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foggy dewhurst

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Posts posted by foggy dewhurst

  1. You would have been well remembered and wished luck by pretty much everyone regardless of your decisions, but that statement changes everything.


    Just another footballer that doesn't care or have any respect for the fans.


    the boys only doing what we would all do looking after number one

  2. From Alistair Lamont:


    Lord Hodge orders inquiry into Duff and Phelps appointment as Rangers administrators.


    Lord Hodge : "I do not want the administration to come to an end without having received that report."


    The report demanded by Lord Hodge is expected to be ready in three weeks and a further court hearing is likely to be arranged after that.


    to little to late for my liking .

  3. why dont the rangers football club just get their application in to join the third tier and let our :friends: get on with plating in their very own premier league for the time being by the time we walk back in they wont have a pot to piss in .

  4. this morning i was watching a money show on cnn the main topic was that a million pound these days is :nothing: and it saddens me to see these so called rangers men not willing to make charles green an offer for the club that he will take and go back to yorkshire and his horses its so sad that thec lub will suffer because our so called rich would rather keep their money in the pocket rather than buying a great football club .

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