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Posts posted by Shane

  1. CRO and TRS have both built up enough kudos for me to take your word that there is something concrete behind this revelation.


    It doesn't mean I wouldn't eat my own arm off to find out what it is though. :laugh:




    Definitely not an instance where we're miles away ;)

  2. Not going to get caught up in schematics or semantics re: the stories from yesterday. All I can say is I don't like signing my name to things if I don't feel it's true. Been writing and reporting off and on for the better part of a decade and can count on two/three fingers the number of times I've been burned.

  3. RTC having it first would be no surprise. Legal firms working on things for David Murray and Rangers appear to have had a lot of leaks filtering information to our enemies.


    Amazing how that works out....


    In any case, glad we're talking about it now. And that they're laying all the credit at Bill's feet for whatever reason :D

  4. Whatever it is I've made the decision, after a series of talks this week with my staff and the organizers, that we're not going to be part of this anymore. We write opinion as our purpose. We don't really need someone else to do it for us and sign our name.


    I'd say most of the problems from my perspective just come from the bad timing of everything I've had going on and not being able to be involved in the process.

  5. If Gersnet came out and officially said, as a sort of mission statement, that it wanted an Orange strip, there's no way I would post on it.


    Not under my real name, anyway. I thought the only criteria for membership was being a bluenose (which it is, we all know that) and to put your name to this plan or that plan, or support this person or that person would just smack of site admin/owners getting too far up their own jacksies.


    Now you know how to get rid of me!


    We'll never officially concern ourselves with strip colors at CRO, and there are consistent rumours of biscuit-based compensation flying around. ;)

  6. Where did this idea that messageboards can adopt a position that reflects the wishes of their members come from?


    Blogs, aye, fair enough. But boards? Even here, with a select membership, we can't agree on the manager, the players, the formation, the owner, the previous owner, the administrators, the SPL, a boycott, the Orange strip...to imagine a messageboard can represent an entire constituency is just mad.


    I don't know how it'd work here. Running a forum sounds like complete hell to me. :)


    But I'd guess that the forum is in someway an extension of the editorial ideals of the site itself, so if the 'staff' of the site could come to a consensus that'd be its position. Then forum members with dissenting opinions could, of course, always discuss them on the boards.

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