I take ANY and ALL opportunity to find as much as I can wrong with the Scum paper )
  18. Paypal are EVIL. They never do anything from goodwill.
  19. Frankie I read your update and it was very good and sensible. this news is the Sun guys (also, thought Yanks is an "offensive" term so how can the Scum print it?). I'm not holding much love for the Blue Knights, I'd prefer Brian Kennedy so far if I'm honest.
  20. Kind of interesting though. He's kept quiet all the way through and here he is categorically denying any illegality. This *could* ruin him as a business man, to lie right now. However, we are well to be cautious since Whyte keeps talking nonsense.
  21. Well then I will say had Ally not had to deal with the Craig Whyte era - and we're talking about all the board level sackings etc as well, the lack of funds despite promises - key players being injured etc then his season may well have come good too. It's all 'what if's'. Ally will get a chance to show if he can do it or not but I still object to him being the worst Rangers manager ever.
  22. You cannot discount PLG on the basis that more time would have shown him to be better, when your argument centres on McCoist not being given more time despite all the crap that has happened during his tenure!
  23. Sometimes I wonder if he is really pro-Rangers or mainly anti-celtic. Does that make sense? Either way, for me he is not an appropriate spokesperson just now. Especially given he is still under investigation for his blog.
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