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Davie P

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Posts posted by Davie P

  1. Slightly off topic, am I the only one who gets massively irritated when CG says things like "Charles Green's Rangers" (as in above statement) or how " I would never allow the club to be stripped of titles" etc. He seems to suggest that he is the only person who played a role in the reviving of the club! I really just want him to think before he speaks!

  2. I actually think that this could be a good signing. At least if Ally wants to play like Stoke, then he will have the personnel to fill the role! Absolutely no sense whatsoever to hit long balls to the likes of Shiels and Templeton!


    Also quite pleased that there has been no comments on the fact that he is from the ROI. Are we becoming enlightened in our old age?

  3. Bluedell, would you like to comment on the point attached:


    "Why is the club now having to pay for the purchase of assets from the administrators? The original investors paid for the assets and have already saw the value of shares from the purchase increase by 600%. Surely the club should not be saddled with paying back this money?"


    If this is being paid for by the club, then did CG and his consortium ever pay anything for their shareholding? Dont get me wrong, they were the only ones prepared to put their hands in their pockets at the time and for that, there is definately a debt of gratitude, but from the accounts this would then appear to have been bridging finance only, or am I showing my ignorance?

  4. I've just seen a tweet about Regan & Doncaster. If it's 100% true they tried to get Rangers to accept title stripping in return for a licence then how can they seriously remain in their jobs?


    You're asking people who have no shame whatsoever for their role in the debacle that is Scottish football, to resign over this point! If they haven't done it already, they never will, more's the pity.

  5. One of the key issues for me is that in Jig's absence, there is a leadership vacuum within the team. Wallace has played well when wearing the captain's armband, but to me he is not a natural leader, the person that the team turns to when things are not going well. Jig did ok when he was playing at CH. We conceded 4 goals in 6 games, and he scored 5 times during those matches! I would be inclined to play him there until the league is won and then bring in Gasparotto for the remainder of the season. I really dont think that Jig is mobile enough to be the defence midfielder so he either plays up front next to Little, or plays at the back next to Hegarty.

  6. I genuinely believe that Ally is missing the point entirely. He seems to believe that because we are top of the 4th tier of Scottish football that everything else can be forgiven. We have seen poor performances from a squad that irrespective of quality, has the second highest payroll in the country. After every poor performance he comes out and states that how disappointed he is, and how hard they are working to overcome the mistakes. All that I see is - 1. players that are unable to take a set piece; 2. players that are unable to defend a set piece. Neither require quantum mathematics to improve upon.


    If they are working hard to eradicate these problems (as stated in today's papers), does it mean that - a. the coaching is deficient; b. the players are not concerned at letting down Ally; c. the players are complacent due to the league basically being won; d. players couldn't give a f*ck as there is no consequence?


    Answers on a postcard please!

  7. cheers frankie. as i say we out sold them every year until they stopped giving figures. i see little reason to believe we dont still do that or they would be crowing again.


    we were also 4th for retail operations at one point as well behind iirc man uts barca real madrid and juve.


    I tend to agree that we would outsell them in the UK, but we just do not have a presence internationally. Walk into any Nike store around the world and you will find their jerseys hanging next to Man U, Arsenal and Barca. I have never seen an Umbro (or Warrior, Macron or any other brand rumoured to be linked to manufacturing our kit) store anywhere that I have travelled. (Apologies, I have seen Puma stores, but not with any football gear for sale).


    All the more reason for going with a brand that has a worldwide footprint such as Adidas or Nike. At least in that way, we are linked by association with Real, Chelsea, Man City etc.

  8. apparantly isheaquierry is worth 8m so how can wallace be the best left back and only worth 1 to 2 million? lol


    he is easily worth many times more than that. nearer 5 i would say. and isheaquierry is worth realistically around half of that.


    Aye, but you forgot about the Seville calculator rule, did you not!

