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3909 04

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Posts posted by 3909 04

  1. Why are you making up stories? I'd wager you know absolutely nothing.


    Making up stories, am I? A wager, you say? That's big talk, especially when you have no idea who I am and what my involvement was when the split occurred.


    Now, about that wager. What amount are you thinking?

  2. i wonder if md will buy a season ticket i wonder if he has one not a nice chap on par with the celtic mouthpice o'rourke.


    A season ticket??? MD buying a macth ticket would be a rarity, mate!


    No, he'll stick to instructing fans not to buy STs until he says it's allowed.


    "Not a nice chap" is an understatement. He's dreadful, far and away the most odious figure in our support. I know have no idea why he's tolerated, genuinely.

  3. I don't know the story, but I can't understand why folk like Frankie walked away from the RST.


    I know exactly why they left and if Frankie ever chose to reveal what happened, there would be a lot less tolerance of Dingwall and his site on here.


    over half a million embarrassing?


    your last two comments are strange from a rangers fan. the one attacking two of our own in the other thread is only marginally less worse than this abomination.


    Interesting that Dingwall's site has repeatedly featured calls for the RFFF to disband on the basis that the group features representation from fans' groups deemed unsuitable by the sages on FF.


    You two gentlemen really would benefit from looking at Dingwall/FF/RST with fresh eyes. His poisonous influence has ruined both bodies.

  4. back on topic I think its time people realised bomber is serious about this. he's a worried man and is looking for a solution.


    it seems he might have found one.


    Let's hope it's a little more realistic than the solution he was proposing three weeks ago then, eh?

  5. Are they as hysterically pro-Green as they were pro-Whyte at RM?


    Let's not forget FF was firmly pro-Whyte at the outset, Dingwall included. The only real dissenting voices were Deedle and DylanGer.


    I've never been a huge RM user, I couldn't tell you how pro-Whyte they were. From what I've seen, they are pro-Green in the main and a little embarrassed by Bomber's "man of the people" act.

  6. fresh bid on Monday or Tuesday. the hope it will be accepted as it meets the valuation and they believe greens running out of cash.


    according to bombers mate on ff.


    What's the view of Bomber on FF, for those of us not allowed on?


    Are they as hysterically pro-Brown as they were TBK 1 & 2?

  7. The title deeds question came to nothing so Brown comes up with something else. Highly predictable. Probably as much truth in this as there is about his title deeds claim, his claim that Sevco Scotland and Sevco 5088 are the same company and that Sevco changes its directors daily.


    You have to wonder who is pulling Brown's strings here. Someone has put the notion into his head that Craig Whyte, D&P and Green are in cahoots, apparently to make money out of Rangers. It's clear that someone is advising Brown because he couldn't come up with such an absurd conspiracy theory on his own without the aid of powerful hallucinogenic drugs.


    Sadly, it appears some Rangers fans with far more savvy than Brown have fallen for this nonsense also.

  8. if its true and if its the same as the cva loan then yes.


    ticketus with more interest but longer to pay.


    A bit like the deal Paul Murray struck with Ticketus then?


    Until Brian Kennedy came in, told mini not to be so stupid and dumoed Ticketus.

  9. I respectfully disagree and I think people are over-stating the influence of Brown, the RST and FF.


    With equal respect, I disagree back.


    An embittered ex-player with a public platform, a desperate fans' group and their mouthpiece webite with many thousands of users wield considerable influence IMHO.

  10. The Rangers fans I am in contact with think different, they are waiting before they spend their hard earned, not because of something Brown has said.


    BTW not everyone who has reservations about Green, support or even agree with Bomber. My opinion is that Green will sell sooner rather than later, and there will be no long term planning until owners who are here for the long term, are in place.


    To my mind the sooner that happens the better for Rangers.


    Do you have any views as to who these long-term owners should be or are you focused solely on Green selling?

  11. RST Board Advice to Members


    Friday, 22 June 2012 11:56


    There are a number of major issues facing the club and the support at present, not least of which is the decision on when, if at all, to renew season tickets. Given recent revelations over the failure of season ticket money to be ring-fenced as the Chief Executive Charles Green had indicated, we feel there is no other option open to the support than to delay payment until it is clear that proper corporate banking facilities are in place and supporters cash is protected from liquidators.


