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Posts posted by Anchorman

  1. Does he not have an agent? If he does I would fire him for a dereliction of duty in not finding out what his client's future is. But my guess is that he knew full well he wasn't being given a new contract.

    Personally I wouldn't allow any player to wear a blue jersey who plucks his eyebrows :P. He looked like Dracula with a facelift!

  2. First of all I'd imagine that a safe-standing section - while agreeable - is low down the list of priorities of the club. Perhaps in 3-5 years but I doubt it will happen sooner.


    I don't see why it should be low in priorities. I know plenty of people who stopped going because the old football fan feeling wasn't there any more. No atmosphere. They want people through the gates. That would bring plenty I would bet. I for one would want to stand rather than sit - in a heartbeat.

  3. on another note - has Lee Wallace commented on his future with us or otherwise? He had stated he didn't fancy another year in the championship. It's not an open invite to state whether you think he is shite or great (although I expect this request to fall on deaf ears). It really is - has anyone heard what his plans are?


    I wasn't let down there. Nobody knows then

  4. on another note - has Lee Wallace commented on his future with us or otherwise? He had stated he didn't fancy another year in the championship. It's not an open invite to state whether you think he is shite or great (although I expect this request to fall on deaf ears). It really is - has anyone heard what his plans are?

  5. We should never be afraid of questioning everything happening at our club, we need to be questioning things all the time.


    Agreed, when it's done with parity. The problem is that there are some who are constantly criticising and waiting for failure, and they hide behind "never being afraid of questioning" (I dont include you in that. They know who they are.).

  6. You're an over-sensitive wee rager where Dave King is concerned and have been since before he took control. If you can't accept that others have doubts about certain things or will ask questions then you are going to have a few more purple face moments in the future.


    What have i got to be raging about? Dave and his gang in control despite all your best wishes? Looking good from my window. :coolio:

  7. BH makes a valid point. I am confident our manager knows what he is doing though.


    It might be valid if the boys proves to be no good, but England have just included 2 boys in their squad who were playing non-league not long ago. I don't think BH was trying to be impartial - I think he knows full well where he was coming from.

  8. If asking you to acknowledge the flaws in what you posted is me being difficult, then so be it.

    That is not something which can be planned.


    I don't recall you pointing out flaws, merely seeking clarification. But don't bother as this thread already has the 3 witches round the pot trying to cast a spell on Dave King. You would almost think you want failure for the new board rather than success for the team. Well the news is the board ain't going anywhere so start brewing your potion you girls. :merlin:

  9. I hope you're right about that - we'll see when his agent hears what sort of a wage we'll be offering.


    Warburton will know what the guys are on roughly and he will know more than anyone how the 'money game' works given his background. He has stated he wants young guys who show a real hunger, not greed. If they show signs of greed he will show them the door. It will tell him all he needs to know.

    Lets not forget what he is trying to produce, and what his ethos is. He makes no apologies about wanting to turn us into a selling club. He wont offer young guys the earth at Rangers. He will offer them the chance to make a name for themselves if they have hunger and desire to go on to the big money stage. And he will keep trying to bring through young hungry players for us. I'm happy with that.

  10. I shall try again....


    Rangers trailed Hearts by 13 points at the start of January 2015 and were reduced to going for the play-offs. If they find themselves in a similar position one year later how does Dave's plan work then?


    I shall try again also (and try to ignore your hint of sarcasm about 'Dave's plan' which clearly shows why you aren't getting this - because you don't want to).


    don't forget what Dave King said, which makes much more sense now. Strengthen the squad now and re-assess what you need during the January transfer window.


    If we are trailing by 13 points for example, he has said on record that, if need be, in the January window he will spend what it takes to win us the league. By the same respect if we are winning it in a canter, he can go for players in the January window that can supplement a good (probably predominantly British squad) with maybe a bit more flair from overseas so that we can maybe make an impact on our first season back in the Premier. It's not difficult (unless you are in the 'difficult' business) so I won't elaborate any more or I will send everyone to sleep.

  11. Hearts had the league sewn up by January last season. How does that scenario work then?


    I just explained it. Here you are again.

    Strengthen the squad now and re-assess what you need during the January transfer window. It may well be very difficult just now to persuade foreign players to come based on where we are, but come January if you have got the league and a cup run in your sights it may well be much easier to entice a foreign player with Premier League football in a few months time or the chance of Europe.
  12. This guy is coming because he wants to work with Warburton, which is great, and even better that Warburton wants to work with him (better than buying players on the strength of videos). British players are also well aware that with Rangers they could play in Europe within a year or two whereas they could go their whole career without that prospect in England. They understand where we are and why, and are willing to accept it for future gain.

    While I agree we should be spreading our net further afield than the English Championship, don't forget what Dave King said, which makes much more sense now. Strengthen the squad now and re-assess what you need during the January transfer window. It may well be very difficult just now to persuade foreign players to come based on where we are, but come January if you have got the league and a cup run in your sights it may well be much easier to entice a foreign player with Premier League football in a few months time or the chance of Europe.

  13. I don't generally discuss rumours about players as the rumour-mill is something that rarely proves worthy. Suffice to say that I know I am not going to know much, if anything, about any of our signings this summer and I will reserve judgement until the first competitive game of the season, although by then of course our new recruits will be either world-beaters or diddies based entirely on 3 or 4 pre-season games according to a large number of our online fans.


    What are you insinuating? That we get it wrong? We could see within a couple of months that McCoist and Hateley for example would never make it.

  14. Did they wait for the fullback to run 60 yards in order to take a throw in?

    Did they have 11 men in the box defending corners?

    Did they turn direct free kicks in front of goal into indirect 3 touch ones blootered into the wall or onrushing opponent?

    Did they have to pass the ball 6 times sideways and twice backwards before it could be passed forward?

    Did they have to have a minimum of 6 players playing out of position?

    No to any of those would be a flying start!!


    You just done your 'badges' at Inverkeithing :P?

  15. We all know MacLeod and Wilson are both good players and I couldn't complain about having either of them back at the right price.
    So what is your point caller?


    Personally I hope that Warburton has a bit more imagination than many Rangers fans and the Scottish press.

    You really think Warburton has listened to fans and the Scottish press in considering Wilson? I feel quite sad at times reading this brain numbing stuff. Davie Weir mentored the guy and has always rated him highly http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/editor-s-picks/davie-weir-is-backing-danny-wilson-to-shine-1.1042778

    Why was that so difficult to work out? Blaming Warburton? I despair with our 'fans' at times. No, often actually.

  16. If warburton and weir sign him we'll just have to trust that they think they can improve him


    A 23 year old left footed CB with quite a lot of experience available on a free might be few and far between right now.


    I don't think he's dominant or "hard" enough but he may well develop with the right coaching.


    Agree 100% with that summation and it fits with everything Warburton says he looks for.


    On another note, I don't care if he was signed for Vatican Victoria from St Bernadettes Boys Club. I have learned from Mo Johnston and Neil McCann that the roars are even louder when they score against that mob. And neither of them could be faulted for their effort against Selik.

  17. can stomach a lot of things but a celtic fan captain of rangers! no thanks


    From that it would be fair to say if we were both in for him he would choose them? Well let's hope that is the case and see which way he chooses. Steven' Smith's dad is a Celtic fan, but even at under 21 level young Steven would nearly take the door off it's hinges when he got home, such was his delight at beating them.

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