  9. In absolute agreement with Sandy iro the vast majority of his comments. Love the comments about the traitors who deserted us in our time of need. He said: â??I think the players who left in the summer took advantage of the club.


    â??Iâ??m quite vociferous in my criticism of them and that was a huge disappointment.

    â??Everybody was making sacrifices and I got to see first hand what they were over the past year.

    â??When we set up the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund there were people sending in their pension along with young kids sending in their pocket money.

    â??It was hugely saddening to see certain players take advantage of the situation for their own personal gain.

    â??I donâ??t have to name them because they know, and all the fans know as well, who they are.


    I don't know if it is just a rumour or not, but I saw that McGregor is linked with a move in the summer to WBA for GBP4m. Rangers were the club who invested in him and developed him as a player, and for a club like Besiktas to benefit and we get nothing, is just wrong!

  10. What happened to the prize money withheld by the SPL?

    What happened to the UEFA money paid to the SFA for Jelavic's international appearances?

    What happened to the transfer fees received for Steven Davis?

    As newco paid the footbal debts on behalf of oldco, is this money due to newco, or will it go to paying oldco creditors?

    Will CG keep his word and not sign the Sky deal?

    When are we going to find out about the strip, corporate and stadium sponsorships?

    If the league is restructured and Rangers remain in the bottom division, does he intend to still increase season tickets?

    If so, how does the product on the field get improved to justify any increase i.e. will there be new signings, change of management philosophy etc.

  11. I expect the tribunal will find some loophole to find us guilty of something (anything) to justify this investigation.


    However, I don't expect any titles to be stripped as that would be akin to giving someone the death penalty for filling out their tax return incorrectly.


    The next few weeks are certainly going to be interesting. I don't think some of the usual suspects will survive what has happened but we'll see. :)


    Is this just your opinion Frankie, or do you have some inside information?

  12. Depends on how you determine competitive. Making the last 16 ? Hmmm, maybe. This is an oft-debated subject but SOME (not all admittedly) European nations make it easier to recruit that the UK does. Portugal for example has a bunch of nationalised Brazilians do they not ? It is also more difficult to get in top talent, given the 90-minute travel rule. Do we really have the money to take a kid on by giving his parents a house and a job (as clubs like Chelsea do) in the hopes he can make it ? And it seems that there is less talent in Scotland than before too. I shouldnt have said "cant be" more "unlikely to be" - and Celtic's current season success is more of an exception rather than rule is it not, much like our 2008 UEFA run ? Doesnt mean we shouldnt have ambitions to make it to the latter stages of these competitions, but it is increasingly more difficult to be so. As I said, this is an oft-debated topic which probably deserves its own thread.


    The ever-increasing financial gap between the bigger leagues in Europe make it ever-more difficult to compete. And the gap is only going to widen with the monies being thrown at the English game, and also given that it seems more and more players are chasing the money (which is fair enough).


    As I said, I think it is increasingly difficult to be competitive for many and varied reasons - but I do also agree that this should never, ever have us stifling our ambition.


    Personally, I think that the reason that Celtic are doing well in Europe this year is that they are able to play their reserves (or at very least rotate their top players) in SPL matches knowing that as we are not there, there is no real competition. Had we been there, they would not have been able to take chances on dropping points and would have been compelled to play the bulk of their main men most of the time.

  13. If CG is serious about international branding opportunities, then we need to go with Adidas! In my mind, Puma would be a poor second and anything outside of these options will not achieve the original objective. Any monetary advantage in the short term should almost be irrelevant, particularly as we are basically debt free and have had the successful share offering. We need to take a longer term view and look to establish Rangers as an international brand, which is going to be difficult enough for as long as we continue playing in the Scottish leagues.

  14. I can't see how it won't go through:

    1. All current SPL teams will vote in favour

    2. At the very least, the top teams in the division one will want to ensure that if they are promoted and then relegated, they will get the parachute payment. Therefore will vote ''Aye".