    I'm not aware this policy has been rescinded by the RST. It clearly states fans should delay payment so how can you say there have been no calls for boycotts?


    Oops, you've just answered above.


    I think Bomber Brown with his "starve Green out" has called for a boycott though, no?

  12. No idea. I don't back Brown and I don't think he many fans that do to be honest.


    Generally I prefer to see our fans as people who are capable of making up their own minds on subjects. Every person on this forum can determine the pros and cons of the situation so no reason why anyone from elsewhere can't too.


    You mentioned the RFFF meeting the other night; were you there?


    Was the view of the committee and the manager that every fan should make their own mind up, or was the sentiment expressed that fans should support and show faith in the club by renewing STs?

  13. Right.


    Can we discuss the report as opposed to nonsense about other forums?


    There are a few people skating on thin ice with their constant derailment of almost every thread on the subject. Please respect opposing opinions and lets stick to the facts.


    Perhaps you should consider dealing with obvious "trolling" threads in the literal sense, ie threads designed to provoke an emotional response, rather than threatening to censure those who pass comment on them?


    I find it's always beneficial to attack the root cause of a malaise, rather than treating the symptoms.


    Just a suggestion.

  14. Can they explain what difference a new owner would make, or is it the usual facts and conspiracy nuts = oil & Water.


    Ah, that's an easy one. Green is from Yorkshire and he'd never heard of Davie Cooper so obviously he's a crook who is just here to make money from selling the club to the highest bidder.


    Brown is an ex-player so naturally he deserves to own the club.


    As soon as Brown's consortium takes control of Rangers, all our enemies will immediately surrender unconditionally. Why? Err, they just will.


    I trust that clarifies the situation.

  15. I always said the embargo would suit green. that said he almost certainly had or even has little choice but to accept it.


    Yes, it suits the new Rangers owner to have only six senior players at the club.


    I think we all see that.

  16. So the club with no players would take a transfer embargo?


    Only if Charles Green remains at the club. As soon as mini-Murray & Park, err I mean Smith & McColl, sorry I mean Brown and friends take over, all sanctions will immediately be dropped.


    It said so in the Daily Record and on FF so I'm convinced.

  17. So Rangers face serious financial difficulties. That's wonderful news for you, no wonder you sound so upbeat as you quote your favourite newspaper.


    Hopefully Green will start sacking employees very soon.

  18. I suspect he will sell soon. they only have 3 million left. season book sales are non existent and every penny that gets spent cuts into their profit.


    makes sense to sell up asap.


    Your posts always make me smile. I don't imagine that's your intention but what the heck?


    It's the hope and expectation which permeate every incorrect prediction you make which tickle me most.


    Keep it up, please.


    Whereas you would give Dickens a run for his money, I suppose?

    Please furnish us with some examples of your wonderful talent for prose, since you have hidden it so well thus far.



    I was once asked if I liked Dickens. I said I'd never been to one. Is that ironic enough for you or would you term that sardonic?



    You don't say?



    I assure you, I do say.



    I'm surprised you can see anything past the glare of dazzling pomposity and blinding lack of self awareness.



    I am often blinded by the light but only when I'm revved up like a deuce. How's your night vision?



    Bottom line, you are on a Rangers forum, having a go at another Rangers forum because, in your opinion, it has a go at this Rangers forum.



    I was having a light-hearted pop at another poster whose sole raison d'etre seems to be to promote FF, The Blue Knights, The Blue Cardigans, The Brown Knights, etc. Quite why my posts should have put a bat up your nightdress is puzzling but whatever lifts your skirt, I guess.



    That you claim you cannot see the irony in this, despite having it spelt out to you, renders anything else you have to say on the subject meaningless.



    You know, Robert? I like the way you type. I see a big future for you in pamphleting or possibly greetings card messages.


    So long, Robert. It's been swell knowin' ya. I feel we've touched souls in our little exchange.

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