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Everything posted by BlueMazza

  1. I would have expected them to say they are playing in his honour then, that proceeds will go to blah blah blah snore.
  2. The twists and turns in this are just incredible. I'm actually hopeful!
  3. Maybe because they cannot trust themselves to not be whankers when asked - which they will be inevitably - about Rangers. Or maybe because they will soon release a statement yet again stating they don't care about Rangers, they don't need Rangers and don't want their tie with United undermined. You know, the poor us, statement.
  4. Ha, £4.9mil is 'paltry'. We should thank Salmond for his pushing of independence. The Tory government no doubt see this as a way to secure a few pro-union votes by keeping Rangers in business.
  5. Considering the carnage Whyte has caused that we can now see, surely it would be fair to assume that things have not all been rosey in the Rangers garden behind the scenes for a good while? We don't know exactly what restrictions/pressures may have been on Ally this season, before Admin. Now is not the time to judge him at all.
  6. I'd rather stay, rebuild and say Fuck You to the rest of them. They are trying their bhest to bring us down.
  7. Agreed. I've already been told this morning our name is forever shamed. So said the tim calling the kettle black. My response went along the lines of 'bloodstained poppy banners anyone?' This news is so good that I can't completely believe it. But I have hope!
  8. I'm RAGING! It's all POTENTIAL breach yet they can tell us the charges and make us the scourge of Scottish football yet again. The only good thing that may come out of this is the complete eradication of Whyte from Rangers. Potential breaches does NOT MEAN we have done anything wrong! The SFA should go fuck themselves. They're a fucking disgrace. *rage over*
  9. I may end up in a minority, but I won't completely castigate players who look to themselves. The argument about money made whilst 'sick' is a poor one. Millions of employees elsewhere get sick pay, it's unfair to say Of course, this makes it more obvious who is who but I won't take part in abusing them
  10. More posturing on 'Rangers are a disgrace' no doubt. If their investigation comes back as 'Whyte is NOT a fit & proper person' (i say IF with a LOL) then surely that is partly their fault and they should invesitgate themselves
  11. They could NEVER organise this in time though. A big donation, then yes (which they say in their statement).
  12. I wonder if the Collyer Bristow account has anything to do with the acceleration. I would expect they've delayed part in hope of access to the apparent millions they've frozen.
  13. From the DR but still: Should add, this is from what a week ago or so?
  14. Yep he said buying the club without a base of players holds less interest for him. Shall find the quote
  15. Ah! Lightbulb moment! Paul Murray said last week that NOT having players would be an issue for him, when buying the club did he not? I wonder if there are behind the scenes things in action, lots of statements made today which potentially accelerate things. Murray said he'd rather keep the players we have now, than have to buy in an entire team. Also, players = assets in base terms.
  16. They can't reach an agreement with the players though, so I assume they believed they COULD reach one, which would forestall liquidation. Without an agreement that sees us meet our financial commitments (a necessity in administration) this is their only other card. Anyway, Fuck you Craig Whyte. Fuck you. Don't show your face again anyway near our club.
  17. Which then makes me believe Dave King's statement was more accurate than Paul Murray's, AND Craig Whyte YET AGAIN came out with a bunch of lies. maybe they should all have waited til this afternoon to make their impressive statements.
  18. Agreed, basically they are saying we will be unsellable and most likely liquidated.
  19. Dangerous game to play just now though. Rangers fans have had enough of wily statements that don't quite say what they mean. PM should be very careful and making out he thinks it's unlikely if potentially that's where we go. Whyte has given us lies and evasions. We shouldn't be quick to accept anyone as a saviour without full disclosure.
  20. I swear I heard him he 'hoped things turned out well there' (there being Rangers)
  21. But so what if it isn't? I'm sorry but Wylde is not the cause of Rangers' woes, if it suits him AND the club then big deal. I won't castigate him for it, or any other player. The future of Rangers is completely up in the air so I can understand why there may be "selfish" (not a word I would choose) reasons in amongst the gallant ones
  22. It was a Rangers story about Bain though was it not that accused of him? So yes his beef is with Whyte but his only recourse is through the entity which made the libellous claim (if indeed it is libellous).
  23. Agreed, plus you are right, he is a KID ffs. To be fair half of what he said may have been derogatory but he mumbles too much to tell
  24. I can't agree with this. It has been pointed out repeatedly by Admin etc that we went into Admin because of failure to pay £9m PAYE/NI and HMRC were fed up with Whyte's lies/posturing etc.
  25. SDM will say he was completely unaware of the ticketus money used to buy the club, all he saw was the £24 mil acc letter to confirm funds were there. That Whyte being an apparent life long Rangers fan appeared a good bet. That he can't comment on EBT's under investigation but knew of no wrong doing. That he doesn't understand why King will sue etc etc. Plus he'll bring it back round to the fact that Rangers are only in admin now because of Whyte's non payment of PAYE/Ni. When he left Rangers were reasonably healthy and he had assurances/clauses in place. Spin and smokescreen stuff most likely.
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