    3. Third division teams will be delirious for the chance to play against Rangers twice next season again. I read earlier on that it is estimated that from the Rangers ''windfall'' they have already earned more than they had earned over the past three seasons. A second year of playing against us would really keep the wolf from the door during the hard times that are sure to hit Scottish football.


    The only discenting voices could be those teams in Div 2, who would lose out on playing against the Rangers next season.


    Does anyone categorically know the number of votes that would be required to prevent this from happening?

  15. McCarthy is a very good comparison, however, I do think that MacLeod could have the potential to be an even better player, due to his box-to-box style and the goal scoring threat that he will develop with maturity. McCarthy does play in a central mid position, but generally plays more of the holding role. I think that Hutton could drop back further and ultimately play central defence. He has the physical ability to do this, and having that little bit of extra time on the ball, could assist his passing game.

  16. We will win this league at a canter, but to expect that the youngsters currently being blooded are not going to have periods of inconsistency is unrealistic. They have all had some very good moments todate, McKay in particular adding pace and creativity, but at some point mistakes will be made and confidence lost. Personally, I don't see us beating Gretna's record, but delighted if I am proven wrong!

  17. "However, he doesn’t know if he will ever be able to walk through the front door at Ibrox again after leaving the club in the summer."


    The answer is quite simple Steven - you will never be able to walk through the front door again. Do you want to know why Steven? Like so many other supporters, we were living our lives vicariously through you. A good Ayrshire bluenose from Stewarton, living the dream of playing for Rangers. All it would have taken was transferring across and obtaining a (vastly reduced) transfer fee for the club when it was at it's lowest ebb. No one supporter would have blamed you for wanting to play at a much higher level, we all understand that, but you chose to leave us for 30 pieces of silver exclusively for your own benefit. That's why Steven, we will never forgive you for the ultimate betrayal and why you will never, ever be welcome to enter Ibrox again.

  18. Having worked with a number of hedge funds over the years (in fact my previous company was bought out by a hedge fund), these guys always have an investment horizon. In my case there strategy was maximise the profits out of the company for a five year period, and thereafter sell their shareholding to other investors. To be fair, the dividends were only paid out after taking into account any working capital, capex or potential investment required over the following 12 months, but then again, there is a massive difference between an insurance company and Rangers Football Club.


    We really need to ensure that supporters are taking up as much of the initial investment on offer and possibly also obtain committment that we are given first option of sale of shares at the end of the investment horizon. This is the only way in which we can control the financial destiny of the club.

  19. We believe that the stance taken by Rangers brings them into disrepute in respect of the Scottish Cup. We therefore call on the SFA to act strongly, in particular by stating that the normal competition rules in respect of an equal split of gate money do not apply in this case and that all revenues should be retained by Dundee United.

    No worries Dundee Utd, keep the income from your 5,000 attendance, and I am sure that you will have no objection in Rangers keeping 100% of the income in the event of a replay at Ibrox where we will have 50,000 fans!

  20. Ultimately this is a personal decision and many supporters will end up taking their hard earned cash to Dundee Utd irrespective of a call for a boycott. The justification is that Rangers will still get a share of the gate receipts. My view on this is that Thompson was probably the head cheerleader for the punishments to be metted out to us. On that basis alone, I would not attend the game, but I would take the money that I would have spent on the trip to Dundee (travel costs, food, booze, ticket) and spend it at the Megastore! However, I fully respect the right of every individual to take the action that they believe to be appropriate.

  21. In South Africa, all of the top Rugby stadiums have sold naming rights, and this has probably been the case for the past 10 years or so. I don't know of a single supporter who uses the commercial name - it is always Loftus, or Kings Park or Newlands. The only time the commercial name is used is within the media. For me, although I hate messing with tradition, I would take the money (if it was a serious amount) and still always refer to the stadium as Ibrox. In all honesty can you imagine any punter saying '' I'm away doon tae Sports Direct Arena"? No chance.

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