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Mountain Bear

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Everything posted by Mountain Bear

  1. If we were all demanding McCoist's sacking before we renewed, would that be blackmail too? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I thought the tapas was top class, but a good Italian restaurant would suit me too, if folk fancy a change. Maybe Dave Smith could have a word with Amo and see when he's back in town! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hypothetically, if your football viewing had included our training sessions and Gordon looked to be back to his best, would you still overrule the evidence of your own eyes (and medical staff)? Taking a chance on Gordon on a pay as you play basis wouldn't be that daft at all given the amount of TV coverage we get. If he did perform well, he's still young enough to command a decent sell on fee. There are other positions where our need is far greater and I don't think it'll happen, but I wouldn't be quite so dismissive about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. That's the type of tension you get when a family club is listed on a stock exchange I'm afraid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. If the redundancies were only needed to pay for the bonus, then I'd agree with you. Restructures and redundancies are part and parcel of turning a business around though. I'm not arguing that Wallace deserves one, just that redundancies shouldn't preclude a CEO from getting a bonus if the business is genuinely improved as a result. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Not sure about all of that GS. Wage cuts and redundancies should have happened under administration but didn't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Not everyone has your foresight or your zeal re McCoist's suitability as manager. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Absolutely outstanding piece Andy, outstanding. Our fans groups could do with a few people like you at the helm. You'd get my vote. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think that would be the end for Ally. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks FS. In a relatively new company I can understand them building in a bit of flexibility, but I'll be really disappointed if it's basically a subjective judgement. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. A CEO's bonus for a listed company would normally be based on targets for RoE (return on equity) the share price, or other key financial ratios. Brahim is quite right to say we should wait to see the conditions of the bonus before we critique it, however, recent experience at Rangers was that the bar had been set so low, and on entirely inappropriate metrics, that any idiot could have achieved the criteria. If the 100% figure is based on a genuinely transformational performance, which delivers very material financial and operational improvements, then I have no problem with the size of it. However, if the bar HAS been set suitably high, I doubt he's going to achieve anything like 100% this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. The Pinsent list sounds like an interesting one... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I agree with Keith Jackson on virtually all counts in his piece. DK's stance about investing in new capital rather than buying out the existing shareholders was logical and perfectly valid when he first took it. However, the situation has now changed and I don't believe the risks DK is asking the fans to take with the future of the Club are worth it IF BPH etc are indeed prepared to take circa £6m for their shares. I would much rather he said to Buy Rangers / Rangers First that he'd advance the fans the money to buy those holdings (and perhaps even negotiated the deal on their behalf) on the promise that they'd repay him from future receipts. They could then set the support the target of raising that money this year, which I firmly believe we could do. Attempting regime change without a shift in the balance of shareholder power is pointless and, lest we forget, most of our current shareholders are not in it for love of the Club. They will want to muddle on through with as little additional investment as possible until someone buys them out. Failing that, they will invest in a rights issue or other vehicle as long as they maintain control. DK's preferred scenario, dilution by his additional investment, will be at the bottom of the list, just above losing their capital altogether. That means continued intransigence from both parties leading to greater risk for the Club. So let's be really clear. I am not against DK at all, in fact I'd be happy to have him involved again in the running of the Club. However, running the risk of another insolvency event to save a few £million isn't worth it and if Dave doesn't want to buy them out, then he should back the fans to allow them to do it, so he can save his cash for a time when his investment is welcomed by a board with a different agenda. DK, BR and RF, it's time to step up and p(l)ay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We should KIV that Wallace did sack the FD responsible for the forecasts he was relying on at the AGM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I guess as I only joined the RST as a vehicle through which to participate in the IPO and have since also joined Rangers First, I can look at the situation without having any particular emotional attachment to either. You're right that neither BR nor FR have the cash today to maintain / increase their holdings in any material way, which is why the individuals involved need to put past differences aside for the good of the Club and cooperate in the run up to the share issue. Otherwise they'll be duplicating effort across two schemes, diluting the impact of the real message: if you don't like the way in which the club has been run recently, this is your opportunity to do something about it. However, even if they do cooperate, I think they may need some soft loans so they can commit sufficient cash up front. Perhaps Mr King can help with that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Ultimately, the institutional shareholders and the faceless investors want a return on their money. Being realistic, that's not going to happen on the back of our trading performance any time soon, so they need someone to buy them out. That is why we have the rich fan (DK) trying to minimise what he has to pay and the investors trying to keep him at arms length until he does. In the meantime, the Review seems like a sensible business strategy, but then so did the IPO prospectus and we all know how that played out. So, for everyone to move forward, we're going to need a bit more honesty, a bit less playing to the gallery and a willingness to bury the hatchet and work together with people you may not care for on a personal level. That applies to the Board's engagement with the fans (which needs to build at least some degree of trust soon) and fan groups' approach to each other. I'd respectfully suggest that now is the time for Buy Rangers and Rangers First to find a way of working together (and sharpish), so that they are ready to take advantage of the share issue when it comes (ie not just maintain our current percentage stake in the business, but to increase our collective influence). "Buy Rangers First" anyone?!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Worth the sacrifice to give Rangers legend Dave Smith my seat! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Likewise, I've no issues with the photos being posted on this thread if others are ok with it. Those who couldn't make it along this time can play "guess who's who?". As a clue, I'm the handsome one... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. lol, perhaps Ally should give Daly some ice cream before the Dunfermline game. Maybe throw in some Smarties too. Could turn him into Gareth Bale! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. You got an honorary mention STB, but we were feeling all warm and full of bonhomie by that time (thanks to Charltonman's wine), so nothing bad! Hope you can make the next one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. That is spot on. None of the options open to supporters at the moment are risk free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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