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3909 04

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Posts posted by 3909 04

  1. I am not an Ally Basher but our European disaster last season can certainly be laid at his feet. He had the whole of the summer stop to go on holiday but went to Portugal on holiday when Rangers should have started training and most teams in the champions league had already started training. Even worse I believe Maribor and Malmo were well into their season already. I have seen Rangers under Walter and Ally playing pre-season in Germany and was totally embarrassed. Walking on to the park in bath slippers and sauntering about as if they are playing a game on the beach at Butlins. I couldn't believe it to be honest.


    Very true. Pre-season was a fiasco last year and the European exits were an utter disgrace.


    Ally is indeed a great guy, Rangers legend, etc but he was 100% responsible for what amounted to our two most humiliating Euro results.

  2. calderwood is a terrible idea. he's just the cheep option.


    thank god Lloyds didn't foist him on us and if green does he should be hounded.


    calderwood can't get a job in Scotland and being better than ally is zero qualification.


    we should appoint a forward thinking young manager who's going somewhere in the game.


    the list should be topped by Derek McInnis and work from there.


    Mate, being better than Ally is qualification for replacing Ally.


    JC won't oust Mourinho but he's a competent SPL manager. As such, he represents an improvement on McCoist.

  3. The good thing about this schene is it raises money for the club, gives a fan a chance to get stinking rich, gives us a good laugh watching him, keeps us in the news and makes the rest of Scotland furious with resentful envy. As such, I'm all for it so I'll do what I can to publicise it :-)


    Follow the Crossbar Challenge on Twitter @x_barchallenge

  4. Barring the part about not seeing any of them being proud to play for Ally, that pretty much proves my point and... you've also just described some of the problems that almost every single big football club has to deal with, including clubs with hugely experienced managers earning 10 times what Ally does!


    At almost every big club there's only certain players who really play for the club and their manager while others display varying characteristics of not really giving a shit and just turning up. Obviously I'm making generalizations myself here and I realise that, but I'm just trying to point out that when our team don't play the way they should it's not necessarily all the manager's fault and there's a lot of different factors to consider. One factor in our current situation is that after all of the turmoil some of these players have gone through in recent times, they might still be here, but that doesn't mean they're happy and that's not necessarily Ally's fault. It's not Ally's fault that Craig Whyte, Duff & Phelps, the SPL, SFA & numerous other bastards fucked the club over and left the team having to play in the 3rd Division this season, is it?


    So in that case, it doesn't really matter who the manager is; half the players won't try a leg irrespective of the manager's identity.


    If so, it makes not a jot of difference if McCoist stays or goes.

  5. He's the man for the job for me tbh, yeah he'll have his teething problems in finding the correct balance with the team and getting the correct formation but let's not get carried it's early doors! But what I will say is the players that don't want to be at the club please let it be known as we can't afford passengers in this team! Your either in or your out!


    True but there's more to it than that. Yes, Bocanegra & co should f**k off now if they don;t fancy it but even some of the guys who are happy to stay simply aren't good enough. Broadfoot has proved that he would struggle at any level. Alexander is a competent backup but he's no McGregor. The lack of width in the team is utterly unforgivable. And in answer to the OP, Ally proved at the outset of last year he's no manager and nothing that's happened since has altered that fact one jot.


    Great guy, great Rangers man, never a manager. Never. As in not ever. Ever.

  6. no I didn't know about that until yesterday.


    So do you have any further information revealing actual rather than suggested/imaginary links between Green and Whyte?


    Because this is the most tenuous business link I've ever heard of.

  7. yeah when he wrote that.


    So Whyte's company owns shares in a large company whose ex-chairman has an unspecified link with Zeus.


    That is enough to convince you that Craig Whyte is involved with Charles Green through Zeus?


    I think you'll find a lot of people own shares in companies whose ex-chairmen have links with finance companies.

  8. I see bill mcmurdo now concurs he's still involved through Zeus.


    Really? When he wrote this, you mean:


    Craig Whyte’s company Liberty Capital has a shareholding in the Worthington Group plc, the former chairman of which was a man called Joe Dwek. Dwek is a well-known businessman in the North West of England and is closely involved with Zeus Capital who are the investment fund behind Charles Green’s takeover.


    You may recall that Duff & Phelps (remember them?) practically railroaded the Green consortium bid through, while better bids were allegedly being spurned. Duff & Phelps were, as everyone knows, Craig Whyte’s chosen administrators. They were part of his masterplan.


    The question must be asked, even if some Rangers fans would rather it wasn’t: Was Charles Green also part of the Craig Whyte masterplan?


