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Everything posted by JTP

  1. Pity one of the heads didn't have Easedale's hair or they would find themselves in court tomorrow. The item is out of stock online, let's hope it's been pulled rather than flew out of the warehouse.
  2. So 'new' I bet he was one of the ones insisting we paid our 'old' football debt.
  3. Just another excuse for that rat Thompson to play the hatred card.
  4. Good shout. Tell you what DB I will use my works email and fire one in for you just now. Edit: Submitted.
  5. Tell you what mate, IF I win it and I somehow don't want it ............ then you will be my first option .........
  6. Still does the meet and greet in the lounges at games. Well he did last season anyway when I was there one week. I asked him one question "who was the best you ever played with" his reply was quick and easy "Gazza". I knew it was going to be Gazza or Laudrup but he was also good mates with Gazza, I'm sure it was he who organised McLaren's testimonial and brought Boro up for it etc
  7. Agreed, he loved an interview at the start aswell. Maybe he's currently at home with his feet on his new sports direct rug drinking from his big sports direct mug.
  8. Sssshhhhh I'm not for receiving "why didn't you just buy shares" .....
  9. My post was in jest mate ................... I'm from Castlemilk haha
  10. What difference would it have made had he done a "whistle stop tour for two weeks" to engage with fans?
  11. JTP

    Reaction today

    It's time to act. With our feet and money. I'm no good at organising but I'll support those who attempt something.
  12. Someone please merge this and the Ashley thread I'm jumping between both for updates ............
  13. We sold a strip to every human on the planet .......... therefore by percentage of sales per the contract we are owed £122.19
  14. His plan must have anticipated this, maybe his big play has yet to happen and he's merely poking the fire at present. Clutching at straws perhaps ............
  15. Just curious as it appears Ashley can only own 10% and does so by just under this, yet he seems to have the power to vote in the way which only benefits him. Thus being Easdale and the "26%". Is it possible Ashley is in someway involved with a Laxey/BPH/Maragrita etc? They all have links to CG.
  16. Only this time next year we will be in this position less a badge, a stadium and a training facility. And the owner of those couldn't care if we go under because he can still make money from them.
  17. Well he already has the retail and the stadium naming rights. The badge it seems to follow. Maybe Ibrox and MP will follow ........... and the marble from the staircase ........ But don't worry we can rent them all back everything is fine.
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