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Posts posted by andrew_2010

  1. So did Gow have a good game or not? :confused:


    If he seemed like a deer caught in the headlights playing against East Stirling then what will he look like playing against SPL clubs?


    personally i thought no, but thats my opinion.


    I was hoping for more, to me he had glimpses that showed he was capable of putting in a shift but there were other points where he was so off the pace it was embarassing (eg failing to trap the ball)


    as the highlights suggested he did well and was involved in alot of our attacking stuff, but personally i thought they flattered gow (not necessarily a bad thing)


    I hope he does well, but on wed display i wont be holding my breath....

  2. watch nacho's goal at easter road on helicopter sunday. Pay attention to the build up, and the movement. watch one player in particular ;) he's one of the few players at ibrox who plays football when he doesnt have the ball.


    also thought he showed this movement, vision and creativity against motherwell but got harshly dropped and didnt get the credit due at the time.


    Bring Back Buffel!!

  3. McCulloch absolutely coasted the game.


    Not surprisingly Gow did look a little off the pace - started slow, got into it as first half progressed and had some nice wee touches, especially flick for huttons goal. but was extremely quiet 2nd half. looked VERY skinny and i was hoping to some promise and there was definitely some there... just seemed like an deer caught in the headlights to me...


    Huge fan of buffel - and if given a run in the team could prove to be the missing type of player we've been crying out to spend millions on. I can only hope Walter obliges...

  4. I really dont rate Smith at all. wasnt anything special at kilmarnock and was surprised when we signed him in the first place.


    Saw him in germany preseason and looked dreadful... and didnt inspire any confidence tonight. harsh? probably - but would be very worried if we had to go into an spl game with him in goal, nevermind the uefa cup...

  5. Ha Ha i am one of the few to have seen him play in the first team:p


    Me too!! :thup: looking forward to sunday to see the youngsters hopefully given a fair crack of the whip! as maybe all they need is game time, as opposed to paying �£2m to a club that has given them a shot...


    look at the similarities in mccormack and naismith...

  6. as far as i know, the BS main stand is a listed building, and so cant be knocked down or replaced.


    so I guess what they mean by "total rebuilding of Ibrox Stadium" is that they will knock everything down, except BSMS and build something new yet appropriate around it...


    maybe gers have been speaking to council re: potential planning permission etc or getting an estimate from a leak in a firm they have consulted about potential feasible expansion plans and they wanted to release a statement b4 the papers go crazy??

  7. is it something you could divulge in a private message?


    I must say that kris boyd has been a complete enigma at rangers. I wanted him to do well, but it just seems far too many people have been ready to shoot him down. To be honest some of the criticisms do seem justified, however he keeps defying all logic by scoring a ridiculous number of goals! (and hasnt had a shot at the bigger teams as he seems to be over-looked for these games)

  8. this is how i see it (and the way i reacted to the headline without seeing the full story)....


    Smith has been playing 1 up top in europe. Despite contrasting opinions within the support i see this the way we are going to play 2moro. Due to the injuries we're currently suffering from, there is only one logical man to play in that role, who has played effectively there before on the european stage - Cousin.


    This story increases the media hype on this "I dont want to be here" story and is an extremely negative one i believe aimed at turning the bears against cousin. Imagine he misses a good chance on wed now and most bears think he doesnt want to be here? Instead of praising the opportunity created and supporting him and urging him to keep going I can see some fans beginning to moan/telling him to leave now/not worthy of the jersey etc all very negative.


    Pick on the guy who is our main attacking threat trying to turn the fans against him before possibly the biggest game of the season so far? when he cant speak the language properly to defend himself? Seems to me the mhedia have sunk to a new low...

  9. interesting rumours!


    Dont want to see Boyd go personally. The boy scores goals! Not sure on Miller. would write a whole new chapter in the book of players to play for both halves...


    Hows Pete been getting on at schalke? saw a game on setanta once when i was up home and he was missing the whole game...


    Cousin I could take or leave. not much point in having a good player if his heart is not in it - but saying that there hasnt been enough evidence to suggest he does want away - seems like shit stirring from the media for me (until proven otherwise)

  10. This chant does seem to be losing its integrity. Mainly due to the way in which the rangers fans are using it as a petty slogan.


    On route to Barcelona via dublin i get a "big jock knew" in my ear to let me know I'm not the only gers fan, but why big jock knew? "we are the people" awesome. "follow follow" thats what i was doing and will do till the day i die. but "big jock knew"? its just something that is used for point scoring as other people have stated.


    Its disappointing that many bears would rather sing this than Gers songs.


    So as not to be misunderstood, I am not faulting the sentiments of the campaign, but the manner in which it is being hi-jacked by some vocal louts in our support.

  11. alot of attacking players on there!


    would be expecting to see a few of those names on wednesday... but playing on a monday afternoon too... hmmm


    well done for getting themselves back into the match :thup:

  12. if anyone should be accused of "anti-football" its players like juninho and that boy from hearts.


    I dare say messi has also taken a dive in his time... not to mention his "hand-of-god" which could have resulted in madrid getting cheated out of la liga last year...


    off topic, i bought some grapes the other day - lovely and sweet! messi obviously took all the sour ones back to barcelona!!


    I'll get my coat...

  13. Good shout that man.


    I think that central in the Copland it is the Cup Winners Cup (or Fairs Cup for the oldies like Jon :fish:) and it is flanked on one side by 19 and the other side 72.


    :cheers: think your right! thought i saw numbers but couldnt be sure, but think you've got it spot on! looks crackin!!


    great team work - just like the gers in europe this season (and vs celtic on my 21st :D) here's hoping for the same tonight!!

  14. Just got confirmation that I have the day trip - wayhay.....


    Cammy F


    gd job :thup: out of interest, how much are they stinging you? and do you get much freedom to see the place your travelling to? or are you just shepherded to the game and back?

  15. Could be a good point. Maybe get one on the home and one on the away. I may be a poor student but he'll only be 18 once.


    I realise I omitted to say we'll be there. Well so far he has a ticket, I don't.


    when did your bro get a ticket?! well i think it has to be both :P


    if your only going for one of them maybe the barca 07 (are you predicting the score there?! barca 0 - 7 gers?!!) will just add to the fact that the barca trip is partly for his bday.


    but then again, if he's playin 5s in a year or so, the surname 18 will make more sense, like u still wearing ur 21st one!


    all in all my advice is pretty non-committal and pretty crap to be honest! :D

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