    Has everything that happened – even taking into account the collateral stuff i.e. the Blue Knights, Brian Kennedy, Bill Miller etc – all been following the Craig Whyte blueprint?


    And, if so, is Craig Whyte still involved behind the scenes in some capacity?


    This would be the nightmare scenario for many bluenoses. It is to these fans that Bomber is directly appealing and Leggo’s alluding to the “faceless men” of blue Pitch Holdings also feeds their suspicions.


    As I said, I hope they are wrong. I hope Charles Green is what he appears to be.


    He's not concurring at all, he's posing the question being asked by Brown and his unknown backers.

  9. I'm not sure why its perfectly clear he was part of the cover up.


    He knew. That's why he fired Torbett and kicked him out the door, literally.


    Unfortunately for Stein, his next action was to trawl round victims' families' houses begging them not to report Torbett's crimes to the police.


    Guilty as sin.

  10. None taken! I don't give a fuck what you think of me.


    That would explain why you felt the need to come on here and say so...


    I have no wish to cross swords with you and I bear you no ill will. I just think your outrage is misplaced.

  11. I followed a Google news link earlier today and found myself on some open Celtic forum. The posts on there read exactly like Leggat's piece, all bitterness and hatred. You can understand the mhankies' loathing and fear of Green but what's Leggo's excuse?


    And Green's use of the word bigot was masterly. Just look how many people he's upset with one little word. Very cleve.

  12. Here's the full text of McMurdo's follow-up blog. He makes some very valid points on the "poor taste" issue....


    Scoring Points And Knowing History


    I have had a few negative comments regarding my Big Jock Knew? post.


    You won’t be surprised to hear that they seemed to be from people who are a good bet to not be season ticket holders at Ibrox.


    The general gist seems to be outrage at my using child abuse as a means to score points. This appears to be the general response of Celtic fans when you mention the Jim Torbett situation.


    Typical of their thinking is that some things – child abuse, in particular – are not to be mentioned in civilised society. This is commonly known as “Sweep, sweep” syndrome. It appears to be part of sellic-mindededness.


    As I said in my post, the Jim Torbett disgrace makes Celtic fans an easy target. To be fair, some of the jibes are arguably distasteful. Child abuse is definitely not a joking matter.


    The collegiate authorities who legislate over Penn State American Football team agree. Their severe punishment meted out on Penn State show their determination that abuse of children should not be tolerated in sport.


    One of my critics said this:


    “So basically you’re saying that Celtic gained a sporting advantage by Torbett touching young boys. You’re mind must be in a bad place.” (The bad grammar is his).


    Firstly, I challenge anybody to find where I even implied that Jim Torbett’s molestation under the auspices of Celtic Boys Club contributed to an on-field advantage.


    But the more important point here is that this person simply fails to compute that child abuse is heinous in and of itself – it’s not about whether or not it “helped” the performance of the victims. This inability to see the horror of child abuse is the real problem that has been swept under the carpet.


    Any sane, reasonable person would understand the point I was making in my previous post but for those who may be less sane and reasonable, let me make my point very clear:


    Rangers Football Club have been hounded, vilified and punished beyond any decent level of punishment for certain financial indiscretions (some of them yet to actually be proven, but hey, don’t let that stop the inquisitors). The mention of the Jerry Sandusky affair and its similarity to the Celtic Boys Club story was not about “scoring points.” It was to point out there are worse crimes than paying a player more than his contract said he received.


    As I said, fiddling with kids or fiddling the books – which is the worst crime?


    Now, if you believe that mentioning Jim Torbett is bad form on my part, then I apologise for hurting your poor wee sensibilities. The point is that there are much worse things going on than what has happened at Ibrox in recent times.


    The vicious and vindictive campaign being waged against Rangers is because Rangers allegedly “got caught” in some fiscal wrongdoings. I say allegedly because all investigations are still ongoing as regards dual contracts and EBTs. Yes, tax and PAYE were not paid.


    Surely there is not one football fan of any club anywhere who believes that their own team has a 100% squeaky-clean fiscal record with no off-book payments to players including taxable perks? If you do, you don’t know Scottish football.


    Football is a murky business. That is why HMRC are taking such a keen interest in it. Recently a Spanish football official revealed that 75% of the money in the Spanish game is what they call “black money,” i.e. it is not recorded for. This is rife in football. Anyone who believes that Rangers are the only team in Scotland who have been guilty of making unrecorded payments is either very naive or insane.


