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Everything posted by BlueMazza

  1. Jeff Winter DOES have the Unite "rescue" package on his website. I dislike the word "rescue". Actually I just dislike this idea/group. A group who wish to help really have to leave off the paedo jokes etc. They do nothing to help.
  2. I'll join in with you. Also Jeff Winter? Is he really what we need as a spokesperson right now for a group supporting Rangers? *facepalm*
  3. I know we go round and round with this, but ffs, can we give Ally a chance in a club with less of a shit storm happening? We do not know full details of what it has been like in Ibrox during Whyte's reign, or the potential strain on McCoist. To declare him our worst manager with all this stuff going on is harsh. Although, I remember the shit McLeish got too when he was in charge.
  4. No. In a word. I dunno, I agree it felt like a sting almost, it's too similar to the first one that went online.
  5. Have they had any public backing yet? For me, they have NO public face whatsoever. Who is behind it? Do we even have names? In that case ^ I will wait until they have the backing.
  6. I think I'm with you on this one Frankie. I also wouldn't rule out an entire continent of potentially wealthy investors based on a few where it has gone wrong lol. By that logic, Whyte & SDM are Scottish, so we shouldn't have anyone from Scotland buy us.
  7. The last few weeks have been like watching a Scotland major tourny qualifier. But, I'm hoping this time we won't be 'glorious losers'. I'm nervous and a bit concerned - and always have been - about Paul Murray & Co. Part of my concern is the DR backing Murray. Have you noticed their 'Rangers in Crisis' banner has gone since PM publicly confirmed?
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. What an idiot. 'We've been nothing but respectful'.
  9. We would need to establish then the financial viability would be of moving it back in house, with a predominately online presence
  10. Ticketus. Which is what bothers me. Surely the admins can't sell to someone who will buy us with what will be a debt? If ticketus stump up the cash up front, but want it paid back, that is more debt.
  11. Also a lot of companies manage fairly exclusively online nowadays too. Low overheads.
  12. This all sounds really positive. I'm impressed with the offers of help for things like painting etc too. Look forward to the official launch
  13. Yep and it's all over my twitter. I would have thought everyone would know not to read that shite rag when it comes to the truth about Rangers! This is the same paper who called Whyte a billionaire...
  14. where is the proof? the sources? ANYTHING to substantiate it? I've read it several times and can't see!
  15. I think an open mind for just now is the best idea, until the launch tomorrow. Hopefully all questions will be answered. We could argue that we expect the players to take these cuts for the love of the club, so it's our turn to help out now. £10 from 50,000 people for example would cover half of a month, alongside player cuts. However, it needs proper explanation and complete transparency to get off the ground.
  16. Yes generally my outrage takes form in expletives.
  17. That's bullshit. The SFA didn't come in to existence when Regan was appointed, there were others there ffs! And too expensive? So will next season be for other clubs when we don't travel. It's their job for fuck sake. Outrageous statement made.
  18. We need some sort of statement from all the supporter groups, or to find a way to question it publicly, in the right manner
  19. 'shrugs off' sounds worse though. It's all about spin on a quote isn't it.
  20. It sounds as though it counts as a revenue stream to help us get through the season. Kind of the 'cash injection' the Admins talked of.
  21. The Bheeb said that Advocaat reckons the millions spent was worth it as we won titles etc.
  22. Sounds great in theory. I look forward to more detail and official launch.
  23. I spoke with our finances guy at work, this is the guy who does due dilligences etc on companies we look to acquire. He's a diehard Ger and very savvy. He's just about doing the bouncy today LOL. I figure if he agrees this sounds good then that's good enough for me!
  24. Me again! Ok so the site is now live with full details, also you can follow @hostyourkit on twitter. The Celtic player involved is Charlie Mulgrew but you could ignore him in favour of the lovely Emma Fernon of Glasgow City & Scotland. It's a good initiative and worth a look
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