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Mountain Bear

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Everything posted by Mountain Bear

  1. Yes, I'd agree it's a debt rather than a loan. Ultimately, it's not an issue about proportionality for me (although the Board could offer a first charge limited to the amount of debt in question). Rather I would like to see a really material sign from the Board that they are taking the support's legitimate concerns seriously. Thus far, all we've had is a couple of poorly constructed surveys and not a lot else. If they have been truthful in saying that they have no intention of using the stadium or MP to raise additional finance, then it really wouldn't be much of a sacrifice to grant security over the stadium for 6 months or so and it would go a massive way towards re-booting relationships with the bulk of the fans. Highly unusual for a football club I grant you, but so are relations between the Board and supporters at the moment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Re the status of ST sales. They are prepayments that the Club receives from its customers for future delivery of goods or services. So, while they may not be loans in the strictest sense of the word, they create a liability on the company's balance sheet and an obligation to the customer. Generally prepayments require a degree of trust that the company will be able and willing to honour that obligation. If that trust or certainty is absent, there are many ways in which risk can be mitigated. Involving a 3rd party, or requesting for some form of collateral and / or guarantee is perfectly normal in circumstances where that trust is absent. In fact, international trade finance depends upon it. Frankly I don't care about the precise start and finish dates of the 120 day review and the ST renewal process. Either through desperation or contrivance, the Board have created a situation where they are attempting to bring in as much ST cash as they can before their plans are made public and that seems to be contrary to what was agreed with Mr King. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. On another day, yesterday's attitude and effort would have seen us through to the final. I didn't think we deserved to lose based on our overall play. That said, we were very poor defensively and missed some fantastic chances, so with 2 out of 3 areas of the park misfiring, I don't know whether I can justify the "did well" tag. Nevertheless I was heartened that we can still play football when we want to. I'll be very interested to see what sort of performance we get from the team on Tuesday at Ibrox. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not sure where you got those figures Barry's, but I suspect they are wildly exaggerated. They add up to circa £1.6m for just 3 players out of a large squad. Remember the total player wage bill has been widely reported at being £7m p.a. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I would definitely add Templeton to that list. I know he can be greedy and has been injured a lot, but he has the quality. There's probably half a dozen of the rest who could provide decent cover. However, we have real issues right down the spine of the team. Successful Rangers teams over the past 30 years have been build upon really top class keepers. Bell is not in that league. Central defence is my biggest worry, as neither Jig (who has been a great servant to the club on and off the pitch) nor Moshni are remotely good enough for the top flight. One lacks any pace and the other lacks any positioning. Perry and Hegarty are never going to be good enough either, so that's FOUR we need to shift. We lack a creative player in the centre of midfield who is going to get a game on a regular basis. Law is one of my half dozen back up players. As for centre forward, playing Daly forces us into a long ball game, because he's so immobile. Clark and Gallagher have potential, but we are short of options for the Championship, far less the top flight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm sure you're right and my tongue was slightly in my cheek, but the capital growth story isn't going to be an easy one to sell either. Will be interesting to see what, if anything, they say about shareholder returns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. We have a broad range of institutional investors now. They'll either want rapid capital growth and a quick exit, or a dividend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Would be nice if they articulated their dividend policy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Who said our baws burst last week? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It simply can't be a misunderstanding - someone is either lying, or playing dirty tricks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I do so hope Dave had his phone set to record during his meeting with the Board. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. We're going to need to agree to disagree on the conspiracy theory Rab. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. They'll only read a selection of the verbatim quotes for the questions which generate "negative" feedback. I'm not at all convinced that this was put together by a professional research agency, but there are some pretty snazzy tools today which can analyse thousands of statements and highlight the key themes, allowing you to drill down to the juicy stuff with out wading through the many thousands of references to s***s.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. 1. Does it matter though? Maybe they just wanted to pick a fight with a high profile case which would make other entities think twice about using or defending EBTs. The point is we either didn't understand the risk we were taking properly, or consciously decided to accept it, with horrible consequences. 2. We've discussed this many times before. HBOS would have done anything NOT to have been the creditor who had to pull the plug on Rangers. That would have been commercial suicide in Scotland and would have made any potential impairments from the rest of MIH pale into insignificance. 3. Again, perhaps you're right. They gave us the rope...but we didn't have to hang ourselves. 4. See 2. I've got a lot of time for AJ and he's called it correctly on a lot of issues, but in terms of the legal position, if he thinks the corporate entity isn't liable for the actions of its execs, he's just plain wrong. Wishful thinking I'm afraid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Actually, I disagree with quite a lot of that article. 1. HMRC didn't make a "mistake" in the Big Tax Case, we chose to operate a very aggressive tax avoidance scheme on a very large scale, without adequately assessing the scale of the risk should we be challenged. They lost (subject to appeal) but they had enough of a case to get it to a First Tier Tax Tribuneral. 2. I have no issue with the bank getting it's money back in full, and in the process ensuring that HMRC couldn't recover their debt. The bank was a secured creditor and ranked ahead of HMRC just as secured creditors do elsewhere every day of the week. The bank may have lent too much to MIH, but they (and we) took it. If we didn't like what the bank was asking for we could have rebanked - oh wait, no-one else would touch us because we had a massive contingent tax liability hanging over us because we'd taken a huge risk. 3. I don't buy this HMRC culpability argument either. WE took the massive gamble, not them. Did they allow Whyte too much slack once he was in control? Perhaps, but that's like blaming the police for a driving ban incurred while speeding at 100mph, on the basis that they should have stopped and fined you when you were only doing 80mph. 4. We need to accept that you can't divorce the club completely from the actions of the balmpot who was running us at the time. Lest we forget, he didn't just stop paying HMRC, he deducted PAYE from salaries and then kept it. That's theft in most people's book. But if every business could just say "bad boys did it and ran away" washing their hands of the actions of their executives without any consequences, there would be economic anarchy. The whole scenario was a giant clusterf**k, an omnishambles even. We may have been hugely unfortunate in the way the combination of circumstances transpired against us, but the roots of our downfall lie at our own door. Constantly trying to push ALL of the blame elsewhere is one of the reasons why we didn't get the degree of sympathy from others that we'd have hoped for. Time to move on people and ensure that never again are we so remote and disengaged from the running of our Club. That's why I want to see genuine fan influence / ownership. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Apparently the collective wit and wisdom of Gersnet is a less attractive draw than a teenage house party(!), so my son won't be joining us. Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Not yet. I'm away on business at the moment. I'll confirm one way or another by Saturday if that's ok. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Sorry for the delay in replying re the menu BH. I'm happy to go with the flow, but the mussels from the seafood section and the Spanish black pudding take my fancy. Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Character. Oft referred to in football and perhaps a cliché, but I think that our problems aren't entirely down to coaching deficiencies. I don't see players demanding the ball, being brave in possession or trying anything that isn't "safe". I hope they have as much character as the person leaving that post and start to show it soon, for his sake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Paraphrased to: "There's no money to be made from Morton" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Nobody is certain, which speaks volumes about his work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Can the skipper not defend himself? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I do hope this isn't one of the signature actions from the 120 day review. For now I'll put my spare cash into Buy Rangers / Rangers First until I'm comfortable that the fans have adequate levels of influence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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