    The recent furious salvo by Ally McCoist at the way Rangers have been treated highlights not only the anti-Rangers agenda being relentlessly and vigorously pursued by many in the Scottish game, but also the astonishing hypocrisy of people who live in glass houses themselves.


    Sooner or later someone will break ranks and tell the truth about other teams’ dodgy dealings. When that happens, the full fury of Rangers’ fans will be vented on all those who have put the boot in to our crippled club.


    You see, the thing is, true sporting integrity shows no favours.


    For the moment, Celtic fans can stay in their comfort zone, knowing that the Lawwell masterplan has them cossetted within a Celtic-friendly environment as far as the SFA and SPL are concerned.


    But sporting integrity will win the day with both these organisations and justice will prevail, just as Rangers will be back, however long it takes.


    Celtic CEO Peter Lawwell enjoyed a wee dig at Rangers’ expense recently, with his 125 year unbroken crack. As a club, Celtic have been around since 1888 but their corporate structure has changed at least three times since then.


    I guess Peter doesn’t know their history very well.


    But have no fear, others do. There are are many fine footballing moments to be proud of during those 125 years (don’t tell PL it is actually only 124), just as there are other shameful episodes.


    Now there are things in Rangers’ history I am not proud of. That is the nature of being a true fan. But I accept that this is the case.


    Whether or not those of you who wrote to me like it or not, Jim Torbett is part of your history, with all of the shame and infamy that entails.


    Just count your blessings you are watched over by authorities your CEO has managed to manipulate and control… and not the officials of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.


    They don’t do sweep, sweep…

  13. If the shoe was on the other foot, do you think the tims would use it?

    I think they would.


    They would, the press would, TV would, their twisted church would.


    If we want to win this war, or if we're even prepared to accept we're in a war, we have to be prepared to fight dirty.


    I am. Are you?

  14. I respect where you are coming from but how many of those who are chanting BJK have the same knowledge or sympathy as you do? I fear they are using a tragic situation to antagonise the Celtic supporters and for no other reason. There must be a better way of doing this.


    Truth? Probably none of them.


    But, to use a boxing analogy, I will never castigate any Rangers fan for targetting an open cut above Celtic's eye.


    I've said my piece on this issue for now but all I'd add is don't be too quick to castigate those of us who refuse to pass up an open goal.


    PS When I say I respect the work you do, I mean it. It's a job I could never do.

  15. I do not accept the term "faux liberal conscience". If you want to call it "liberal conscience" then that is fair enough. In my case it is not based on conscience alone but on experience of working directly with abused children. I doubt if those who were abused would feel better for hearing chants of BJK.


    I respect that viewpoint and I respect the work you've done.


    But as I've said, I have spoken directly to those affected by this scandal. I've listened to heart-wrenching tales of their suffering and I will not be silenced.


    Celtic FC having the sheer effrontery to push for my club to be stripped of titles given their own appalling history is a sick joke and one which I will not watch unfold without comment.


    If that upsets you, that's a real shame but just you try stopping me.

  16. You won't get a debate from me; you're using the suffering of abuse victims to try to get at celtc, hiding it with pretendy concern for the children. Not one of your points is worth a minute of my time. /chat


    All I'm doing is extracting a weapon from my armoury and taking aim, as I've already explained.


    As it happens, I've researched this subject extensively and spoken to many people who were touched by this appalling scandal. I could relate several personal accounts of the severe physical and emotional turmoil suffered by the victims of Celtic's paedpohile scandal but you wouldn't be interested. But you better believe this is an issue to which I will return for many years, irrespective of the opinions of you and your ilk.


    No offence but I will be swayed not one jot by you and your faux liberal conscience in my quest to reveal and publicise the truth.

  17. The hypocrisy and sanctimonious sh*te we've had to endure from Celtic fans regarding the hospitals our taxes could have paid for, cheating etc, is irritating beyond belief, but there's something deeply distasteful about revelling in innocent childrens' suffering just to hit back at your detractors.


    Nevertheless, the question "what's worse, participating in an aggressive tax avoidance scheme, or protecting a pedophile?" has occurred to me before and I can understand why others bring it up. It's just not something I'm prepared to use in football debates.


    I understand what you mean, mate. I know there are people who would never use an issue as sensitive as child abuse to make a point.


    I, however, have no such scruples. We're currently engaged in a very dirty war with a fanatical, hate-filled enemy. I believe if you turn the other cheek to this bunch of cut-throats, you get slashed. Ergo, I will use every possible tool in my armoury to highlight the stinking, rotten, hypocritical evil of these scum bastards. If that means highlighting their abuse of children in their care, you're fucking right I'll mention it; again and again and again.

