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Posts posted by mitchellenman

  1. After what he's been tweeting recently and the press comments he's been coming out with, I really would be very disappointed in him leaving. Doon't get me wrong, we're hardly in a great state and we're not exactly attractive right now, but he's been posting and making incredibly positive soundbites - if he jumped ship first chance he got I'd be so disappointed in him.


    He's probably been getting offers since January since his contracts up at the end of the season

  2. Do you really blame him for that? To be honest, in my opinion all you did was let down the reputation of Rangers fans with that tweet. No wonder he was blocking people if he was getting bombarded with stuff like that. That's the kind of stuff that disguises decent tweets like Frankie's. It ends up the wheat doesn't get sorted from the chaff...


    Not impressed with you at all.


    I agree calling him that reflected bad on Rangers fans, however I should point out that this was months and months before Frankie's, and was in relation to cricket, that I hope he didn't make a *** of himself at the SFA like he did at Yorkshire. I only noticed I was blocked after Frankie was.

    Apologies, should have made that clearer in my post.

  3. Wonder if the working group will release their minutes?


    Regan isn't to be trusted. He was like this when he was in charge of Yorkshire Cricket, and he still can't take criticism. Frankie will remember he got blocked by him on twitter for asking a straight forward question. He then went on a blocking spree (me included, all I did was call him a c***). And since the meeting isn't going the way he likes he walks out.


    I just can't believe the press didn't pick up on this

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