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Posts posted by Thinker

  1. 16 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    I find it hard to get behind a manager stupid enough to drop candeias. 


    4th pen is definitely in the box. Didnt see other 3. 


    Though we should have had another though. 

    Yeah, seemed like a blatant drag-down on Morelos at 4-0. I'd need to see it again though.


    (Sorry - I see WalterBear has already mentioned that above).

  2. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:

    Neil Lennon’s Hibs exit confirmed in statement by club who CLEAR him of any wrongdoing


    HIBS have confirmed Neil Lennon has left Hibs by "mutual consent".

    Is this a "...and is therefore not entitled to any form of compensation" type of statement?

  3. 29 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    surely those numbers can't be right???

    Been a while since I did maths @ school, but I'm sure those number are wrong - how can C1872 have less shares than G Taylor, but a higher percentage???

    Going by the number of shares, Club 1872 actually have 9.25% - all the other figures add up.


    Typo on a spreadsheet somewhere?

  4. 1 hour ago, buster. said:

    Am I the only one who is sick of the sight of GIf after GIF, it's like a cartoon network messageboard for the under 12s FFS.


    I used to find that RS usually had something to say worth listening to, now it's only GIF overkill. 

    It can be fun if used when it really suits an answer and is actually funny but..........



    I'm sure he's giffing in some super-clever, post-ironic way that our tiny little minds can't grasp.


    Titter. ?

  5. 55 minutes ago, compo said:

    Your verdicts on the  television panels who does it and who makes you press the mute button ,me personally I like Roy  Keane always interesting. 

    Alex Scott on the BBC. Could watch her all day, every day.



  6. 10 hours ago, MacK1950 said:

    AS someone who is not totally computer literate perhaps someone could enlighten me to what "gif's" are and possibly some other abbreviations etc.

    Here's Google search's definition for GIF


    Not to be confused with that other commonly used internet abbreviation, GIYF



  7. The last few days I've been getting plagued by fake Amazon pop-up ads, when browsing Gersnet on my phone - I think a couple of other users mentioned it on the main forum.


    They redirect me to a page that can't be backed out of - the only option is to close the browser. Is it something admin can report or block?


    I'll attach a screenshot...




  8. 3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    I think we’d be relegated fairly quickly, to be honest.   I think we should concentrate on challenging in Scotland before contemplating competing with Ajax, Basel and the likes.  We crashed out of Europe to a team from Luxembourg at the start of the season.

    I think if we had decent TV money we'd be able to improve our squad very rapidly. We'd be one of the best supported teams in any Atlantic League set up.


    I don't really see anything happening in the immediate future, but the gap between the "big leagues" and the rest widens with every year that passes. It's a problem that's only going to get worse until the smaller football nations address it - either that or write off the notion of serious European football.

  9. 6 hours ago, pete said:

    The Dutch have totally no interest in the Atlantic league at this time. The old Chairman of PSV was for it years ago and entered into talks. They don't see the Atlantic nations teams as being step up from the teams in their own league

    It's kind of understandable that the Dutch would feel that way as their league is by far the healthiest of the potential Atlantic League participant nations. (They have the most teams drawing a decent crowd). Any setup where each of the countries involved gets the same representation (e.g. 3 teams each) is bound to be of limited (or no) benefit to Dutch football.


    Maybe it would be better to either just invite the 20 best supported clubs in the Atlantic zone - or to make the number of clubs each nation gets proportional to its population. I think either of those works out something like 6 Dutch, 4 Belgian, 4 Portuguese, 2 Scottish, 2 Danish, 2 others (Swiss? - would it be feasible to include teams from Sweden and Norway given that they play Summer football?)

  10. 57 minutes ago, pete said:

    Over here being half a yard further than anyone else is not in line. Just for your information the keeper doesen't count for 2. You only see what you want to see I suppose. Have you had your eyes checked recently?

    Is the ruling not that there has to be daylight between the two players, or did they ditch that? (Genuine question).

  11. The most disappointing thing about today was that it was a pivotal game in the season - if we'd seized the opportunity to close the gap today it would have been game on and given everyone a real boost.


    Having said that, and even though it wasn't a great performance, I don't think we deserved to lose today - the stats on possession, shots etc. are pretty one-sided.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    Dear Club 1872,

    While you continue to advocate spending money on safe standing, you will get not one additional penny from me.


    I currently pay two DD's to C1872 each month, one for £11.25 that used to go to RST and one for £18.72 that used to go to RF. Both of those payments will be cancelled if one penny of this is earmarked for safe standing.


    So instead of me giving an additional donation towards the share purchase, which I would be happy to consider, you might be losing my £359.64pa if you continue with this nonsense.

    I am sure I am not alone in this way of thinking.

    You can go into your club1872 account and check a box to say you want 100% of your donation to go towards purchasing shares.

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