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foggy dewhurst

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Posts posted by foggy dewhurst

  1. Well this has all really come out of the blue and makes a lot of us need to pause for a re-think.


    We have been told by every authority going that Rangers are not a special case and cannot be treated as such. in other words, the old "sporting integrity" line.


    After months of fighting a losing battle to get the rest of football to realise we were the innocent parties in a fradulent action by a crook at the bank and a crook of an owner, an action which has recently become the subject of an official investigation, our fans finally seemed to accept defeat and that we would need to adhere to the rules in place and start again at the bottom of the professional football ladder in Division 3.


    Our acceptance of this must have come as a total surprise to our enemies who probably never believed they would get this kind of result in their wildest dreams. It has meant that a major u-turn is now the order of the day, with the financial realities that they cannot live without our country's biggest and best club at the top of the food chain now hitting home, no doubt via club accountants and bank managers.


    Indeed, turkey's have never voted for Christmas, and it seems the other clubs have woken up from their envy-driven campaign to have us removed from football just in the nick of time to see they themselves would die if they see it through.


    It is now we should be jumping on the offensive IMO. Announce now that the deal being offered is now off the table and we will look to the SFL to allow us into Division 3 in time for the new season, unless our SPL share is transferred to our new corporate entity and our place in the SPL is accepted as before WITHOUT any further sanctions.


    We have been punished enough with the points deduction, loss of players, loss of a major slice of our income with the 3 year Euro exile and there is no doubt we will struggle to get ourselves financially viable over the next few seasons and therefore will probably not be as competitive as we would like to be.


    We say to the rest of Scottish football, no more. The line in the sand is drawn. You know how much Rangers bring into the game in this country, which subsidises the other clubs enormously. Either we stay in a fair and competitive league and you all stay solvent, or we go to Division 3 and you all can go to hell. If your lucky we will see you again in 3 years time if you have managed to survive.


    To hell with pandering to these hate-driven scumbags who think we owe them a living. If they open the door just a little and see a chink of light, we should batter down the door.


    old foggy could not have put it better well said lad .

  2. as i believe it the transfer ban was deemed a pointless excercise so will that mean the newco will be able to purchase players to play for us .

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