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Mountain Bear

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Posts posted by Mountain Bear

  1. Pre AGM, whenever CK opened his mouth regards Rangers he misled or told lies.


    Remember the "Crighton has nothing to do with us" (I'm para-phrasing)

    Then at the AGM, Crighton saying "I represent Laxey Partners".


    Yup, I was impressed initially that he bothered to engage in dialogue with a "random", but I wasn't too surprised with the end result. Hedge funds don't "do" sentiment, but they "do" return on investment.

  2. Colin Kingsnorth hasnt spoke to King yet, going what ive heard from him, he seems to be siding more on Ashley


    Kingsnorth engaged with me in a bit of email dialogue before the last AGM. He seemed to agree then that some form of compromise with the Requisitioners would be a good thing, but of course he voted against them in the end.

  3. Until the SOS or the UOF come up with enough money to buy those out they protest against then everything they say or do is pointless, useless even. Money Is the only thing that will make this board take notice.


    Have to disagree with you on that mate.


    Any business that doesn't listen to its customers is taking a big risk and while these protests won't damage Sports Direct, they at least send a message about what the fans will / won't stomach at Ibrox.


    If the day to day hassle Ashely had to deal with concerning Rangers outweighs the perceived benefits to SD from the onerous contracts, then he'll walk.

  4. BD tells me he is about ready to pay up so that would be 15 inc DS so I've spoken to Cristobal and the cafe is all lined up.


    56 days and counting down to the biggest night of the year :drink:


    I congratulate you on your

    Indefatigability BH.


    Perhaps Dave's speech could feature a section on mobile banking payment options in the 21st century?


    Some Gersnetters might learn a thing or two [emoji6]

  5. Yes and that might be enough to tide us over till when? The end of December or January?


    Merely a sticking plaster over a gapping wound, I agree. But you've got to ask why, if you're bleeding to death and someone has got your sticking plasters, they won't give them to you.

  6. It does remain to be seen how things pan out for SDM and his ongoing family 'interests', although as things stand, they do at least appear to be downsizing.




    Jim McColl openly said that he was tied into agreements which prevented him from investing, but whether or not he might consider himself as having something to make "amends" for is very subjective.


    To myself and a lot of other fans though, McColl's public involvement with the requisition a year ago ended up being disappointing because firstly, it appeared as if they were outflanked by a few shrewd operators in full-on panic mode, but more importantly, there was a sense that the requisition was only partially successful and that ultimately it didn't put the Club into the hands of more trustworthy people.


    Whoever the mystery individual is (if indeed there is one at all), atonement is a much more acceptable motivation than greed when it comes to investors in Rangers.


    Either SDM or McColl would be infinitely preferable to what we've got today!

  7. The really frightening thing (although absolutely not a surprise!) is the shortage of working capital/money running out and what's going to be hived off to bridge any shortfall until a second public offer of shares if that get's shareholder approval at a General Meeting.


    With Mike Ashley already in control of the Rangers Retail business and Club merchandise + already having the Ibrox naming rights, we appear to be running out of things to hive off.


    Ashley could of course pay Rangers a dividend from the retail JV...

  8. My first thought on that one was Jim McColl, but it's interesting to see others read into it differently.


    Would SDM be considered as "someone very powerful" ??


    Perhaps not today Zappa (although his family trust has purchased a surprising amount of his pre-crash assets from the various joint ventures with the Bank).


    McColl didn't put his hand in his pocket when he could have rescued us, but does he have anything substantive to make "amends" for?

  9. Just to further muddy the waters.....



    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 33m 33 minutes ago

    @bigwilliebhoy @tedermeatballs @TheClumpany @BartMain @TheTributeAct You will see that Keith is bang on the money with this story.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 41m 41 minutes ago

    @tedermeatballs A "small" pr guru has started his magic with this false denial and also fed a blogger info about GW bonus to deflect.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 1h 1 hour ago

    @tedermeatballs @AyeMcClane As I put in one of my tweets there has been no such denial.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Mr wallace has been very busy with setting this opportunity up and the directors aka ashley never smelt this coming egm wont be a success.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Laxey/B.P.H=Ticketus will back this move by Mr King and co as they see it the best way for club to prosper and recoup their money.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Would also like to clarify that Mr king or any of his sources have NOT spoken to any broadcaster or denied what's In motion.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    @tedermeatballs Would appreciate if you could rt my last tweets to get this out and will keep in contact when I get more.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Also the three men mentioned today are not the only one's there is a someone very powerful wanting to make amend's.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    @tedermeatballs Hi Keith me again just to let the folk know that Mr King has Laxey/B.P.H backing as the see the club prosper more under king

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    Large shovels full of salt required, but "someone very powerful wanting to make amend's" can only be a SDM reference, surely?

  10. No 'we' don't




    Nope! You are participating in 'I cant take this any more, I don't like that sort of banter'




    It is, DEAL WITH IT!! Nothing will change until we win title 55.


    Be patient ffs!! and stop feeling the victim??


    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."


    Joseph Goebbels

  11. I find it strange the Board haven't taken legal action against former Directors who have so blatantly failed in their fiduciary duties to the Company and its shareholders.


    Indeed. To be the majority shareholder in a Joint Venture and to have precisely zero influence over the distribution of the receipts of that JV, is a quite staggeringly stupid deal to make.


    Unless there were other "incentives" on the table that we don't know about of course...

  12. It really isn't.


    We don't do boycotting very well, but even if we did, is it really a good idea for Rangers fans to stop following the team around Scotland? If we were successful in boycotting away grounds, and let's face it, we'd find a reason to boycott everyone, supporters' clubs would fold and the team would have no support at away games. Is this what we want?


    The answer is for Rangers to chase down every club which perpetuates the 'new club' lie by using official channels to get them disciplined.


    Forget boycotts. This has to be met head on.


    I'd favour a one-off boycott for each Club that does this kind of stuff. The others would soon get the message and suddenly Chairmen would make the time to read the draft programme before it goes to print.

  13. Rab, I'm not defending or criticising LBG, I'm saying that Manus Fullerton wasn't even involved, far less calling the shots; there was no anti Rangers cabal at work and no-one was "found-out".


    If you seriously think a partly state owned FTSE 100 bank would consider crystallising a £750m debt with no hope of recovering anything like that amount from the assets, just so that a couple of senior employees could pursue their personal agendas with a Scottish football team, then you'll believe anything.

  14. If you get the opportunity then read some of the statements made by the then Rangers chairmanAJ.


    I'm very familiar with AJ's frustrations regarding LBG. My point is a narrow one: there was no "Celtic Minded" conspiracy and Manus Fullerton wasn't involved with the Rangers FC relationship.


    If you've read anything from AJ which contradicts that specific point, please do share it.

  15. They may be well known to you, Rab, but what about those of us who don't have the finger on the pulse?


    He means Manus Fullerton and he is 100% wrong. That individual did not run LBG's Scottish Business Division and would have had no legitimate influence in any decisions relating to Rangers / SDM. That is a fact.

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