  18. A reply from McMurdo in response to the inevitable comments on his blog from outraged Celtic fans:


    "Whether or not those of you who wrote to me like it or not, Jim Torbett is part of your history, with all of the shame and infamy that entails.


    Just count your blessings you are watched over by authorities your CEO has managed to manipulate and control… and not the officials of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.


    They don’t do sweep, sweep…"


    Great work by McMurdo. Looks like he's really touched a nerve.

  19. Extremely poor taste. Not poor taste.


    What's in extremely poor taste about it? I would suggest that


    1) It ignores the sensitivities of the victims


    It does no such thing. It reminds the victims that their dreadful plight has not been forgotten, despite the best efforts of misguided handwringers (like you, seemingly) who would happily forget the fact that these appalling incidents were allowed to take place.



    2) It ignores the variances in social mores between the 60s and today



    No excuse whatever and it is to your shame that you see fit to raise this in mitigation for Stein's crimes. This is a man who went to victims' families doors pleading with them not to go to the police in order "to protect the good name of Celtic". The 60s was a time of free love but it didn't extend to children, except at Celtic. Stein knew exactly what had happened and exactly how serious it was.



    3) It protects rather than highlights the perpetrator/protectors by making it an OF fan issue rather than a legal one



    That simply makes no sense. By reminding the world that Stein knew all about Torbett's crimes, we protect the guilty? Eh? By highlighting it on the only platform we possess (an OF match setting) we bring pressure to bear on those who could and should still act now to ensure the guilty face justice.



    4) It is completely inappropriate for an arena in which children are present, ironically enough



    Not in front of the children, eh? What is this, the 60s all over again? I contend that if even one Celtic-supporting child hears this chant and extracts the truth from his father about the dangers of trusting adult authority figures, that is surely a positive step.



    5) It is, if possible, made even worse by phoney moral justification.



    The only moral justification I see here is you saying Jock Stein was innocent. No he wasn't. He didn't commit the crimes but he did all in his power to cover them up. And we should continue to let the world know, lest we forget.


    Plus doubtless sundry others I can't think of at the minute. But there's no way I'm spending the hours before kick off debating this - in short, you are completely and utterly wrong, if you actually believe what you have posted you are delusional, and that's that.


    I'm right and you're wrong so there, eh? That's a strong argument!


    Debate what you like, when you like but hear me; the chant of Big Jock Knew will never go away until the truth is revealed fully on the world stage.

  20. What's "in poor taste" about reminding the sporting world that the man widely held to be Scottish football's greatest ever manager was complicit in allowing a convicted paedophile not only to evade justice but to find more victims?


    I repeat my call for the Scottish footballing authorities to follow the lead of their US counterparts and strip Celtic FC of all trophies won while Jim Torbett was given free rein by Celtic to abuse children in the club's care.

  21. A very relevant and timely blog by McMurdo. Let's see how committed Celtic FC are to the premise of trophies being stripped from a club who are judged to have transgressed in the past once the authorities are forced to look at Celtic's long-buried crimes.


    For those of you horrified at the suggestion that child abuse and its subsequent cover-up should be reported or even discussed, I have one question: how dumb are you? Are you seriously poroposing that such utterly appalling crimes should never be talked about in the hope that they won't happen again or, if they do, that you won't hear about them? Are you for real?


    Penn State have been dealt with appropriately for their paedophile scandal by being stripped of all trophies won during the period when these appalling crimes took place. Exactly the same sanctions must be applied to Celtic FC as punsihment for their own paedophile scandal.


    Anything less is a shameful abandonment of the Celtic Boys Club paedophile scandal victims.

  22. yeah we've caved. time will tell the full effect of doing so.


    The effect will be a financial hit incurred this year in clearing old debts and an inability to buy new players until Sep 2013.


    I hardly think these sanctions will be held to have crippled Rangers in years to come.

  23. I've seen some strange hero worship of late. whyte, d&p, Muir and Lloyds.

    ...Paul Murray, Douglas Park, Jim McColl, Bomber Brown. Not to mention Martin Bain, who was praised publicly by the RST for dropping his legal action against the club, right around the time it became clear his involvement in dual contracts might see him jailed....


    being a hero for getting a licence while accepting all punishments and getting no concessions I'm not convinced.


    We can live with a transfer ban while in Div 3, the fines and monies owing can be raised. What he won't accept is stripping of titles. If he wins that battle, he's due praise.

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